Alice's tone was very light, but she instantly brought the eyes of Saran and Socia to my face.

"I don't know much about the monsters living in the inner forest, really."

However, no matter how I explain it, the three women don't believe it, as if I deliberately concealed them.

This makes me very helpless.

But having said that, Alice is really right. I really know a lot about the monsters in the inner forest, but a small part of this knowledge is obtained from historical documents, and a large part is from Daidachi. Listened.

After all, Odachi came from that era and was a witness.

But how can I tell the third daughter and me?

I can't say that it was Odachi who told me about it. After all, Odachi had already stated that his soul power could not fit with the three daughters. In other words, the third daughter could not hear the voice of Odachi.

Can't even hear the voice, do you think they would believe such a thing?

It must be taken as I am making up out of thin air to make fun of them.

Others dare not say that Shalan will definitely not spare me.

Since the relationship between unmarried couples, she has kept the little respect and respect for me, which is like a popsicle in the hot summer, melting without a trace.

Looking up, seeing the three women still staring at me with scorching eyes, and didn't intend to let me go, I couldn't help swallowing, and grinningly said: "The little things I know are recorded in historical documents, you guys. You should have read in the library in the forbidden area, right?"

"I've never been in," Socia said lightly, dangling the little wine in the glass.

"I have never entered either." Saran drank the rum and poured another glass.

"I went in once, but before I had time to read, I left in a hurry."

Alice flicked the strings and said softly.

Seeing the three women's eyes converging on my face again, I had to smile wryly: "Okay, okay, I will tell you, but please keep it secret, after all, this is the content recorded in the library."

After the three women nodded, I mixed the information about the monsters in the inner forest in the library, mixed with the content of Taidachi, and told them to the three women.

I gave out all the contents of the library, but the contents of Odachi’s description were deleted and selected by me. Finally, I selected a small part of the contents and inserted them in, and then sorted out the order and adjusted it. Logic, just tell the three girls the news after filling.

The three women were horrified on their faces.

"I have heard of some things in the ancient times." Socia's face was solemn, and he said solemnly: "Many ancient races have powerful strength, and even the best of them can compete with the five great nations. Does a powerful race still have no power to fight back when faced with monster attacks?"

"Yes," I said: "This is recorded in the literature. As for whether there is any exaggeration, I don't know."

"If it is the fragments of ancient historical documents left over, there will be no problems," Socia said: "Because humans in ancient times disdain for fraud, especially the historians of the two ancient races, even more so. "

"I don't know who wrote the fragments of historical documents. That's how it was written in the documents anyway, and I'm just a reposter of the content."

"If this is the case, Saran, you will be very dangerous."

This time, the warning in Socia's tone was strong.

"There will be no danger" Shalan waved his hand casually: "I am an elven clan, and I have awakened blood power, and a bonus to racial talent, as long as it is in the forest of elves, even if it is besieged by top national power, I can also retreat all over."

"On the contrary, it is Alice..."

Shalan looked at Alice, frowned slightly, and said, "Why don't you take a leave or find someone to do it for you."

Alice shook her head: "I don't worry about you."

"Didn't I just say that, I am the elf royal family, and I have awakened the blood power and the blessing of the race talent.

"Is it really possible?" Alice murmured as she looked at Saran with pure eyes.

Sharan hesitated and stopped several times, and finally sighed helplessly.

"Just pay attention," Socia sighed lightly.

Saran and Alice were silent at the same time.

Back to the tree room, sitting on the sofa drinking tea, suddenly heard the pusher, raised his eyes, turned out to be Emily!

"It's so early to be back today" I greeted with a smile.

"Yeah" Emily nodded, took off her coat and hung it on a hanger beside her, then walked straight to the sofa and sat opposite me: "What is the situation in the inner forest now?"

"Fortunately," I said: "Half of the strong from national power organizations have been deployed, and civil organizations have also participated, and the Rose Army has also been deployed, right?"

Emily nodded and said: "The Rose Legion has recruited thousands of adventurers who have awakened blood power from various places to settle in the Fairy Forest, saying that it is to prevent the monsters in the inner forest from destroying the forest."

"It is said that it is a disaster of the forest, but it is more than that," I said: "It is sealed inside, but it is enough to destroy the existence of all mankind."

"Is it that serious?"

Emily frowned.

"Isn't it?" I said, "It is said that those monsters almost destroyed human beings in ancient times.

"Then how were they sealed?"

Emily asked curiously: "Who sealed it again?"

"Ancient fairy."

"But according to historical documents..."

"The historical documents you are talking about are the teaching materials of Adventurer Academy, right?"

Emily nodded.

"That's it" I said: "The historical documents used as teaching materials were compiled by later generations, mainly used to condense the centripetal force of the people of Moonlight City. As for the authenticity of the content, most of them do not conform to the real situation, but they look more It's reasonable."

"So in other words, is the part about the monsters in the inner forest all imaginary?"

"Most of them are like this," I said: "But there are also real, such as some great achievements during the reign of the fairies, but most of these great achievements are exaggerated, and only a few are restored according to the real situation."

Emily nodded slightly: "That's it, but I want to know the situation of the monster in the forest."

Facing Emily, who would not question my words, I chose to tell her all the truth.

After hearing all the facts, Emily's expression was extremely solemn: "If this is the case, it should be reported to Your Majesty, and more staff will be added."

"Your Majesty already knows." I shook my head and said: "Besides, I think that your Majesty should have maximized the manpower. Even if you tell her, you will only emphasize the stakes again. There will be no more practical results."

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