I informed Kagali of the specific ideas.

After hearing my plan, Kagali neither agreed nor opposed, but looked at me with strange eyes.

It seems to be asking me: can it really work?

To be honest, I don't know whether it will work or not, but I can only say that it is a try and it is best.

Kagali asked me again, what should I do if it fails?

I thought for a while and told her: "If I don't succeed, I will take everyone away from home, find an island, and enjoy the rest of my life."

One week passed quickly.

I took Kagali, boarded the magic airship, and drove towards Dasai City.

It landed a few kilometers away from the border of Dasai City, and then joined the dwarven guild members who came quickly and established a temporary stronghold.

An hour later, an army formed by the orcs came to this side mightily, headed by the old duke, beside him, there were the orc king and the orc queen.

I couldn't see much from a distance, but when I took a closer look, I suddenly realized that the orc king and the orc queen were much more emaciated than they were in the past.

But the mental state is very good.

When Kagali saw her parents, she couldn't contain her tears and excitement. She shed tears and threw herself into the arms of her parents.

At the same time, I stepped forward to make progress, stopped when I was a few meters away from the old duke, and said in a deep voice: "It's so boring to see the family reunion with others, walk around?"

The old prince uttered an ‘um’, without a guard, and walked away with me alone.

"You said you are too, how old are you, still greedy for power, and you are not afraid of being eaten by power?"

"Power is an addiction. The more you have it, the more you want to have it."

This time, the old duke did not justify, but said to himself: "Don't you have a desire and pursuit of power?"

"No" I shook my head and said, "You should know that even if I am deprived of the post of prime minister, I am happy that I am not still living?"

The old prince snorted and said leisurely: "You still have the position of a foreign elder, and you are also the son of Master Dewey. Only these two identities have put you on the pinnacle of power."

"My happiest time was not to be an elder of a foreign race, nor to be made a prime minister, nor to be recognized as a righteous son by Master Dewey, but the carefree time in Ere City."

"Haha" The old prince chuckled twice, full of mockery in his laughter.

"You do not believe?"

I ask.

The old prince grinned and asked, "Do you believe it?"

"I believe it" I said, "Because this is what I said, because this is what I say in my heart."

"Well, let's not forget it," the old duke said: "But now, don't you still need power to protect your woman?"

After the old prince said, he glanced specifically in Kagali's direction.

"Yes" I said: "But not absolutely, even if I don't have the right and the Dwarf Guild won't help me, I still have a way to prevent you from taking my Kagali."

After pondering for a moment, the old duke asked: "You mean, the apostle?"

"Yes," I said, "This time, I contacted the apostles and they will come later."

Hearing this, the old duke looked solemn and said with a gloomy face: "You called the apostle to kill me, or are you planning to destroy Dasai City?"

"Obviously, neither situation exists" I said: "I called the apostle to come here to protect my father-in-law and mother-in-law. After all, the distance from here to the territory of Cyberjaya is not short."

Hearing this, the old duke's expression became more gloomy.

It seems that I was right.

Not long after, another magic airship slowly landed, and on the airship, two people in long robes came down.

Although the visitor wore a long robe, he was slim and slim and looked like a female.

They got off the airship and walked towards me for the first time.

As they walked, some Darcy City adventurers wanted to stop drinking, but after opening their mouths for a long time, they suddenly realized that there was no sound. What was even more frightening was that they couldn't even move.

The old duke's face was somber as ink, his old eyes fixed on the incoming person, his body kept fighting.

"Come?" I asked.

"Come" a clear voice sounded, it was Shilock's voice.

Di Ruiji didn't say a word, but seemed to follow the class, closely following Shilock.

I smiled, turned my head to look at the old duke, and said, "Look, the temporary bodyguard I hired is here."

The old prince was silent for a long while, raising his foot to leave.

"Wait a minute" I said: "It won't delay you a lot of things, right?"

As soon as the voice fell, I saw the old duke's face full of horror-he was also unable to speak and move like the adventurers who blocked him.

"Let’s talk again, let’s talk again." I smiled and said, "Actually, I really appreciate you. Really, as a hero, you really meet all the conditions of a hero, but as a courtier, You are not a qualified minister."

"In my opinion, the real power minister should not usurp the throne, but should use his own ideas to convince and impress the monarch, and it is best for the monarch to identify with himself and even consider himself a confidant."

"Maybe you would say that the monarchs are lonely and have no confidants at all, but I want to say that you are wrong, you are really wrong, and the wrong is quite outrageous."

Looking at the resentful old prince, I continued: "The monarch needs a confidant, and a confidant will be more gentle than a confidant. Besides, if the monarch’s confidant is a wise person, then the monarch His rule will also become wise, and the people under his hands will be wise and clear."

"Actually, you only need to think about it a little bit to figure out the key points," I said: "After all, you have been in politics for so many years, you should be able to summarize many different types of political methods."

"But you did not choose to be a powerful official, but a powerful man. You want to replace it. You even intend to take this opportunity to get rid of your majesty and his wife. This is no longer just a simple man. Promoted to be a frenzied hero."

Smiling, I squatted down, picked up a few grasses from the ground, and said, "In fact, since the beginning, I know your thoughts. You plan to use the miserable status quo in Cyberjaya to coax Kagali back to China. After all, she is a A straightforward girl, kind and warm-hearted, and a stubborn personality. Once I look for it, no matter how I persuade, she will definitely return to Dasai City. As long as the front foot enters Dasai City, you can catch her with the back foot. And imprisoned."

"For the sake of nights and dreams, if I'm not wrong, after being imprisoned, you will threaten her to marry one of your juniors in the shortest time possible by fame, and directly break the relationship between me and Kagali, and save me. Carrie's reason is completely cut off, is that so, Lord Regent?"

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