The disaster, from beginning to end, was regarded by the humans on the Hefeng Continent as a scourge.

Killing lives, destroying households, and even destroying the world, creating a series of scenes, scenes, terrifying tragedies.

Some disasters are natural disasters that cannot be avoided.

Some disasters are unavoidable man-made disasters.

There are also disasters, which are caused by persecution.

The apostle is one of the disasters caused by persecution.

Many apostles are innocent by nature and do not like to fight with humans, but they are regarded by humans as a great threat. If they cannot eliminate the seal, it is equivalent to seeking destruction.

As I mentioned, human beings have never thought of communicating with the apostles. They only regard the apostles as a threat. No, it should be said that they regard all uncontrollable forces as a threat.

The apostles who were put into the ranks of disasters are naturally feared by mankind, no matter how good they behave, even if they are bound by the treaty of peaceful coexistence, mankind still fears them.

This is from instinct in the bones.

And fear is one of many factors that cause impulse.

Because of this, Saran would be worried. Once human beings attack the apostles out of fear, but they are killed by the apostles, it is easy to give others a handle and be taken this opportunity to promote the apostolic harm theory, or force me to submit or persecute me. I draw a line with the apostle, or persecute me to cut the apostle...In short, there are some means by the despicable people, and the fools who are deceived will always follow them as they wish.

Faced with this situation, if I use thunder means to punish the leader, I may have a moment of peace, but it will not last long, because the image of the apostle in the minds of the people is too distorted, and they cannot believe that the apostle can live with them in peace unless Their souls have changed.

I don't have such clever means, let alone me, even the apostle can't do it.

So the only thing I can do is to try my best to persuade the apostle not to be in chaos, and not to be impulsive, otherwise it will cause chaos.

Obviously, the apostle was still very obedient.

For at least these few days, I haven't heard anything about the apostle's murder, and the orc king and the orc queen also returned to the mansion safely.

But the old duke was very upset, after all, the plan did not succeed, and he was still helpful.

But what does this have to do with me?

I am not a fan of the old duke.

For the next week, it was fairly peaceful.

Kagali did not make any fuss anymore, nor did she sit in a daze. After all, she had just met her parents, which was a relief from the pain of family thinking.

The old prince was also honest and didn't dare to move, probably because the apostle's methods that day made him clearly understand that his ability is in front of the real strong, and it is not a fart.

However, the parties involved, the two apostles, after finishing their bodyguard missions, sneaked into Moonlight City late at night, followed the chimney, sneaked into my house, stood on the edge of the sofa, and looked at me.

If it weren't for my nerves, I would still be tough, and I would have been frightened and nervous.

After getting off the sofa and coming to the courtyard, I had a long conversation with the two apostles.

In the meantime, Xiaozhi wanted to come forward to meet two strange friends, but was pulled back by Salen.

Seren's performance was extremely wonderful, it shivered vigorously, as if getting an electric shock, while covering its head, just didn't want the apostle to notice him.

However, his ‘outstanding’ performance really attracted the apostle’s attention, Shilock, with a smirk on his face, leaned forward, staring at Seren first, and then suggested, do you want to eat a grilled pterodactyl?

These words scared Seren enough, and in the end, it was Di Ruiji who told her to stop making trouble.

Ignoring the naughty Shilock, DiRigi told me a lot of interesting things.

Di Ruiji told me that under the Gobi between Dasai City and Ai Rui City, there are several powerful magical fluctuations hidden, which should be the fluctuations from the seals that are not much different from the two of them.

The seal that can be similar to the magic wave emitted by the seal of the seal apostle must seal some powerful existence, right?

Di Ruiji shook his head and said that she didn't know, but it was certain that the existence below was at least a high-level disaster.

In other words, it may be either a high-level disaster or a top-level disaster... It sounds different, but in reality, it seems that there is not much difference. It can easily destroy many cities and towns, and it is very harmful to humans. Cause a great threat.

When I was thinking about it, Di Ruiji asked me, what do I plan to do?

I am puzzled, what should I do?

Di Ruiji explained again. She asked what to do and how to deal with these seals. According to her words, these seals have been loosened. It is estimated that it will not be long before the monsters below will break out. .

After listening, I said I didn't care.

It's not that I'm poor by nature, I really can't do anything.

Even if I told the story to the old duke and Carter Horton, these two might not take it seriously, and even thought I was sensational.

If I say that these are all told by the apostle, the result will be even worse. I believe that it will not be long before there will be public opinion against me. Not only will it not solve the problem, it will also bring me and the people close to me. Get involved.

Instead of this, it is better to wait for the seal to be broken, the old duke and others taste the trouble, and then rescue.

When I told Di Ruiji what I thought, Di Ruiji did not say anything, just quietly looked towards the sky.

The two apostles did not leave until dawn.

I just stood up, stretched my waist, and went back to catch up.

Except for these two apostles, the performance of the other apostles was pretty good.

Anthun was still floating on the sea, and according to his words, he felt more and more like an island of freedom.

Luke and Master Dewey and his scientific team have made new breakthroughs in the field of science. Although this breakthrough is small, even the smallest one is still a breakthrough.

Today, the puppets they have created can solve the tasks they issued in a smarter way.

Before that, Luke could also do this, but the cores of the puppets he made were all made of special ore, which was not only expensive but also very rare.

It's different now, he only needs to use the ore that has good guidance to magic to complete this operation.

In this way, Silent City will no longer be silent...There will be a lot of puppets with souls playing with the naughty Becky.

Speaking of Becky, I have to say that this little girl has been completely happy since arriving on the island that belongs to Luke.

Let’s not talk about chasing rabbits and chasing foxes. Recently, I have confided a group of wild wolves on the island to the discipline. During the period, they used wild wolves as bullets and shot them into the sea with a slingshot. Fortunately, it was not the deep sea and did not run rampant. The monsters, and the sea is not too shallow, enough to play a buffering role, which made the group of wild wolves survived.

After that, the wild wolves saw Becky, all of them sifting chaff, dripping urine.

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