Generally speaking, those who can be assigned to a reconnaissance mission are either clever or fast, but no matter they are clever or fast, they can’t escape an identity——Xiao 喽hello .

Don't you see, which big boss will be in danger to find out the enemy?

Unless it is a big boss who just took office, it may be so in order to build up his prestige, but the monsters in the inner forest have existed for hundreds of millions of years, and they have long been distinguished between the strong and the weak. There is no need to do the same.

Therefore, there is only one possibility that can be sent out to find out the direction of the wind, and that is the little girl who can be smart, or run fast, or run smart and fast.

Rao are two young people, and they have the strength comparable to the strength of the higher-level country. It is conceivable that those big bosses who are hidden behind the scenes can be exaggerated in strength.

Whether it can destroy mankind is not yet known, but it is easy to destroy Moonlight City.

Thinking of this, I looked at Socia and whispered softly: "Why don't you try to participate in the patrol?"

"I won't be involved." Socia's voice is still calm and elegant: "I just want to run the tavern business steadily, and then taste the wine I have followed."

"But once the monsters in the inner forest perceive the real situation of the outside world, they will inevitably attack Moonlight City in a big way. At that time, it's a question of whether they can survive a quiet shop and wine tasting."

"My joining will definitely prevent this from happening?"

Socia lightly opened her vermilion lips and asked lightly.

After thinking for a few seconds, I shook my head and said, "No."

"If you can't, why do you want to go?" Socia asked again, and then shook his head slightly: "It's just a lot of trouble."

It's right to think about it, but Her Majesty the Fairy Queen is always coveting the only remaining descendants of the two Mori Fairy royals, Shalan and Socia, and she wants to use them for her own use.

It's just that these two identities are detached, not something she can force.

Among them, Shalan is fortunate to say that although she is also a descendant of the Mori Fairy royal family, she has a deep affection for Moonlight City. If Moonlight City suffers, she will definitely help.

But Socia is different. She doesn't have much emotion for Moonlight City. She just wants to manage her own tavern. Even if the crisis really strikes, she will definitely take Saran and Alice away, or maybe bring a few more bottles of collection. Good wine, as for other people and things, Socia will choose to ignore it.

It’s not that Socia is ruthless and treats the people as a must, but it’s really difficult for her to get along with other people, because Socia’s blood concentration is higher than that of Saran. The high blood concentration makes her and other people When people get along, they will become different and be isolated invisibly.

The isolation here is not rejection, but because the bloodline concentration gap is too large, bloodline suppression will occur invisibly. People who are suppressed will naturally feel uncomfortable or unnatural. Once they stay away from the cable In West Asia, this situation will disappear. Over time, Socia will become the "least popular" person in Moonlight City.

It just so happens that she also has a gentle temperament, does not like to make noise, and hates noise, and now she has won the title of "Least Popular", so she can live in the Moonlight Tavern without much trouble.

Her dwelling and isolation make her feelings towards people around her become indifferent, and feelings are the most important thing to manage, otherwise it will fade over time.

Today, only Saran and Alice have maintained a good relationship with Socia. Therefore, once encountering an irresistible danger, Socia will naturally only take two friends to leave. As for the others, Can only ask for blessings.

Actually, what is the difference between me and Socia?

Once the monster comes to the city, I must take my family and escape from Moonlight City as soon as possible.

During this period, even if the Elf Queen holds the will to coexist and die with Moonlight City, I will definitely knock her unconscious and take her away.

As for whether she would blame me for hating me after she woke up, that was all between us. In short, protecting the safety of our family is the key.

When I thought that Socia and I had the same ideas in this regard, I got close to her more inexplicably.

After a few days of spawning monsters steadily, I was called to the palace by Her Majesty the Fairy Queen.

It is June now, and the weather is getting hotter, and magic spar specially used for cooling has begun to be placed in every corner of the palace. Not to mention, the air-conditioning emitted by the magic spar is cold but not cold, and the effect is much better than air conditioning.

The only thing inferior to the air conditioner is that it cannot stop releasing air-conditioning. When the weather gets colder, it has to be put in a special room.

Feeling the slight chill in the lower palace, I walked quickly into the side hall.

At this moment, the fairy queen is holding a small shears and pruning the potted plants.

Seeing me coming in, she waved her hand and motioned me to sit freely.

After I sat down, she said, "In the past few days, some national forces have been attacked by monsters in the inner forest. Currently, there are three serious injuries and two minor injuries."

"What about the monster?"

"I was also injured, but fled into the inner forest." The fairy queen slowly straightened her waist and sighed, "I don't know if it is a blessing or a curse."

"It's hard to say" I said.

"What a bad idea?"

"Monsters may think that the outside world still has the power to destroy them, or they may feel that even a small person can not kill them. It seems that the strength of the outside world is already very weak. I think, after all, I can’t escape these two ideas. Any one of them."

"Which one do you think is the most likely?"

"I don't know" shook my head and said, "But I hope it's the former. At least the monster can stay away for a while.

The fairy queen's eyes flickered, and her tone became a little hasty: "What if it's the latter?"

"Then we can only find another place. Fortunately, there are many islands in the outside world as vast as Moonlight City, but there is no soil rich in magic values. We can only transfer the forest resources that depend on it to other resources ."

"It's impossible to leave" the fairy queen said: "This is the land on which we live, as well as the forest we love, and countless friendly creatures that travel through the forest."

"But if you leave, there is still a chance. If you don't leave, the fairies and elves will be destroyed."

The movement of the fairy queen stopped, and her slightly trembling hand revealed the tangled heart at the moment.

After a long time, with a soft click, she cut off the long and leafless branches. At the same time, the old voice slowly sounded: "If the inner forest seal collapses and the monsters come out, you will take Go up to Little Remy, Anasta, leave here, go anywhere."

"As long as you are still there, the Fairy Clan and the Elf Clan will not die, perhaps they will grow stronger."

"...After all, you are an ancient fairy."

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