Socia told me that before she was exiled, she had witnessed more than a dozen genocide incidents, and heard about dozens of them.

Most of these genocide incidents were defined as insurrection and treason, and the remaining half were defined as racial civil strife, leading to the destruction of the entire race.

However, no one would believe that ethnic civil strife would lead to the destruction of the entire race.

Because even if the civil strife is fierce, there will be heirs on all sides, maybe multiple heirs, maybe two heirs, or maybe only one heir, but they will never die together.

Because the civil strife of different factions all know that their struggle is only due to different faction ideas, but their ultimate goal is to strengthen their ethnic strength and make it more prosperous.

Therefore, even if the two sides are fighting fiercely, in the end, they will stop the war and even shake hands to make peace.

Only external forces can truly destroy the race.

For example, disasters, or man-made disasters.

Compared with disasters, I believe that those races that are said to have been destroyed due to civil strife were because they offended the forest fairy clan and were ruthlessly destroyed, or they knew something they shouldn’t know and were ruined.

In this regard, Socia did not give an accurate answer, she just retelled to me the content of the memorial that she had seen.

Thinking of this, I glanced at the sad and vicissitudes of the Fairy Queen's expression again, I smiled and said, "If that time comes, I will find a way to persuade them to leave with me."

"Alive" the fairy queen heard the words, nodded solemnly, and said: "Only when you are alive can you have a chance for revenge."

She did not say to reproduce the glory of the past, but I believe that compared to revenge, she is more eager for the former, but unfortunately, the reappearance of the former glory, she has a high probability of not having the opportunity to participate, because only Moonlight City is facing the extinction. I will leave here with my family due to the disaster, but as the most prestigious fairy queen in Moonlight City, I cannot leave.

Once she leaves, she will be stared at the pillar of shame, even if she is knocked out and sent away.

To keep her reputation, she can only coexist and die with Moonlight City.

This is not only the dignity of the monarch, but also the responsibility of the monarch.

After a long silence, I slowly said, "If I can, I still hope that those monsters will not break the seal and come out of the inner forest."

"This is not what you hoped to be able to achieve" the fairy queen said: "How long has it been since then, another monster ran out of the inner forest. This kind of thing rarely happened in the past, that is to say, the inner forest The monsters in China have begun to wonder whether there are two ancient races in the outside world."

Speaking of this, she sighed faintly, and said: "If your bloodline power is not sealed, the monster will still be a little afraid of it, but it's a pity..."

It's not the bloodline power I want to seal...

I vomited secretly, and I helplessly said, "Even if my bloodline power is sealed, how many fairies and elves live in Moonlight City, and how many geniuses whose bloodline power has been awakened, as long as they can work together and believe It can still stun the monsters in the inner forest. After all, their bloodlines are also inherited from the two major races of ancient times!"

"What you said is correct. It's just that the fairy tribe and the elven tribe have been in trouble repeatedly and had to marry ordinary humans. Although they did a lot of restraints later, the bloodline concentration is already very thin. The concentration of blood, if you want to deter the monsters in the surrounding forest, I'm afraid it will be powerless."


The fairy queen spoke a word and stopped speaking, but then, seeing that I had no intention of further questioning, she had to bite the bullet and say the following: "Unless Socia can give up her marriage for the sake of racial justice."

"You know" I said: "It's impossible."


The fairy queen sighed deeply.

There is no point in pretending to be pitiful in front of me.

I couldn't help but secretly said in my heart: Let's not say that I cannot persuade Socia because of the so-called racial justice, even if I am willing to do so, Socia will not agree.

From the time of getting along and talking, I deeply felt the pride buried in the bones of the woman Socia.

If she is really willing to commit herself to others and marry a long time ago, how can she still guard the Moonlight Tavern and two close friends until now?

After staying in the side hall for a while, after a waiter whispered to her, she waved her hand and said, "I happen to have business to be busy here. Go ahead and do it yourself."


Get up, bow and salute, turn and leave.

Instead of leaving the palace directly, I went to the Elf Queen’s office.

Pushing the door open, the elf queen was at her desk reviewing the memorials. When she heard the door opening, she raised her head and saw that it was me. A smile immediately appeared on her tired face.

"Why are you here today?"

"On the one hand, grandma summoned me, on the other hand I missed you."

The elf queen was ashamed.

"That's right." After a moment, she suddenly returned to her senses and asked, "Is grandma looking for you in a hurry?"

"If it's really urgent, I will definitely call you." I smiled and said, "I just asked about the monsters in the inner forest."

"Inner forest?" The elf queen's face narrowed slightly: "What's going on there, is there another monster coming out?"

"Well, it came out, but it didn't cause any loss of personnel. It just injured some national power. Now it has been sent for treatment, there should be no life worry."

"It's coming out again." The elf queen frowned and murmured: "The monsters in the inner forest have probably guessed it. Outside the forest, there is no such thing as the descendants of the two ancient races, right?"

Immediately, she was startled and apologized: "I'm sorry, Xiaoyi, I didn't mean to exclude you."

"It's okay." I waved my hand and said, "I was not a pure goblin. After all, the power of blood is sealed, and what I can show now is just the state of ordinary humans."

"If you can open the seal, no matter how strong the monster is, it will definitely not be your opponent."

The elf queen said surely.

Hearing this, I shook my head slightly: "The world is so big that it is unimaginable. The strong are like clouds and uncountable. Even if the seal of my bloodline power is opened, I have only acquired the most fundamental source of power of the ancient fairy clan, which is far from the bloodline. The awakening of power is still a long way away. During this period, there are still countless strong men who can pose a terrible threat to me."

The elf queen sighed quietly: "Now it seems that you can only rely on the power of the bloodline to awaken the strong."

"It's time for them to serve the country," I whispered: "After all, they have been enjoying the best welfare treatment before this, but they have never done anything. Many powerful children are laughing at them as domestic pets. It's time to use practical actions to break this rumor."

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