It is not a difficult task for humans in ancient times to fill in the missing parts for humans who lack bloodline power.

But it is extremely difficult to fill the bloodline defect of the Mori Fairy.

This is still for the two ancient races who possess secret arts.

For other races without mystery, it is simply a fantasy to fill up the bloodline defects of the forest fairy.

Even if the ancient goblins paid the price of their lives, it was also impossible to do it.

That's why some people say that inheritance is the most indispensable symbol of a family or even a race.

Doing it knowingly that you can't do it, although it sounds brave, but doing it can easily cause immeasurable consequences.

That's the case with the Mori fairy whose bloodline was supplemented.

After his parents, the former young fairies and beautiful women, all passed away, finally no one can suppress his restless heart and crazy emotions.

His nature exploded in an instant.

The eruption of bloodline power, like a monstrous flood, raged around everything.

None of his wives were spared from the energy shock, and a considerable part of his children did not escape.

But more children, relying on the power of awakening, barely survived.

After the first Mori Fairy left, they gradually drilled out of the ruins and left silently together.

In the following period of time, this first forest fairy, with its powerful power, destroyed a country.

He was like a disaster, and he sprinkled countless disasters on the Hefeng Continent.

Hundreds of thousands of Li people lost their homes, and tens of thousands of Li people died. This is only because the ancestor of the forest fairy just wanted to have fun, just like a cat playing with a mouse. Use the world's creatures as a tool for play.

At first, there were adventurers who dared to challenge him only in exchange for peace and justice.

However, the bloodline power of the Mori Fairy is too overbearing. After a few rounds, adventurers who dare to challenge will be killed by him. What's more, it will be blasted into powder on the spot.

Such cruel and overbearing behavior shocked other adventurers and dared not act rashly.

But their dying spirits did not change the will of the ancestor of the forest fairy.

He lost the fun because there was no adventurer to challenge, and became more cruel and cruel.

At this time, some people thought of the two ancient races that saved mankind from danger, so they sent people for help.

But I didn't want to. After eating a closed door, even the request was rejected on the spot.

The reason is simple. The emergence of this disaster was man-made.

What is man-made disaster?

That is to say, if the ancient fairy who was living away did not indulge in Gentle Country, or the beautiful human lady did not give birth to a half-blood fairy, there would be no such trouble.

Say a thousand words and ten thousand. The two ancient races have done their best to benevolent, and the rest depends on the good fortune of human beings.

These words sounded quite ruthless, but the problem is that the cause, the process, and the result of the incident are indeed as they said. They have done their best and even sent elders to try to persuade the other party, but the other party is indifferent to the threat and even scorns the request. .

The bitter fruit that has led to such a bitter fruit nowadays is all because the ancient elves and human women who live outside do not take it seriously.

Although the two ancient races did have the idea of ​​protecting health, it did not mean that they had no temper. It was a big deal that after the human race was wiped out, they would recreate a new group of humans.

The two ancient races can let go, but the human side cannot.

They don't want to go home and annihilate their clan. It's good to live, to see more new things, to see more beautiful scenery, and to complete more dream pictures.

After getting the definite answer from the two ancient races, human beings finally gave up the plea and decided to fight back.

Because of the genocide, mankind has never been united.

In the ancient times, human beings were already powerful, even more united than ever before, and they were not afraid of life and death. The twisted rope directly and effectively blocked the offensive of the ancestor of the forest fairy, but it also completely angered the opponent.

More adventurers and civilians died on the battlefield, and more Li people lost their homes.

Just as mankind was about to die, the group of children of the ancestor of the fairy fairy finally stood up and stood on the opposite side of their father.

The ancestor of the Mori Fairy didn't care whether the opponent was his flesh and blood, he had already killed his eyes, and only wanted to destroy the world.

A war between blood relatives is about to start.

War is cruel, the battlefield is messy, and the result is tragic.

The number of Mori Fairies was not large enough. In this war, more than half of the manpower was lost. Fortunately, their efforts paid off. They desperately died of their father, the ancestor of Mori Fairy.

It stands to reason that an ancient fairy with a complete fairy bloodline and awakened all the power of the fairy is an immortal existence, but the bloodline of the ancestor of the forest fairy was renewed by his father after all, and this means of making up is not yet passed It was officially verified by the two clans in ancient times, so even if the defects of the surface blood vessels were made up, it still could not make up the blood vessel defects in the inner layer.

In other words, it cannot replace human blood.

And those human bloodlines, under the suppression of the fairy bloodlines over the years, were twisted, deformed, and exploded...Finally, they became the last straw that destroyed the sanity of the ancestor of the forest fairy.

This is exactly why the ancestors of the Mori Fairy erupted with terrifying power to destroy the girl he once loved and his blood relatives.

It is also the reason why he madly slaughtered the Li people and killed the adventurers wantonly.

Although he looks almost invincible, he is not a true member of the two ancient races after all, and his strength is not a little bit worse.

Under the siege of a group of heirs with his blood, he finally died on the spot because of his injuries.

After the war, his body also turned into dust in a very short time because of the conflict of blood.

Most of the remaining heirs were disheartened, saying that they would no longer participate in any mundane affairs, and just wanted to find a beautiful place to spend the rest of their lives.

Only the Mori fairy with a big sword did not want to hide in the world early, so he found a town and lived there. During the period, he also found a lot of human women, tied the knot, and reproduced.

This is the creator of the forest fairy clan that Taidachi said, and the first patriarch of the forest fairy clan.

Before the patriarch died, because he was reluctant to fight with him, he also ordered his tribe to bury it in the tomb.

This burial is not known how many billion years old.

Until, Harold and a group of robbers broke into the tomb unintentionally and broke through the organ, adhering to the principle of thief not to go empty, and went out of it.

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