It can be said that between Leopold, that is, Odachi, fully experienced the beginning of the Mori Fairy clan. Of course, it was only the beginning, because afterwards, it was regarded as a burial object and was deeply buried in the first Mori Fairy Patriarch. In the mausoleum.

But even so, the history it holds still benefits me a lot.

At least, I already know what happened to the monsters in the forest surrounding the fairy forest, and the historical origin of the fairy fairy.

It is a pity that Odachi was sealed in the tomb, and he did not witness the catastrophe that almost destroyed the entire world that occurred between the ancient times and the reign of the fairies.

Converging, I continued to stare at the two wolf-shaped muscle monsters.

This time, under my gaze, the two of them showed signs of retreat, which I never expected.

Low roars kept coming into my ears. This sound sounded threatening, but it was not as low as a pure threatening sound. In the meantime, there were waves of trills.

This is a sound that can only be made when afraid.

Are they afraid of me?

Do not......

I shook my head: They are not afraid of me, but my goblin power, even if there is only a trace, it is enough for them.

Thinking of this, I didn't hesitate to condense the power of the goblin on the weapon, facing the wolf-shaped muscle monster, it was a slash.

This is not a condensed version, but a real full version, which can show the full power of the sword.

The light of the knife flashed, and the blood flew quickly.

The two wolf-shaped muscle monsters were cut into two in an instant.

However, after the cut, I did not have the slightest sense of relaxation, because I could clearly perceive that the two wolf-shaped muscle monsters were not dead.

Yes, they are still alive!

Moreover, the breath has not weakened much, that is to say... not only are they alive, but they also have very strong vitality!

It is worthy of the ancient times, almost destroying the existence of human beings, each has its own unique knowledge, which is quite difficult to deal with.

But right now, it is not the time to be troubled or to shrink back, because while the power of the goblin was exposed, I noticed that there were several powerful auras sneaking through the dense forest and sweeping the battlefield.

I don’t know if they are monitoring the battlefield or waiting for the battle to take over, but I know that if I fail to win this battle, these monsters will definitely break through the seal and smash out of the inner forest, again Kill humans.

This slaughter is bound to be a one-sided slaughter, and Moonlight City is bound to bear the brunt of a devastating blow.

Thinking of this, I couldn't help leaving a drop of cold sweat on my sideburns, and the hand holding the knife tightened.

Yu Guang glanced at the wolf-shaped muscle monster and found that scarlet muscle fibers were wriggling like earthworms at the fracture of the two wolf-shaped muscle monsters that had been cut into four parts.

These muscle fibers move slowly, and when they come into contact with other muscle fibers, they are firmly attached like the positive and negative poles of a magnet, and they grow together within a few seconds.

The broken wolf body healed extremely quickly, but fortunately, there were enough muscle fibers. It would take a while to heal all of them. This gave me a chance to cool down.

After a few seconds, my body finally returned to action. I took the knife and walked to one of the wolf-shaped muscle monsters, raised it high, and slashed it down, and then kept repeating the previous actions.

After a few minutes of slashing, he finally chopped one of the wolf-shaped muscle monsters into minced meat.

Later, I turned to another wolf-shaped muscle monster and found that the wolf body of the other wolf-shaped muscle monster had healed nearly two-thirds, and could even get up wobbly.

"Really tenacious," I murmured, brandishing the sword again and cutting it down.

Thousands of knife shadows flashed across the body of the wolf-shaped muscle monster. A quarter of an hour later, the wolf-shaped muscle monster was chopped into finer meat.

Then, I supported my body again, slowly came to the edge of the inner forest, and tried my best to gather the last trace of the fairy power that could be gathered in my body and let it go.

Almost instantly, several exuberant breaths flashed away, disappearing into the depths of the forest.

After doing all this, I was exhausted at the same time, sitting on the ground, panting for breath, sweating and soaking clothes.

"Good risk," I secretly said.

After resting for about a quarter of an hour, I finally had enough strength to get up, slowly got up from the ground, and walked out of the forest.

On the road, many passers-by were attracted, and adventurers looked sideways, but no one whispered or talked.

When he came to the palace, he lowered his head and stepped forward slowly, but was stopped by the guard.

Slowly raised his head, and when the guard saw my appearance, he couldn't help but exclaimed: "My elder, what's the matter with you?"

"It's okay" I waved my hand: "Get out of the way, I have something to report to your Majesty."

Upon hearing this, the guard hurriedly stepped aside.

After entering the imperial palace, I found the two majesties who were drinking tea in the imperial garden.

"what happened?"

The elf queen was shocked, and hurriedly stepped forward and supported me.

The fairy queen also looked solemn, frowned and looked at me, and said, "Xiaoyi, what's wrong with you?"

"I was attacked and exhausted."

After drinking several cups of tea, I took a breath and said slowly.

"It was the attack in Moonlight City, right?" the fairy queen asked in a deep voice, "what exactly is the location?"

"Elves Forest."

"Is this encounter a whole team of poachers made up of national power?"

The fairy queen frowned upon hearing this, and asked.

"No" shook his head, and I said, "No country or organization is confused to this degree. This approach is tantamount to launching a war."

"Then where did your blood come from?" the elf queen asked, "and you look exhausted."

"I was attacked by two monsters."

"Attack of two monsters?"

The fairy queen was taken aback for a moment, then she lost her face in shock: "Could it be..."

I calmed my face and nodded: "A monster in the inner forest,"

"You...killed them?" the fairy queen asked in a deep voice.

"Well, they are all killed" I said.

"How strong are they?"

"Compared with the power of the middle and upper level countries" I said: "If you have one, you can deal with it freely, and if you have two, it will be difficult to deal with."

"What are their characteristics?"

The fairy queen asked again.

"The head has long horns and the forehead has four eyes. Although it is a wolf body, it has muscles all over the body, and its defense power is amazing. Even with the power of fading, it is difficult to hurt it in a short time.

The fairy queen pondered for a moment, and then asked, "What's the weakness?"

"Slower" I said: "Probably it can only be compared with an adventurer of level ten or so."

"If the strategy of flying a kite is adopted, how many adventurers and strength do you think can kill one?"

After thinking a little bit, I said: "At least a magician of the national power level, releases the enhanced targeted magic, and may be able to kill one within a quarter of an hour."

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