Becky's naughty is well-known in the Devildom, otherwise she would not be given the title of'Naughty Becky'.

Similar to Becky's mischievous behavior is the group of sea races that I brought back.

During this week, I was fortunate enough to be invited to visit Longfoot Rotes' underwater palace.

The palace of Rotes was originally funded and built by the Naga tribe. Although it was far less magnificent than the palace of the Naga tribe, it was equally magnificent.

But now, the appearance of this castle I see is completely different from the appearance when it was just completed.

Mottled steps, collapsed city walls, gravel all over the floor, and broken statues... What kind of castle palace is this, it is simply a relic of the deep sea!

Frowning, I glared at Lotters, but didn't know how to open my mouth.

After a long while, Rotes said: Do evil.

To ask why this is said, I have to talk about it when I brought back the Demon Sea Clan.

In other words, the prosperity of the Demon Realm's land in the past was not much inferior to that of the Hefeng Continent, but the development of the Sea Clan was far inferior to that of the Hefeng Continent.

The reason is that it is said that the magic value content in the seawater of the Demon World is extremely low, which leads to the long and low level of the sea clan’s wisdom. With the addition of terrestrial species hunting, the clan excels in the clan and can still survive. Very few.

It wasn't until Long Feet Rotes first appeared and was named an apostle that the Demon Sea Clan could grow up normally.

Rotes is a kind-hearted apostle, and he has a strong restraint on desires, which leads him to seldom miss foreign objects. Basically, he stays somewhere in the sea every day, either sleeping, eating, or continuing to sleep. , Living almost the same life every day.

It had also seen castles and palaces on land at that time, but that said, he didn’t care about foreign objects. Because of this character, he didn’t bother to build castles and the like. Anyway, with his physical fitness , Find any place, even if it is a marble tile surface, it is a soft and comfortable bed for him.

There is a saying that there is something good at the top, and the bottom will work.

Rotes is like this, his group of post-minded men naturally don't care much about the living environment.

Although the living environment looks messy, but after all, there is no worries about food and clothing, and there is no offender, so life is still very happy.

As Lotters was transferred to the Hefeng Continent, and nearly survived, dormant to this day, and after another Poseidon crusade, he may have a yearning for the Poseidon’s living environment, or it may be necessary. Follow the customs, since he has already lived in the deep sea of ​​the Hefeng Continent, why can't he build his own castle palace like other races?

So, under my promise and his practical actions, the castle was finally completed.

Style, magnificence, domineering... Anyway, it meets Rotes' requirements.

After the castle was built, Lotters was so excited that he didn't even greet him, so he went in and lived the life of an apostle.

I originally thought that this castle would gradually become dilapidated as the sea eroded and eventually turned into ruins.

Unexpectedly, time and sea did not become the culprit or culprit in destroying the castle, but the group of sea people most loyal to Rotes.

This group of guys, when they saw Lottus in a building, thought Lotters was imprisoned, and immediately launched a devastating attack on the castle.

Although the castle is built of huge stones, even ordinary cannons may not be destroyed by bombardment, but the attack power of this group of demon world sea clan elites is comparable to the power of cannons?

After a few back and forth, the castle was smashed into this miserable sight.

Lottus, who was falling asleep, was awakened immediately. He thought it was an earthquake, but when he opened his eyes, he was so angry that he almost waved his tentacles and kissed him righteously. I was so easy to ask. The castle built by grandpa told grandma, this is so special that it hasn't even been here for a year, so it was given to you by your guys?

Rotes is so angry, can't I just cut this group of things that are inadequate and more than defeated, cut it and cut it in a pot.

But even if you are angry, what can you do?

As the saying goes, it’s no wonder that those who don’t know, these sea races are Rawls’ most loyal subordinates, not to mention that he has never taught these subordinates about the beauty of material life.

Crying without tears, he contacted the Naga clan, but the Naga clan had already built a castle for him. To put it bluntly, they had nothing to do with each other. They would not work for Rotes for nothing unless they paid the wages.

The original naga tribe only needed to pay enough gold and silver jewelry. After all, at that time, the sea tribe lacked these things.

But since the Poseidon tribe was attacked, the demand for gold, silver and jewellery by the Poseidon tribe has not been so great, because there is no need to pay tribute every once in a while as before. .

Today, the Naga clan is gradually becoming richer.

With the improved material conditions of the Naga clan, the demand for remuneration has naturally increased.

To build a castle, you need fine gold the size of a brick.

This stumped Lotters.

The bottom of the Hefeng Continent seems to contain a lot of minerals. Among them, there are many fine gold mines and mythril mines, but the problem is that the location of those fine gold mythril mines is very awkward, under the hard seabed surface rocks.

This kind of seabed surface stone is the product of the solidification of seabed magma. Because of the fine gold content in it and the large amount of magical fluctuations contained in the seawater, the hardness of this layer of rock, even Rotes, can hardly be Its crushed.

Let alone mining.

The mines on the seabed cannot move, and the mines on the land cannot be collected. After all, not every piece of land has fine gold veins, and not everyone is willing to help Rotes as an apostle. No, but Rather, no one would help Lotus except for a clear-minded kid.

The Naga clan’s request is only one point, a piece of fine gold brick as big as a brick is the reward for rebuilding the castle.

Nothing happened, Rotes could only ask me for help, and he cared about fame and didn't want other apostles to know his dilemma, so he coaxed me over by invitation.

After I understood the general situation, I didn't know what expression to look at Lotters.

But looking at his pitiful look, I couldn’t bear to think about it, and tentatively dialed the call crystal, contacted Master Dewey, explained the cause and effect of the matter, and then asked him for a fine gold brick. .

Although fine gold is a strategic material in all countries, I am the son of Master Dewey after all. Moreover, through this matter, it is also possible to befriend an apostle, which is considered extraordinary.

So Master Dewey agreed, and then he told me a few more words and hung up the call.

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