Since the mixed race is not considered the descendant of the pterodactyl, can I...

With a smirk in my heart, I looked calm and asked Salen, "Since the mixed race is not a member of the pterosaur clan, if someone hunts them, will he be retaliated by the pterosaur clan?"

"Hmph, even the pterosaurs are not a mixed race, and they are not eligible to be protected by our clan."

Seren's expression when he said this was an aloof and awe-inspiring.

"Oh~oh~" I nodded, and I was secretly happy.


Seren changed the front, deliberately lengthening the ending.

"But what?" I asked curiously.

"But those mixed breeds who are still in the egg or still young, don't provoke them."

"Why is this?"

"The pterosaurs indeed only shelter purebreds, but our clan has a habit of attaching great importance to their eggs and cubs, and they will desperately protect them before they reach adulthood."

"What about adulthood?"

"After you become an adult, you will naturally not receive any protection," Salen said: "So, if you have the idea of ​​hunting hybrids, it is best to choose adult hybrids as the target, otherwise you have to face more than just It's the attack of the mixed race, and the attack of the pterosaur."

"I see" nodded, and I smiled and said, "Thank you."

"I don't want to listen to verbal gratitude. I will honor my promise as soon as possible, which is my true gratitude."

"Hey" with a chuckle, I got up and planned to leave. After hearing from behind, Seren shouted, "Where are you going?"

"Go to the Moonlight Tavern and tell Socia the news."

"Bring my blood and go again," Sairen said: "By the way, put this on the island you gave me."

Looking at a piece of sequin between Salon's nails, I wondered: "This is..."

"This is my scale" Sairen said.


I nodded and put the scales in my pocket.

Later, I found a small bottle and filled it with Seren's blood.

There was also a small episode in the middle. Originally, it was difficult to cut through the skin of Seren with the blades of the demon sword and the big sword. In order to prevent her from suffering repeatedly, I directly used the power of the fairy, which scared her. Jumped.

"You actually have the power of a fairy!"

Seren said in horror.

"What's so surprising about this?" I wondered: "Don't forget, I'm a fairy."

"But your bloodline power is sealed. This is what I personally feel. Unless the seal has been unlocked, you can't use the power of the fairy!"

"This fairy power is not what you think" I said: "It exists in my bloodline from the beginning, but it has been in a hidden state until it went to the Demon Realm, and it was lucky to be activated."

"Is that so?" Sairen asked suspiciously: "But even in a deep sleep, I should be able to feel it?"

"What makes you think you can feel it?"

I asked with a serious face.

"Because I have personally felt the power of the goblin," Seren said solemnly: "Although I didn't face the feelings directly, the horrible magical fluctuations that made the dragon's heart palpitate are still unforgettable."

"It turns out that I only felt it from the side." I sighed in relief and said, "That's right, all you feel is the power of the fairy that has been activated, and my power of the fairy has been in a deep sleep state. it?"

"What do you know?" Seren looked blank.

Dizzy, he didn't even cooperate at all. If it weren't for him to be my family member, I really have the urge to dig out his heart to make wine.

Originally, I only planned to administer a small bottle of blood, but Seren’s non-cooperation directly caused him to lose three bottles of fresh blood.

Brought Seren's blood to the Moonlight Tavern, opened the door, and saw two familiar figures appearing beside the bar, Saran and Alice.

"Yo~" I said hello casually, and I said, "Both of you, here are both."

"I heard you drank Socia's most precious bottle of wine?"

Sharan looked at me with a smile, and said lightly: "I heard that if you give her the heart of the pterodactyl patriarch, she will marry you?"

Shalan's smiling expression instantly made my hair stand upright, and I laughed twice. I said: "It's all a joke, a joke."

"Where is the wine?" Alice asked suddenly: "Is it a joke too?"

"This is not a joke, but I just wanted to drink a bottle of Drake Champagne. Who would have thought that Socia would give me the most treasured bottle of wine..."

"Hmm, in other words, everything is Socia's fault?" Saran looked at me with a smile.

"..." I really don't know what to say.

All of this has nothing to do with who is right and who is wrong. The only problem may be the phrase "Just bring back the heart of the pterodactyl patriarch, and marry me".

After a moment of silence, I decided to give up my defense.

Take out the blood bottle in his pocket and place it on the bar.

"What is this?" Looking at the blood bottle, Socia asked in confusion: "The heart of the pterodactyl patriarch?"

Sharan looked at me too, her eyes gleaming with danger.

"This is the blood of the pterodactyl patriarch" I said: "I said, he is my family, I will not hurt him like this."

"Isn't taking blood a harm?"

Aside, Alice was fanning the flames there again.

"Of course not," I said: "For Salem's size, this blood is just a drop in the bucket and won't hurt its roots. Besides, I promised him conditions that satisfy him."

"What conditions?" Shalan asked curiously.

"Live oxen, and an island."

"Your price is high enough!"

Shalan looked surprised.

"Not bad" I said: "But compared to the value of Drake Champagne, these are not worth mentioning."

"Oh?" Socia suddenly smiled: "Do you want to do business with me?"

I also smiled and looked at her: "Can't you?"

"I'm not a serious businessman" Socia smiled back and said, "I'm just a tavernkeeper."

"I am not a serious businessman, I am an adventurer."

After that, we both looked at each other and smiled.

Later, I told Socia what Seren said to me and his warning to me.

"In other words, as long as the hunt is not eggs and young birds, there is no problem, right?"

"Yes" I said: "And listening to his tone, there should be a lot of mixed pterosaurs."

"Did he say where the hybrid pterosaurs are mainly distributed?" Socia asked.

"I didn't say," I said, "but it certainly won't be in the Fairy Forest."

"Why is it so sure?"

"Because Salon told me before that he wanted to set aside a piece of land in the Fairy Forest for the pterosaurs to live. If there is a pterosaur in the Fairy Forest, I believe it would have been settled.

Socia thought for a moment and nodded: "That's right, with the pride of the dragon clan, no matter where you live, you will be the first to carve out your own territory."

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