After one night.

Early the next morning, the annoying Dasai city messenger, who looked like a gooey sugar, once again blocked our way and once again offered to talk to Princess Kagali.

Although I was very upset, I couldn't refuse his request.

However, before I could speak, one of the people in the crowd spoke first, with a sharp voice and a bad tone: "Are you annoying? Are you annoying! For three days in a row, I have been looking for our house Kagali every day, what are you? Mean? Did you fall in love with us Kagali?"

The messenger first stared at the speaker earnestly for a while, and after confirming that it should not be someone in a high position, his expression changed transiently, and said gloomily: "Princess Kagali and I are talking about national issues and major issues related to people's livelihood. , What right do you have to say here?"

Although his words sounded high-sounding, when I heard them, I was not happy.

Hey, hello, you have been talking to my fiancée endlessly for three days, but I didn’t say anything. Now some people in my guild are not pleasing to your eyes. Please express your own opinions. If you listen silently, Just bear it honestly, it's nothing more, dare to say nothing?

What are the qualifications to be here?

This is not something you, a messenger who asks for help!

With a sneer, I said: "Just because she is a member of the Fearless Guild, she is qualified to take care of this."

After that, turning to Liu Yu who was angry, I smiled and said, "You said what I have not said in the past few days, thank you."

Liu Yu looked uncomfortable, hugged his arms and snorted.

Beside, Yang Kuo smiled bitterly, helpless.

I turned my head, stared at the messenger who was still waiting, and said lightly: "Okay, I don't care whether you are out of selfishness or righteousness, but you have repeatedly talked to my fiancée, which constitutes harassment. In Moonlight City, harassing the family of the elders is a felony, but I can treat it as if you didn't know before. The so-called ignorant is not guilty. I will spare you this time. Let's go and leave Moonlight City."

"I am the messenger!"

The messenger looked furious and emphasized.

"I know you are a messenger, but you have violated Moonlight City laws and stayed longer than the maximum length of stay. In other words, if you never leave Moonlight City, I will have the right to steal state secrets. Charge, sent you to prison."

"Choose, are you sent to prison or leave Moonlight City?"

The messenger breathed fire in his eyes, staring at me, clenched his fists, as if to crush something.

"Don't speak?" I sneered three times and said, "Well, since you don't speak, then I will choose for you."

Having said that, I turned to Zach and said: "Contacting the defensive team, it said that someone wanted to steal state secrets, without trial and investigation, and was directly punished on the crime of spying.


Zach glanced at the messenger coldly, turned and left.


Finally, the messenger spoke.

I patted Zac on the shoulder, and he stopped.

"Your choice?"

Looking at the messenger coldly, I asked in a low voice.

"I leave."

The messenger seemed to have made a great determination, hard way.

Afterwards, he looked at Kagali with complicated and pitiful eyes: "His Royal Highness, please...don't chill the hearts of the people."

After all, I left quickly, and when I left, I didn't forget to wipe the corner of my eye with my cuff.

Looking at the back of the messenger leaving, I sneered and said, "Ha, I really know how to act."

While I was talking, I squeezed out a stack of papers from my pocket, unfolded it, handed it to Kagali, and said, "Look, this is his personal information, noble, although I have never done anything to bully men and women. , But secretly, there is also an inseparable relationship with underground organizations, and they are the kind of people who ignore the survival of the people."

"Hmph, the more you talk about the righteous, the colder your heart becomes."

Liu Yu sneered at the side.

After reading the note once, Kagali's face was pale, and she took a deep breath, handed the note back to me, and said, "I know what to do."

In the days that followed, that messenger really never showed up once, most likely he returned to China.

But he does not show up, but it does not mean that others will not show up either.

From time to time, people dressed up as vendors will stop our team, hoping to talk to Princess Kagali.

If you are in Dasai City, this kind of thing is not uncommon, after all, Dasai City is an open country with relatively few rules.

But this is Moonlight City, a country with many rules, including the civilian aristocracy, and it is not allowed to block the roads of royal members.

Although Kagali was not a member of Moonlight City's royal family, because she was my fiancee and I was appointed as a member of Moonlight City's royal family by default, Kagali also became a member of Moonlight City's royal family, which happened to meet this rule.

Ever since, I logically sent these guys who were blocking the way to prison.

The charge is not serious, blocking the royal road, but the nature is bad, because they are blocking the elder's fiancee.

So after entering jail, I didn't even need to say hello, the jailer was very conscious and greeted them warmly.

I haven't seen the specific process, but it seems that several famous doctors have been sent to prison.

After this, no one dared to stop our team.

The informant said that after the envoy of Dasai City returned, he was severely criticized by the old duke, but he did not make any substantial punishment. It seems that he will probably be used again in the future.

Not long after that, the old duke sent a call, contacted me, and told me some nice scenes, and said that the orc king and the orc queen missed their daughter very much and hoped to reunite their families, even if it was just a meeting Also good.

Upon hearing this, I chuckled and said I agreed.

But at the same time, I have a request that the meeting place cannot be in Dasai City, but should be selected outside Dasai City. The specific location, I have the final say.

Although the old duke expressed strong dissatisfaction with this, he reluctantly agreed due to my tough attitude.

Hang up the call and go home.

Telling this matter to Kagali, Kagali said she was very confused. Isn't this a move?

I shook my head and said, "Not only is the sheep entering the tiger's mouth, but he may also make some more despicable backs, for example, taking advantage of the opportunity of the national war to kill your father and queen and mother and queen on the way back."

"Then I would rather not meet them!" Kagali said bluntly.

"No, you have to meet, this is for your family's reputation."

"What does this have to do with family reputation?"

"Parents are imprisoned, missing their children, and eager to see them. If they don't see them, your people will think that you are a low-hearted person."

"But you just said that if you meet, my parents will be in danger!"

"Yes, I said."

Kagali looked at me with weird eyes: "Then what do you mean?"

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