The bloodline concentration of the first few generations of Mori Fairies was still quite high, and no matter the temperament, or the magical fluctuations that overflowed, they were essentially different from humans.

So they also have arrogant capital.

But don't forget that Mori Fairies are not qualified and have no chance to combine with the two ancient races, which means that they can only be combined with their own people who are also Mori Fairies, or with humans.

The bloodline concentration of the offspring combined with people within the clan may remain unchanged, but the bloodline concentration of the offspring combined with humans will continue to decrease.

After being combined with humans, the offspring will be combined with other offspring with higher bloodline concentration. The bloodline concentration of the born offspring cannot continue to maintain the high bloodline concentration, but will be reduced to a certain level depending on the situation, as to this degree. How low it is, it is beyond human control.

Living beings are governed by emotions, whether they are humans or the two ancient races.

Only the clan rules of the two ancient races are too strict—especially after the children of their subordinates have appeared as traitors who free themselves for love, the clan rules of the two ancient races have been stricter than ever before, that is, any Traitors are not allowed to return to the ethnic group—because of such strict rules, the intersection between the two ancient races, especially the ancient goblin race and humans, is close to zero.

Occasionally, there are ancient fairies and ancient elves who sneak out of the clan land because of curiosity. They will be found by their parents in a very short time, and they will be taught by the Hui clan.

In the face of the elders of the two ancient races who returned their children, the humans who wanted to abduct the children of the ancient two races did not even dare to let go, so they could only stare at the'prey' they would have already entered. take away.

—— Those are the elder-level figures of the two ancient races. Who dares to scream? The lightest end is death, the more serious one is the death of the family, and the more serious one will be the same as the country behind it. North Korea is destroyed.

Don’t think they’ve never done this before. I don’t know how many countries have been annihilated because of their arrogance and offending the two ancient races. Even if your family hides underground, don’t want to escape bad luck. Don’t forget, ancient times. The two major races are capable of shaking hands and turning the earth upside down. It is not too easy to create an earthquake that turns the earth's crust up to a level.

Losing the source of pure blood, the only way for the Mori Fairy clan to maintain the concentration of blood is to marry within the clan.

But the problem is that not every Mori Fairy is willing to intermarriage within the clan. Living beings yearn for freedom. Marriage freedom is also a kind of freedom. Moreover, there are no rules restricting marriage in Mori Fairy clan, naturally. Many Mori fairies choose to combine with different humans in different countries and give birth to children.

Only in this way, the bloodline concentration of this group of heirs became thinner and weaker. Until a few generations later, even if many Mori spirits awakened the bloodline power, their strength was only better than ordinary ones. Human adventurer a little bit.

The Mori Fairy clan, who realized the importance of blood concentration, was anxious.

They are very eager for the bloodline concentration of the members of the group to return to the past, so the first patriarch of the Mori Fairy Clan ordered that the group of Mori Fairies with higher bloodlines that have always maintained intermarriage within the clan be classified as the Mori Fairy Royal Family. The group of forest fairies with low bloodline concentration is regarded as ordinary forest fairies subjects.

The royal family will enjoy most of the resources in the ethnic group, while ordinary subjects can only share a small part of the resources.

This rule aroused dissatisfaction among some Mori Fairy subjects, but their strength has been downplayed to be only stronger than ordinary humans. When placed in front of royal family members, they can't even count as farts.

But to say that they leave the ethnic group because of anger, they can't do it. After all, there is ethnic protection. Most crises can be eliminated, not to mention that they can live and eat well, but they work a little harder and get a little less. , But compared with the dire life of the subjects of other countries, it is already much better.

Thinking of this, the ordinary Mori fairies were silent.

But immediately, many Mori Fairies made suggestions, hoping that the patriarch could regard their merits and bestow them with the status of the royal family.

This proposal was rejected by the patriarch, but the patriarch was not unsatisfactory. Although he rejected the identity equivalent to the royal family, he released the identity equivalent to the nobleman. That is to say, those who make great contributions to the ethnic group can have the equivalent nobleman. identity of.

As a result, the resources in the ethnic group are divided into parts, and the resources that ordinary subjects can obtain are once again reduced.

Soon, some subjects made protests, but they were ignored by the patriarch.

Afterwards, some subjects wondered and suggested to the patriarch that if the bloodline concentration of the offspring could be increased, could they be promoted to the royal family?

This whimsy quickly received the patriarch's response-yes, as long as the bloodline concentration can be increased, the royal class must have a place.

Then this group of subjects began to think of a way. They contacted the top scientific and technical personnel of various countries and tried to analyze the blood of the two ancient races through analytical means. Some of them wandered around the two ancient races all day in order to be able to abduct one. People of the opposite **** went home, and even more so, sneaked into the ancient land of two major races, trying to steal people out.

As a result, the first type failed, because the bloodlines of the two ancient races could not be resolved through scientific research; the second type also failed, because any tribe who sneaked out would be caught back in the first place; as for The third type, not only failed, but the thief ended up miserably. He was beaten into meat on the spot and thrown into the forest to feed the forest creatures.

And the result of the third behavior not only had an extremely miserable end, but also affected the Mori Fairy clan.

An elder-level ancient fairy came to the door and casually wounded the first patriarch of the forest fairy clan who wanted to pose as a patriarch, and warned him that he was not allowed to make any ideas from the two ancient races, otherwise he would take the consequences.

Such a warning from Hong Guoguo made the first generation Sen fairy patriarch very annoyed, but what's the use of being annoyed?

After all, they are ashamed first.

Reluctantly, the patriarch had to make another order not to provoke the two ancient races, and the offenders were expelled from the race.

The purpose is very effective. No one in the Mori Fairy Clan dared to offend the two ancient races, but at this time, even if they want to offend, there is no chance, because the two ancient races have already set up seals on the periphery of the tribe, prohibiting any While the creatures entered, the tribesmen of the two major races were also prohibited from going out.

I don't know how long this seal lasted, but I know that Tyrannosaurus King Bakar tried his best to break this seal, but he has failed to do so.

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