The People Walking in Dungeons are surely not Normal

Chapter 3418: Nation and ethnic group

Facing the group of monsters capable of destroying humans in the forest surrounding the Fairy Forest, the attitude of the Fairy Queen is far more important than others.

Without him, in the entire Moonlight City, apart from me, there may only be the Fairy Queen herself, who has done a little research on that forgotten history.

These studies, in addition to the fragments of historical documents handed down since ancient times, are also family heritage.

Today, there are only three families of the many forgotten histories of Hefeng Mainland, and they know a lot about it.

The first is the Simmons family that has been passed down since the ancient times, the second is the Thor family of Fort Witch, which is the family created by the dwarves and the goblins, and the third is the Felid family of the goblins, and The Taibesha family of the elves.

Among them, the forgotten history known by the Simmons family is mostly related to York City; half of the forgotten history known by the Thor family is related to Fort Witch, and half is related to historical documents that their ancestors once robbed; The forgotten history mastered by the German family and the Taibesha family is completely related to Moonlight City.

Needless to say, the Simmons family is a separate family, there is no need to hide the forgotten history with rare treasures. Yes, basically, the people in their family have some understanding of that forgotten history. The successive monarchs of the Simmons family have never issued too strict seals. At most they warned the members of the Simmons family that it is best not to spread these forgotten histories. On the one hand, once these forgotten histories are spread. , It will become no longer valuable. On the other hand, it may also cause the coveting of interested people, and maybe it will lead to killing.

The Simmons family has monopolized York City since the melee period. It has been inherited for many generations. The family heritage has long been unimaginable. Many rules, including thinking patterns, have been deeply imprinted in the bones of family members.

Naturally, the vast majority of them know how to take measures. As for the few who do not move, they will be kept in the family and not allowed to go out at will.

And the dwarves and goblins of the Thor family, because of the good family-like intimacy, whether it is collected historical documents or mastered advanced knowledge, they will share the first time.

So the content of those historical documents, the goblin royal family and the dwarf royal family want to know, it is not too simple.

But the problem is that most members of the goblin royal family are only dedicated to scientific research and technology, and most members of the dwarf royal family are only dedicated to forging and polishing their strength. There are not a few members of the Thor family who are willing to do anything. An expert or historian who studies historical documents.

In this way, there are no more than a thousand members of the Thor family who have truly mastered the contents of historical documents.

According to Master Dewey, in order to prevent the content of historical documents from being completely forgotten, the Thor family selects at least one family member from the royal family who has no contact with it in terms of science and technology or architectural martial arts. Candidates for record researcher of historical documents in the forbidden area.

If they fail to pass, they will be put into the family’s penitentiary and raised as trash children. As for those who are competent, they will be allowed to pay a lot of money, and at the same time they will be delicious, drink and entertained. Anyway, as long as the other party can do this thing. Well, I can't overdo it.

In this way, the children of the Thor family still think that being a researcher of historical documents or a historian is the biggest insult to them.

Speaking of, the royal family of dwarves and the royal family of goblins will be called the Thor family, and there is an interesting history.

It is said that after the end of the rule of the fairies, the goblin and dwarf tribes led their tribesmen across the ocean to Fort Witch.

After they settled in Fort Witchie, they established a series of measures such as building strongholds, building buildings, and developing agriculture. After their lives stabilized, the two groups began to discuss the establishment of a country.

Originally, the two patriarchs planned to establish a tribe and continue to live as patriarchs. The reason why they wanted to establish a country was because there were humans from other races, called big ships, arriving at Fort Witch, while replenishing supplies. , Told them about other continents.

Among them, there is a mention of the country.

Once the two patriarchs discuss, then form a country.

The formation of the country is actually not difficult, because before moving to this island continent, the dwarves and goblin races have been living together underground.

Nowadays, the geological structure of the island and the continent selected as the place of survival is far more dense and hard than the continent where they lived before, and naturally it is more suitable to be used as the site of the underground kingdom.

Soon, Fort Witchh began to take shape.

About a few years later, Fort Witch was completed and was named ‘Fort Witch’.

I don’t know why it was named ‘Fort Vitch’, and there is no legend or historical writing about the name of Fort Vitch.

After Fort Witch was built, the two patriarchs began to discuss whether they wanted to give their family a name like other countries?

Soon, they negotiated the result and named their family after their previous beliefs. This is the origin of the Thor family today.

Regarding the distribution of family names, they still had some differences at first. For a while, the dwarves wanted to monopolize the name of the Thor family, and the goblins thought that they seemed more suitable for the name of the Thor family. The two families quarreled for several months. In the end, they compromised and both families were called the Thor family.

One reason for this is that the dwarves and goblins are inseparable relatives and friends; on the other hand, they have the same surname. It is also good for children and grandchildren to feel that the two races are intimate, and it is cheap to promote common development.

Ever since, the two clans have jointly called themselves the Thor family.

Unlike the close dwarves and goblin races, the Freid family and the Taibesha family had their own minds.

The Firide family and the Taibesha family used to be the same family in ancient times. Their original surnames were neither Firide nor Taibesha, but had no surname.

The reason for this is not because the Mori Fairy does not value the surname, but because the original Mori Fairy, although far from being as detached as the ancient fairies and ancient elves, is a race with extraordinary bloodlines, for humans The surname system is dismissive at all.

Even, they are too lazy to establish a country, just want to exist as an ethnic group.

The reason is very simple. There are classes in the country, and there will be oppression and hypocrisy. The ethnic groups only need to face each other directly. If there is dissatisfaction, you can speak out directly.

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