Young heroes, swordsmanship, this is a romantic thing to the bones... If you can replace a sword with a sword, you will definitely gain the favor of more beautiful girls.

Rao is so, under the strong strength, cold temperament, exquisite appearance, he still captured the hearts of a large group of girls.

By the way, this ancient fairy, by chance, had a love affair, and just happened to run into something eye-catching.

By the way, this beautiful girl who can catch the eye is soft-hearted, so this young man in the experience made a decisive decision and treated this group of monsters with the intention of destroying mankind with gentle means.

His gentle method is very simple, first convince, then persuade, and then ban.

And he did it.

He beat all these terrifying monsters to death, and explained to them that as long as they stayed within the range he delineated, they would not be subjected to thunder methods, and finally the Fairy Forest was selected as the enclosure. , To ban them all.

After doing all this, he naturally won the heart of a beautiful girl. I would like to ask, who doesn't like a handsome, powerful, and amorous young hero?

Then they tied the knot.

So the question is, who made them get married?

Don't think that the freedom of marriage really has no restrictions.

You know, beautiful girls, although they also belong to a good race, are humans after all, and the young heroes are tangible ancient goblin races, not humans at all!

When humans and non-humans are combined, something will always happen, for example, it will alarm the priests of the ancient goblin tribe, the ancient elves tribe, and the two races.

Under the guidance of the priests, the patriarch of the ancient goblin tribe quickly found this bold heroic boy, and bluntly said that once the ancient goblin, or the ancient elves, once combined with humans, the offspring they gave would become the Hefeng Continent. Stability factor.

The meaning of these words is simply not too straightforward-your children, can not stay.

The young hero has long been dazzled by love, and he only wants to protect the beautiful girl and the newly born life in her belly, so naturally he will not agree to the elder's request.

The two ancient races had never encountered similar things, and they didn't know how to deal with them for a while, so they could only let the flow go.

Having said that, before he left, he formulated a tolerance standard-if the offspring born did not harm the Hefeng Continent, he would write to the patriarch and allow the young hero to return to the clan land. If it harmed Hefeng Continent, then sorry. Now, the young hero must pay for his impulse.

The young hero naturally wouldn't think he was wrong, so he accepted it all at once.

In the decades that followed, the young hero... should be said to be a young hero at this time, always accompanied by the beautiful girl who has become a beautiful woman.

This should have been a perfect and enviable love story, but their children are not beautiful, they are as passionate as his dad, but they are more chaotic than his dad. During the journey of spiritual practice, they continue to interact with all kinds of girls. The son strikes up a conversation, and then does something indescribable. After traveling around the world, the heroic youth and the beautiful woman suddenly discover that they have a group of daughters-in-law and a group of grandchildren.

The young hero at this time had already established human values ​​and morals, so he was very dissatisfied with his son's behavior.

But how can this be?

You can't just kill your family, anyway, there are so many daughters-in-law and grandchildren.

In desperation, he had to recognize the group of daughter-in-laws and grandchildren.

After acknowledging it, he was puzzled. He was not a romantic temperament. His wife was also virtuous and virtuous, and couldn't get along with Fengliu at all, and the children's magic fluctuations were indeed in the same vein as himself, and he was sure to be his Flesh...In order to find out the flaws in his son's character, he personally explored his son's blood strength and magical fluctuations.

Under the probe, he suddenly realized that the blood of his biological son was incomplete!

With this doubt, he returned to his clan and asked the elder and others for help.

I didn't want to pay any attention to him, but couldn't bear to beg, and no matter what happened, the clan sent elders to answer his questions.

The elder's answer is simple-the blood of the ancient goblin tribe is blended with the human blood, and most of the children born are incomplete blood.

As soon as this statement came out, the young hero was shocked and asked if there was a perfect way?

However, does the defect in the bloodline mean that it can be made up by making up?

You know, this is the blood of the ancient goblin. The energy contained in it is also the power of the ancient goblin. It is one of the two most magical powers in the ancients. The other is the energy contained in the blood of the ancient goblin named after it.

These two bloodlines are revered as bloodlines that can create creatures. How can they be supplemented unless they are used to supplement the bloodlines?

In the clan, he was not willing to sacrifice his own members for his mistakes, even if his eyes were compassionate, painful, pitiful, or hateful, even if his tone was stiff, low, or sharp, or Hoarseness is useless.

Because this mistake was caused by himself, other people will not sacrifice themselves and carry it out for him.

Finally, the heroic youth gave up, and at the same time an emotion called hatred was generated.

Yes, he hates, hates himself, and even more ruthless ethnic group.

He believes that the ethnic group has the ability to change all the status quo, but it has nothing to do. This is not what the same clan should do. This is basically treating strangers, even enemies!

However, according to Taito, this group of ancient elves and elves are the purest life forms that do not eat fireworks in the world. They act in a simple and direct manner, and they have the same idea. They will neither hate nor have too much Much love.

The main reason why young heroes fall into hatred is mainly because he is invaded and influenced by human emotions.

After the young hero returned home, he found that the number of daughter-in-laws and grandchildren had increased again. He was heartbroken, so he planned to make up for his mistake-not to kill his own child, but to sacrifice himself to complement the child's blood.

He did this, and it seemed that he succeeded, but it also planted hidden dangers.

Originally, the young hero could be immortal, but because he sacrificed himself and supplemented the blood of the child, his life span was equal to that of a human being, which was only a few hundred years.

It is really impossible to tell whether this incident was lucky or unfortunate for the young heroes and beautiful women.

However, after the young heroes and beautiful women passed away, their son, the one whose bloodline was filled, began to have new bloodline defects.

And this bloodline defect almost caused the destruction of several races and even human groups.

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