Due to the random combination of the Mori Fairy Clan with humans, the bloodline concentration of the Mori Fairy Clan dropped sharply. At the same time, the bloodline power of the Mori Fairy Clan also weakened to a level that was only slightly stronger than that of ordinary humans after awakening.

This is unacceptable to the proud forest fairy clan.

In order to ensure the strength of the forest fairy clan, the first generation of forest fairy clan chiefs gathered all members with higher blood density and gave them the identity of the forest fairy royal family. They were not allowed to marry foreigners, only intermarriage within the clan.

Of course, if there are members of the two ancient races who want to intermarry with them, they are welcome at any time, and it will be the highest standard welcome ceremony. It is okay to even want to marry more wives, even if you marry all the women of the entire ethnic group. No problem.

But this is after all wishful thinking.

Since the emergence of traitors in the two major races in the ancient times, the two major races have resolutely forbidden intermarriage of children within the clan and foreign races, and then because of a relatively bad incident, the two major races in the ancient times directly banned the clan land.

And because of the connection of this bad incident, the first generation Mori Fairy Patriarch, who was hit hard, issued a ban on not allowing the two ancient races to be provoked, while honestly recovering from the clan.

During the recovery period, he kept learning and gradually integrated into the human circle.

After recovering from the injury, he even considered the idea of ​​building a nation.

In the end, more than two thousand years after he succeeded to the throne, he established the first kingdom belonging only to the Mori Fairy clan.

The location of this country is not the current Moonlight City, but the current Ai Rui City.

The specific location, Odachi said, but I have no chance to go there for the time being.

After all, with the current relationship between I and Eri City, even if we can enter smoothly, I will definitely be treated as a villain.

After the founding of the country, the patriarch opened the door to allow all humans entering the country to become official citizens, and allowed the Mori Fairy clan to intermarry with humans.

However, it is strictly stated in the royal laws that no royal family members are allowed to marry humans. Once discovered, the royal family will be reformed and all treatment will return to the level of ordinary subjects.

You must know that even if the bloodline concentration is weaker, the fairy tales are stronger than ordinary humans. Therefore, ordinary adventurers can do what they can do, and they can do better.

This includes spawning monsters in the underground city.

Monster spawning is a great way to get money, and while getting money, it can also improve strength.

Strength is a major criterion for establishing a country's status. A country with strong power will have more voice, and there is no need to worry about being coveted because it has more resources.

Because of this, except for the two major races, the forest fairy country, which dominates the entire Japanese style continent with its strength, has become the country with the most abundant resources in the whole Japanese style continent.

Also in this relationship, the Mori Fairy royal family refused to intermarry with foreigners.

It is precisely because of this ancient time that the Mori Fairy Royal Family finally continued the bloodline concentration and unified the Hefeng Continent after the end of the ancient period.

However, with the defeat of the fairy rule and the beginning of the melee period, the Mori fairy clan was disintegrated by a major force. In order to save their lives, many pure-blooded royal families had no choice but to compromise and marry the children of the families who took them in and gave birth to heirs.

This situation continued until the period of melee transitioned to the stable phase.

Those members of the forest fairy clan whose bloodline concentration has been diluted to a very meager level, either alone, or left their homes with their families, a large part of them integrated into the newly established forest fairy country, and the remaining small part, then Travel across the oceans and come to Moonlight City, where you can recuperate and build a nation.

These later Mori Fairies were regarded as ordinary subjects and enjoyed the treatment of ordinary subjects. Before they came, the Mori Fairies who were exiled to Moonlight City were automatically classified as royalty.

After all, the Mori Fairy who was first exiled to Moonlight City, whether in terms of bloodline concentration or strength, was much stronger than the later group of people, and was classified as a royal family.

In fact, I really want to talk about it, now Moonlight City, the real Sen fairy royal family, there are only two: one is Socia, the other is Saran.

The bloodline concentration of the two of them is high, at least several times that of the royal family of Moonlight City today.

According to Shalan's words after drinking, many people once hoped to tie Socia and Shalan to marriage, but the two girls did not seem to be tools for blood inheritance.

Moreover, where the strength of the two women is placed, no one dares to force them. This has allowed the two women to live a happy and free life.

Although Sharan said so, I don’t believe that there must be no wrongdoers who have been thinking about them. It’s just that these people who are thinking about them have not dared to act, or have just begun to show signs. I lost my life together in the magic of the two women.

Closer to home.

The reason why the fairy queen summoned Saran and Alice to follow the team to patrol outside the inner forest is not necessarily because she wanted to get through the relationship between Saran and Alice and clear Socia's mind.

After all, in the entire Moonlight City, the only two women who truly qualify as the imperial family of the forest fairy.

And their bloodline power has been awakened, and although the power of the fairies released is far less powerful than the power of pure fairies, it is also the highest in Moonlight City.

This is the only way to deter the monsters in the inner forest.

At least until the bloodline power of Lizi and I awakened, this was the only and most appropriate method.

If you want to rely on other means, such as assembling a large army, besieging the inner forest, or gathering the strongest of the Wind Continent, entering the inner forest, killing the monsters by surprise, it is tantamount to a fantasy.

After all, the monster's corpse has been recovered, and the condition of the corpse has been tested by a dedicated person. It is basically certain and conservatively estimated that the strength of the two wolf-shaped muscle monsters can easily kill a junior national power team with less than five people.

Don't underestimate the junior national power team. Although it is only a junior, once it is gathered together, the strength it can exert is no less than the combat power of the higher-level national power.

But the endurance is definitely not as good as the superior state power.

This is why investigators use the junior national power team as a reference.

The strength of these two monsters is probably infinitely close to the strength of the superior country.

But please don’t ignore one important point, that is, these two monsters obviously did not run out of the inner forest by themselves, because the patrol team found their trajectory, and they always wandered around the edge of the outer forest, and their wandering footprints were very symmetrical. In other words, they have no intention of leaving the edge.

This is in line with a conjecture, that is, the wolf-shaped muscle monsters are just dispatched scouts, but they do not want to die as scouts, so they have been wandering around the inner forest. Once they encounter force majeure, they immediately turn around and run.

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