"Hey~ what an ugly wolf!"

The voice of Odachi sounded in my mind.

"At this time you are still thinking about making fun of you?" I said with great discomfort: "The killing intent of this thing is so strong, and the body structure is so dense and hard. It's not a good guy to deal with."

"It's not only difficult to deal with" Odachi's sneer sounded in my mind: "Even if the power of the countries that challenge you is against it, it will be unpleasant. The weaker ones have nothing to do except escape."

Hearing this, I was surprised: "So powerful?"

"Everything else can be hidden, magic fluctuations can't be hidden" Odachi chuckled, and said, "Smelly boy, use it when you should use me, don't bear it."

"I can't bear it anymore, I just want to hone my skills a lot, save the future and face the strong, there is no power to fight back."

"Why don't I know the mind of your stinky boy" Taitadao said: "I just want to tell you, although I once had a master, since you are my current master, I will not abandon you, another Seek him..."

"Don't frame me, I didn't think so much."

"Go and go, listen to me and finish what I have said" Datadao said: "Since I serve you as the master, you also think that I am very handy. Why not use me proficiently and consider new training other weapons?"

"It's not that I don't want to, you are really too sharp."

"Sharpness isn't good?" Otato said with a smile: "Who has a magic weapon, it is not cherished for use, but you don't even use it."

"...I'm not thinking about practicing into the realm that no sword beats a sword."

"Fart!" Odachi snorted coldly, and said: "There is no sword than there is a sword. That refers to the realm of martial arts spirit. What does it have to do with martial arts? Look at those strong people of similar strength who are fighting against each other. The best weapon? Which wooden stick did you see, or rushed up empty-handed? After all, one is a tangible substance and the other is an intangible substance. No matter how strong the sword is, it is not as sharp as a weapon."

"There is some truth in what you say," I agreed.

"What does it mean to have some truth?" Otato said angrily: "What I said is the most reasonable saying!"

"Well, what you are saying is the most reasonable saying, I was wrong."

After telling me, I wielded the demon sword and rushed up against the wolf-shaped muscle monster.

When I rushed to the front, I suddenly sold a flaw, and when the wolf-shaped muscle monster pounced, I slashed it on its back waist.

I remember a proverb about a wolf creature, a tofu waist with a copper head and iron bones.

I don’t know if the creature in front of me has a copper head or a copper head, but I have seen it with iron bones. With a killing intent, I didn’t even cut it out. This defense power is stronger than ordinary low-grade steel. A lot.

So I bet whether it is tofu waist.

If it has the same weakness as the wolf on the blue planet, it will be easy to handle. When you encounter this kind of monster in the future, just greet it on its waist and hit it with precision.

But if the waist is not its weakness, it can only find another way.

He slashed fiercely, unbiased, and hit the side waist of the wolf-shaped muscle monster.

The power of this knife, even if it is a high-density high-grade stainless steel ingot, I can neatly cut it into two pieces.

However, the knife went down, but only cut it horizontally more than ten meters away, but did not hurt it!

"how is this possible!"

Seeing this, I couldn't help being shocked.

Although he kept his hands in the blow just now, he also accumulated strength, and he made an explosive blow in a short and accurate manner.

Even with such a blow, even if the country's strength is on the line, it must do its utmost to resist it, otherwise it will be injured.

But this wolf-shaped muscular monster didn't even hurt... Thinking of this, my expression became gloomy.

"It seems that this monster can't be dealt with by ordinary national forces. Maybe it can be matched with middle- and higher-level national forces."

"Since you know it in your heart, don't you quickly use the power of a fairy?"

Odachi said leisurely.

"No hurry" I said: "Although it is strong, its speed is flawed. As long as you try to dodge, you can still fight for a while."

"Are you planning to use it as a sharpening stone to polish your skills?"

"That's the intention" I said: "What do you think?"

"It's a good idea," Data said, "It's just that you save three points for the move, but don't run out of energy at the critical moment."

With a grin, I said: "Am I that kind of person?"

Odachi only sneered, but did not speak any more.

Taking a deep breath, I began to concentrate, prepare for the battle, and then make a move.

In this confrontation, every move and every style of mine was more structured.

From the perspective of some veteran adventurers, I must be able to see that I am honing my moves. Although this opponent is extremely dangerous at first sight and casually in danger of life, it is precisely because of this that I am progressing. Will be faster.

Almost every few rounds, my moves are more proficient than before. After a few hundred confluences, many moves can be released casually, without judgment and accumulation of energy.

This is the benefit of conditioning.

As long as this feeling of fighting can be maintained, over time, even if I encounter a stronger opponent, I won't be at a disadvantage.

In the process of high pressure and constant polishing, my perception of breath has gradually deepened and become stronger. Not long after, a feeling of heart palpitations suddenly arises.

Without thinking about it, I immediately turned my head, and a sharp brush passed by.

If you haven't avoided it just now, you can't say it will cut your skull open at the moment.

After all, I don't have the power of fading to protect my body.

Looking sideways, heh, another wolf-shaped muscle monster.

With a stab to avoid the monster, I concentrated my attention, released my perception, and quickly determined everything around me, only the two wolf-shaped muscle monsters.

Although the speed of the wolf-shaped muscle monster is not as fast as imagined, it can be used as a whetstone, but it is limited to one end. If two ends come out, cooperate with the attack, and then want to fight with it with a tempered mentality, fearing that it will die. The road has gone nowhere.

Thinking of this, I gave a cold snort, held the Taidachi, and pulled it out. While pouring the killing intent, I also mobilized the magical power in my body.

The power of the fairy suddenly burst out like a shock wave, swaying far away in the blink of an eye, the vegetation washed by the power of the fairy grew more than an inch in an instant.

There is such a huge vitality in the power of the fairy?

I can't help being surprised.

"The ancient elves and the ancient elves are the darlings of the gods of creation. It is said that both of them can take the name of the creator. It can be seen that there is such a huge vitality in the power of these two clans. Now you are just With the slightest faint power of a fairy, in time, all the seals in the body will be released, I believe you can do that too."

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