Today's situation is not optimistic. The war between nations is intensifying outside, and there are monsters inside.

The fairy queen is called a sorrow, and when the sorrow reaches the few blue silks, it is abruptly whitened by half.

"Xiaoyi" the fairy queen asked in a deep voice: "You just said that the monsters in the inner forest will not come out to ravage them in the short term. How sure are you?"

If the terrifying auras that hurriedly left after contact with me were really scouts sent to investigate outside intelligence, I believe that within a short period of time, the monsters in the inner forest will not run out to make trouble.

The reason is simple. According to Odachi’s words, although this group of monsters is powerful enough to even exterminate humans, they were defeated by a descendant of the ancient fairy, and the other party also stated the conditions-as long as they don’t break the seal, they will not leave. The forest of the elves will not be attacked without destroying human beings.

So until they thoroughly probe into my condition, they will not act rashly.

Thinking of this, I said solemnly: "50%."

"Five percent sure?"

The fairy queen was not satisfied with my answer. She hoped to hear her, she should be at least 80% sure.

But in fact, I really only have 50% certainty, after all, the power of the fairy that I released was still too weak.

Although in the early days, the group of monster bosses living in groups in the inner forest might be stunned by the power of this fairy, but if they were blocked for too long and too long, they might take risks.

Once this happens, the consequences will be disastrous.

"Grandma, the most urgent thing is to gather the elves and elves who have awakened the bloodline power, form a team, patrol the area near the inner forest, and use the awakened bloodline power to frighten the monsters inside."

"You have to know, Xiaoyi, in Moonlight City today, even if it is a member of the royal family with the purest blood, the blood concentration inherited from the ancient elves and elves is relatively sparse. The power after the blood awakens, although it looks powerful, is actually Compared with those monsters, they are still too weak."

"It's not important, grandma," I persuaded: "If you want the monsters to disappear, you can only rely on the bloodline power of the goblin and elves to deter you. If there is no such deterrence, the monsters will break the seal unscrupulously. Rushed out of the forest and wreaked havoc on the world."

On the side, the elf queen was also persuading.

After a long time, the fairy queen nodded solemnly: "Well then, just do as you say."

After leaving the palace, I went straight to home.

On the way, I remembered the elf queen's instruction when she sent me out of the palace: Now we are in the national war, many things are not suitable for us, and because of this, grandma will look forward to the future.

I naturally understand the meaning of the elf queen. After all, at this moment, the national war is no longer a verbal threat, but an actual thing. It is impossible to escape. If you are not careful, you may be Get involved.

Of course, it does not mean that one cannot be involved in a national war. After all, everyone lives under the same sky.

What the Fairy Queen worries about is that the monsters in the inner forest are restless, which will be known by spies sent to Moonlight City from other countries. Once these people know about this, they will report the matter back. The handle of Moonlight City, Will be held in the hands of all countries.

In this way, Moonlight City will fall into a rather passive situation.

In order not to fall into a passive situation, Her Majesty the Fairy Queen suppressed this matter and dispatched a deterrent team to keep it secret.

I guess it may not be long before the two majesty will issue an order to close the Fairy Forest.

Fortunately, although Moonlight City covers a large area of ​​forest, it does not rely on forests to survive, otherwise it will be greatly affected.

Sure enough, a notice was posted the next morning, and the content was astonishingly the rules for banning forests.

As for the excuse for banning the forest, it is to find that there are vicious poachers in the forest. For the safety of the people, no one can enter the forest without a manual.

Of course, this decree is limited to those who don’t know, and there is no restriction on insiders like me and my family.

Despite this, I warned my family not to enter the forest during this time.

Seeing my serious face, the family members dare not take it seriously, and all of them have stopped a lot. Among them, the blue witch is the most satisfying to me. This girl even cancelled the entry into the fairy forest during this time. The plan is to walk around in the backyard with a tuo after dinner every day.

Fortunately, the backyard was large enough to play freely, which made her less complain.

During this period, I went to the Moonlight Tavern several times. In the tavern, except for the permanent Socia, the figures of Saran and Alice were not often seen.

I'm curious, where did these two go?

Socia told me that Alice was called to be a patrol officer who patrolled the Fairy Forest. As for Saran, she was an escort.

Hearing this, I couldn't help being a little curious. Excluding the identity of the puppet, Alice is a human at best, and there is no blood power of the Mori Fairy Clan. Why did Her Majesty the Fairy Queen send her there?

Socia shook her head, indicating that she didn't know either.

I said it was quite strenuous.

In the subsequent conversation, Socia told me that in this patrol team, the National Forces Organization sent half of its members.

I am also curious about this result. It stands to reason that the National Power Organization will not participate in this kind of activities that do not have any full-scale competition and invitation to buy reputation, but it may damage the army!

Why is it that now, even promised to send half of the members to participate, is there any hidden conspiracy?

When I expressed my doubts, Socia said that although patrolling the forests will not increase the rights and reputation of the national power organization at all, it will reduce your majesty's wariness of the national power organization.

The reason is very simple. The monsters in the inner forest are not friendly. Once encountered, they will most likely be wiped out.

As long as more than ten members of the national power organization are killed by monsters, most of the faint moves that the national power organization took in the past will be wiped out.

I snorted, because the fairy queen should not be so tolerant.

Socia pondered for a moment and agreed with me, but still insisted on his previous judgment.

After all, the current situation is critical, and many things cannot be handled in the way of a peaceful time, and need to be handled with reference to the means of a war.

The power that can be drawn is stronger than anything else as long as it is guaranteed that it will not betray during the drawn-in period.

Although I strongly disagree with the two majesty’s compromise to deal with this matter, I can’t think of any better countermeasures. Perhaps, this is the only way to deal with this matter.

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