Odachi's words may be true or comforting, but in the current situation, they are of no use at all. They can't even comfort me, but this does not prevent me from fighting.

When the power of the goblin was released, the two wolf-shaped muscle monsters changed their previous ferociousness, but the color of panic and war millet appeared in the eyes of the wolf, which made me suspicious.

The power of the fairy is not an ordinary power. If the opponent's strength does not reach a certain level, it will not be aware of its existence.

This has the same effect as sounds of different frequencies.

When I was in the Demon World, I tried to release the power of the fairy in front of different people, and the results were different.

The power of the apostle level can detect the power of the goblin, while the power level of the superior country, Xilan, can not detect the power of the goblin.

In other words, the bottom line for the strong who can detect the existence of the power of the goblin is the power level of the superior country.

But after the fight, I'm sure, apart from the tougher fur and very hard muscles, the human-shaped muscle monsters have nothing to do with it.

From this, it can be concluded that the peak of their power will not exceed the power of intermediate countries.

Because the higher-level national power can suppress the normal I fight, it will not give me a chance to sharpen it.

Since they can't do this, naturally there is nothing they can do.

Some people may say that the perception of animals is far more acute than that of humans, so I will release another proof-the king of the forest today is also not aware of the power of the goblin.

Its strength has reached the level of top national power, and it is still a very sensitive animal, but it still can't detect the fluctuation of the power of the fairy.

In summary, there is only one possibility-the wolf-shaped muscle monster is a monster surrounded by the forest of the spirits.

Inside the fairy forest, another monster ran out?

This conjecture surprised me.

The monsters surrounding the Fairy Forest are enough to sweep the Hefeng Continent, and can easily destroy human monsters.

If they really escape the enchantment, ignoring the threats from the ancient goblin tribe and the ancient elves tribe to them, it is bound to become an unstoppable disaster for mankind.

"It seems that you already have a fixed number" Odachi's voice sounded in my mind again: "Now that you have a fixed number, let go and do it, haha, I can't wait to taste the blood of a stronger existence. La!"

"You can stop," I said with a gloomy face, "Today's Hefeng Continent can be called internal and external troubles. There were national wars that have not been resolved before, and there are unknown alien life forms, whether they are enemies or friends. Right now, within the fairy forest. The surrounding monsters escaped again, this is simply to destroy the human rhythm!"

"Exaggerated, brat" Datadao said: "Not to mention that the group of top national powers and the top powerhouses hidden in the private sector, aren't there still apostles against it."

"What if the apostles are not good enough?"

"You and Lizi, two descendants of ancient elves, as well as the two descendants of ancient elves, Yadyan and Bingnas, can't you also take the lead?"

"Are you kidding?" My eyes trembled, and said: "My current strength, at best, will touch the edge of the top national power. Yadyan and Bingnas are just high-level magicians with immortality. As for Lizi, she is even more unhelpful. She has just mastered the power of fading, so she is unfamiliar with it!"

"Even so" Otadao said: "You must also put yourself above the apostles, because it was your ancestor who sealed these monsters back then."

Upon hearing this, I was taken aback: "What did you say?"

"I said, it was your ancestor who sealed this group of monsters, a new combat member of the ancient fairy clan."

"Heh" I sneered: "How do you know these?"

"Hum" Dadachi snorted coldly, pondered for a moment, and told me a piece of history that I didn't know at all.

The tomb that Harold once robbed when he was young was actually the tomb of the head of the forest fairy clan.

This patriarch was brave and good at fighting. When he was alive, he expanded the territory of the Mori Fairy clan more than four times, and made an immortal contribution to the Mori Fairy clan at that time.

The reason why he is so strong is really because he has a magical sword in his hand—Leopold's Blade, which is the big sword in my hand now.

With this peerless blade that surpasses magical weapons, his road of war can be described as invincible.

It is a pity that he is not a pure-blooded goblin, and the talent of goblin power awakening in his body is only one item, and it belongs to the combat aspect. This has also become the reason for his future death in battle.

Courageous, fierce and fearless, but without any means of self-healing ability, he was directly injured and unfortunately died in a certain fierce to unspeakable battle.

After his death, he was buried in a desolate place. Apart from the gold and silver objects, he also regarded this Taidachi as a funeral.

This brave and good fighting Mori fairy is not the protagonist that Odachi will mention, but it is also a little involved, that is, the person who gave him this Odachi.

The person who gave the sword was an ancient fairy who had just passed the trial and was dubbed an adult.

The so-called title of adulthood is the dividing line by which the ancient goblins determine the strength of the members of the tribe.

Since the ancient elves belonged to the longevity species, that is, the special kind of creatures that would never die, they couldn't determine what kind of age they belonged to their infancy and what age they belonged to adulthood.

Since the years cannot determine their age, they are divided on the basis of strength.

All ancient fairy members who have awakened their bloodline power must go through a trial. Only after passing the trial can they be crowned with the title of adulthood. Those who have not passed the trial or who have not yet awakened their bloodline power are all divided into Infancy this category.

When I saw the Odachi, the ancient fairy hadn't awakened the bloodline power, so the Odachi was used everywhere in the battle.

As for the Odachi, because it was new and didn't understand everything, at this time there was another guy who used it as a useful weapon and was willing to run around the world with it, so naturally there was no reason to resist.

At that time, the ancient goblin tribe hadn't divided the racial boundaries, and there were not so many rules, so this ancient goblin ran around the world with big swords.

It wasn't until a chance that he awakened the power of the bloodline before he returned to the race with the Odachi.

It didn't take long to return to the ethnic group, just as the monsters were raging, and they were about to sweep the entire continent with the wind.

For the safety of mankind and to gain recognition from the race, this ancient fairy, who had just awakened his bloodline power, took up this trial task and went to the place where the demons danced to perform killing.

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