The more the family stands in the high position, the more they value reputation.

And the seven major families that ruled the five countries have reached a culmination of their emphasis on reputation.

In these thousand years, the number of national wars among the seven major families for reputation has been no less than a hundred, and the casualties caused are even more numerous.

There are even dozens of monarchs who died because of their reputation.

There are more than a dozen monarchs who wield swords to kill themselves because of their reputation.

These are only recorded in history books.

Speaking of it, I am not a person who pays great attention to reputation. Otherwise, I would not go to the ancient tombs to steal treasures, or openly choose my family in front of my family and righteousness.

All these prove from the side that I am not a person with fancy reputation.

All over the Hefeng Continent, there are few people like me who still don't care about reputation.

But there are countless people of the same background as me who don’t care about fame.

The reason for this is that I was born as a child in a mountain village, relying on slash-and-burn cultivation, fruit picking and hunting for a living. Although I am not hungry and full, my life is definitely not that easy.

But it is very fulfilling.

Like me, food and clothing can be maintained, but other than that, the village civilians who have almost no other entertainment projects have no idea about reputation.

Don't talk about me, even the elders in the village don't know anything about it.

It sounds incredible, but in fact, most civilians are the same as the elders in the village, or mine.

Moreover, the lives of common people living in many towns are far worse than those of us who lived in mountain villages at that time.

Although we don’t have any entertainment, we will not be taxed, nor will we need to bribe officials with spoils.

The coins are in our place, and they have the same status as the beautiful collectibles. Only when the occasional businessmen passing by come to our mountain village to rest, those shiny coins are effective.

Travelers will use the gadgets in their pockets to attract the attention of children, and then deceive the shiny coins.

Of course, there are some more conscientious, who will exchange goods of equal value for coins used by children for play.

However, whether they are conscientious businessmen or unscrupulous businessmen, they are just like us, and they don't care about reputation.

Opposite us are those nobles, officials, great nobles, and royal families who are well-dressed and noble.

Generally speaking, nobles pay more attention to reputation.

In the eyes of ordinary people, they are powerful and wealthy noble lords, and they cannot be easily provoked.

In fact, the nobles think so too.

With money, power, and power, they will naturally pursue what they don't have yet, that is, reputation.

The vast majority of nobles who pursue fame do not really care about fame, they just want to make their lives more perfect.

Of course, there is also a part, it is like being flattered.

There is also a small group of nobles who don't care about reputation or reputation, they just think about their happiness.

Therefore, they are abducted and deceived, bullied, bullied men and women, and some even deliberately make their reputations stinky, just because it looks more prestigious.

Of course, not all the nobles who discredit their reputation are subjective, and there is a small group of people who are really out of money at home. In order to get enough food and clothing, they have to appear in front of everyone as a wicked person, extorting, abuse, and assault. , Constantly smearing his reputation.

In contrast, most officials care about reputation. In their view, a good reputation can make the official journey smoother.

So even a guy with a black heart will do the surface work properly and properly, it can be said that while guarding a good reputation, while doing black things.

Regardless, there are some officials who disdain such things as reputation. They pride themselves on being a lone minister, and never take into account the feelings of other officials, because there is only one person they want to be loyal to, and that is the monarch.

Although such officials are easily cast aside by others, they are unexpectedly popular with monarchs. Even if they return home, they can probably spend their old age in peace.

Compared with officials who guard their reputation carefully, the nobles don't take things like reputation very seriously.

They are in the second place in the state authority. They are not as high as the royal family, but higher than the officials. They do not need to be too concerned about what they do, and they have little chance to contact the common people, so they will not be unearthed much of the dark history.

And what if it is unearthed?

Depending on their status, some of their subordinates will take the initiative to wipe off the stains for them.

Therefore, some people say that the most comfortable life in Hefeng Continent is this group of high-ranking nobles who are not concerned by people, except for the uninhibited mountains and wild people.

Having said that, the life of the great nobles is not as easy and comfortable as imagined. In fact, most of the great nobles will warn the younger generations not to be arrogant, let alone bully, because they are in the circle of their activities. , Often encounter royal children, and once there is a conflict with a seemingly inconspicuous royal child, it is very likely that the next day, the entire family will be destroyed.

The children of the royal family are more terrifying than the little noble children who bully others. The arrogance of the latter is shown on the face, while the arrogance of the former is hidden behind the gentle smile.

In order to prevent the family from being easily destroyed by the royal family, many great nobles also began to put their reputation on their foreheads, with the goal of making the royal family cast a rat-and-treat.

After all, killing a large noble family with a good reputation will be criticized by the people.

Finally, it's about the royal family.

In fact, many people in the royal family are eager to be able to live a life of freedom, sloppyness, and happiness, like the children of the little nobles.

But the problem is that no matter what they think, reality will not allow them to do so.

Because they are a royal family, a group of people representing the country, even if they do not have the right to inherit, they must show the elegance, kindness, and kindness of the royal family, and make the people feel kind, so as to win the respect of the people and obtain the extreme High reputation.

It sounds hypocritical, but they have to do it.

All for the family.

Born to the royal family, even if lucky, it is sad.

And like Kagali, the children of the royal family who have the right to inherit the throne, have been instilled in the thinking concept that reputation is more than anything.

Although later, rebellious, she escaped from the palace, formed a guild, formed gangs, and fell in love with me.

But she still cares very much about reputation.

Mainly reflected in her kindness and impulse.

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