Due to its special geographical location and special property resources, Moonlight City, like Fort Witch, has always been independent of the other three countries.

It is precisely because of this special geographical advantage and property advantage that they do not need to participate in any wars or even alliances. As long as they maintain neutrality and maintain their national power, they can guarantee that other countries will not take action against these two countries.

On this point, Fort Witch did it, and did it well.

On the one hand, although Fort Witch is good at fighting and likes to fight, they don’t like to fight with humans, especially fighting people who are weaker than them. The kind of one-sided crushing war will make them feel Very unhappy, and even think this is an insult to their strength.

Rather than fighting with weaker compatriots, it is better to go to the depths of the mine and fight those unknown powerful monsters.

On the other hand, Fort Witch did not want to have too much ties with other countries, especially before the birth of Master Dewey, a business prodigy. In addition to trading mineral resources with other countries, Fort Witchh wanted to live there all the time. In the underground kingdom created by ancestors.

Moonlight City and Fort Witches did the opposite.

Not only did they participate in the war, they even established an offensive and defensive alliance with the Fergus family.

The reason for this is that, on the one hand, the Fergus family controls the largest number of animal husbandry resources and has a good means of growing food.

These are things that Moonlight City doesn't have.

On the other hand, the way for the orcs to awaken the bloodline power is much simpler than that of Fort Witch. It may be possible to use reference and research to promote the moonlight city adventurer to shorten the time required for the bloodline power awakening, so that the bloodline power awakening is simplified, convenient and universal.化.

On the last aspect, unlike the goblin and dwarf races, the orcs took advantage of the chaos to rob a large number of historical documents and ancient book catalogs from the palace. It looks like the ancestors of the orcs only took some gold and silver jewelry from the palace, and Weapon armor.

Although these things look precious, they are insignificant things for the fairies and elves.

I believe that as long as through negotiation, Dasai City will return part of the wealth and weapon armor it once plundered to Moonlight City. After all, those armors, although gorgeous, are not suitable for the strong figure of the orcs. Although the weapons are sharp, for the orcs, It's too light.

It is simply not too cost-effective to use these useless weapons and armors to exchange part of the wealth for the friendship of a country.

Based on the above points, Moonlight City and Dasai City have formed an alliance.

Although the alliance is formed, it is only an alliance of attack and defense in the agreement. If one day, Dasai City is attacked by an extremely powerful army, according to the agreement, Moonlight City will definitely send troops, but most of the soldiers sent are Rookie-level adventurers, this group of adventurers is low in strength, but in large numbers, looks full of momentum, and is full of cannon fodder in the battle.

Fortunately, those who survived the war, have basically become veterans, and after returning home, they can grow their own strength.

With this mindset, as long as they encounter a national war, the adventurers sent by Moonlight City are all rookie-level, and occasionally some are not rookie-level, but their strength is definitely not much stronger.

As for those who are regarded as the country’s foundation-laying national power level, the awakened power and the awakened bloodline power, they are treated as pets and kept in the country. Unless Moonlight City is in trouble, they will not Let them out.

It is precisely because of this that other people in the cannon fodder family secretly describe these powerful people as ‘national pets’. Of course, there are more ugly ones, but what is commonly circulated in the market is the term ‘national pets’.

Since this argument spread among the people, a considerable number of strong nationals have handed in their resignations to their superiors, or they have become adventurers, or they have simply changed jobs and become peasant women.

During that time, the situation in Moonlight City was a crisis.

With the constant pressure from the top and the brutal suppression by the officials at the bottom, the Zhexi argument was finally suppressed, but this does not mean it disappeared.

Instead, it changed a different way and became more low-key, but it was still spread among the people.

If not, how would I know the term ‘national pet’.

But to be honest, this name is quite appropriate and vivid.

When the elf queen heard this, her face turned a little red, and then she said angrily: "You don't know why, why are you still making a mess with those people?"

"It's not a silly roar." I shook my head with a smile, and said, "Although you don't value rumors, in fact, the spread of rumors in the rumors, and its authority among the people, is far more than the imperial edict."

The elf queen was surprised: "How come?"

"You don't know something" I said: "The relationship between the two of us was spread through the public. At that time, you and I just confirmed the relationship... Think about it, how well-informed and terrible the rumors are. "

"Could it be that there are chess pieces inserted in the palace?"

The face of the elf queen suddenly became serious.

"Thinking about it?" I smiled and comforted her: "The shop is just a place for people to chat. The reason why you know our news is because even the people in the palace belong to the people in the shop."


"It's another name for people living in the folk" I explained: "Unlike you who live in the palace, they need to consider firewood, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar and tea every day, and they have to think about building a good relationship with their neighbors. In China, they will unconsciously reveal some irrelevant news in exchange for the goodwill of neighbors."

"Just news can you get a good impression?" The elf queen snorted coldly, and said, "It's really cheap friendship."

"Isn't it?" I echoed, then changed the conversation, and said, "But because of this, the shop has become the best place to inquire about and deliver news."

Upon hearing this, the elf queen asked anxiously: "Xiaoyi, you said, is it possible that the monsters in the inner forest have been infested?"

"It's possible," I said, "but people may not take it too seriously."

"Why is this?" The Elf Queen asked puzzled: "Isn't this matter enough to attract their attention?"

"Because they are so far away from their lives, they may not be interested in this kind of thing" I explained: "Besides, there is a more important point."

"Which point?"

"They are very self-aware, knowing what they can do and what they cannot do, such as the monsters in the surrounding forest, they can't do it. Since they can't do it, why bother for nothing? "

"It's better to put this mind on living well, paying taxes, so as to contribute to the country's construction, and to give the national army more hope of defeating the monsters in the inner forest."

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