The dragons, like many animals, will take the lead to delineate a territory every time they arrive on a planet, as a territory, and gather here.

There are no traces of dragons in the Fairy Forest, which proves that there is no dragon in the Fairy Forest.

Earlier, Seren stated that he wanted to set aside a piece of land in the Fairy Forest as the territory of the Dragon Race. I can probably guess his thoughts-the concentration of magic power contained in the Fairy Forest is exaggerated, and the inner land contains The concentration of magic power is even higher to the extent that magic crystals are condensed. If you can stay in it and draw magic power crazy, it will be of great benefit to him to improve his own strength.

In addition, Salen also knows that there is a colony of golden bees living in the border between the outer forest and the inner forest of the Fairy Forest, and the relationship between this colony of golden bees and me is very good. If he speaks in my name, he is cheating. If you want, you will be able to get a large pile of sweet and delicious golden honey from time to time.

The role of golden honey is not only as simple as replenishing the magic value, but also to beautify the skin and strengthen the physique. If it is taken in large quantities for a long time, it will definitely be able to reach the level of evil dragon Spitz.

I deeply doubt that Seren has the intention to retaliate against Spitz after his strength reaches the Spitz level. As the chief of the pterodactyl, he is not a broad-minded guy. He even remembers where I am. Heaven's mouth fight won him this kind of thing. This kind of guy with a heart like a needle will definitely not complain to Spitz who has used him as a waiter all the year round. I believe that once this guy has the strength, the first time Will find Spitz desperately.

If lucky enough to win, Seren will definitely step on the seeds of Spitz's head, quacking and laughing.

I can even imagine the arrogance and arrogance of that scene.

Although Seron is my friend, so is Spitz, and Spitz has helped me even more, so I don't want to see the scene where Spitz is defeated by Seron.

As a result, I naturally refused his request on the grounds that the Fairy Forest did not allow the existence of too strong to live.

Of course, this reason is not invented out of thin air.

This rule was set by the first fairy clan lord of Moonlight City. The reason for this rule was that we did not want too powerful adventurers to enter the Fairy Forest. On the one hand, to ensure the ecological environment of the Fairy Forest, on the other hand, On the one hand, it is also worried that the powerful adventurer will be too confident and boldly go to the inner forest. If it is only killed by the monsters in the inner forest, if it angers the monsters in the inner forest, it will break the seal. Kill it, that would be a mess.

Not only the suffering of the Fairy Forest, the entire Moonlight City will fall. More seriously, the entire Hefeng Continent's ecosystem will have to be reset.

Closer to home.

Socia immediately became interested after hearing that there were many mixed-blood pterosaurs on the Hefeng Continent. She immediately wrote a reward order and gave it to Shalan, who would post it on the bulletin board outside the Moonlight Tavern.

In the following days, adventurers brought various birds to the Moonlight Tavern, asking Socia for help in identifying whether it was a hybrid pterodactyl.

At first, Socia was very patient, but as the number of people continued to increase, she finally got tired of how to identify the hybrid pterodactyl and posted it on the sidebar of the bulletin board.

At this time, the number of adventurers who came has dropped sharply. Two days later, only a few adventurers will come to the Moonlight Tavern carrying strange-looking birds, and ask Socia to help identify them.

Among the adventurers who sought Socia's identification, one of them was considered a very weak rookie. It might be that the days of spawning monsters every day were too monotonous, and they wanted to take the opportunity to spend money.

For these guys who want to make opportunistic tricks, Socia did not show them face, but told them patiently that with their current strength, it is best to bend to find a hybrid pterosaur, because they add together, only enough Adult mixed pterosaurs eat it a day.

As for the young hybrid pterosaurs, or pterosaur eggs, they don't even think about touching them, because once they touch them, they will be chased by the hybrid pterosaur parents.

Regardless of whether the parents of the hybrid pterosaurs are hybrid pterosaurs or pure-blood pterosaurs, they can only feed each other for a day.

If you don't want to be a snack, it's better to be calm, what should you do, and don't daydream all day long.

However, the other party didn't seem to take Socia's words seriously, at most it was just a verbal perfunctory. As soon as he went out, he started to discuss where to catch the mixed-blood pterosaur.

I retelled the conversation I heard to Socia, and Socia chuckled, "I have said everything that I should say. As for whether they are willing to do it, it is not my business."

About a week later, an adventurer finally returned with the first hybrid pterodactyl.

This hybrid pterodactyl was found in the forest outside Ai Rui City. It was in a strange state when it was discovered. It was doing very strange movements, which seemed to be dancing. Of course, it could also be just idle and okay.

After listening to the description, a picture suddenly appeared in my mind-a mixed-blood pterosaur with variegated feathers and more than two meters in length, with a pair of wings and a pair of long legs, while the sharp beak was raised high. There was a harsh rattling noise.

I seem to have seen this scene in the science and education program of Blue Planet, it should be a courtship scene.

Looking at the mixed-blood pterosaurs tied into zongzi, my eyes twitched.

The mixed-blood pterosaur, tied into a zongzi, slumped on the bar. Its huge length took up half of the entire bar.

I thought it would continue to struggle and move desperately, but seeing how quiet it has been all the time, I always feel a little offensive.

After all, the one lying in my backyard, but as long as it is tied up, it will struggle hard.

"Why doesn't it move?" I asked curiously.

One of the members who participated in the capture glanced at me and said lightly: "It has been struggling for two full days. I think it is exhausted."

"Only two days..." I murmured.

Based on my understanding of the pterosaurs, if you don't struggle for a week or two, it will be the shame of the pterosaurs.

However, because it is a mixed-blood pterosaur, it is not as strong as a pure-blood pterosaur, so it may appear to be tired after only two days of struggle.

"Are two days still too short?" The member stared at me and said coldly, "Could it be that it is normal to have to struggle for three or four days?"

"Or, this friend, the half-blood pterosaur you caught with your hands is the one that struggles for three or four days and will not stop?"

He aggressively said: "If this is the case, please bring it out for me to see, so that I can open my eyes."

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