I suddenly started talking, mocking and hating. I have met many people like this. In most cases, it is for the sake of superiority.

Some think that they are extraordinary, some think that their identity is extraordinary, and more want to show their superior self in front of the girl they like by demeaning them.

Since the opponent has the ability to capture the mixed-blood pterosaurs, it is enough to prove that each of their squad's strength is extraordinary, at least also a level ten adventurer.

The tenth-level adventurer is the boundary between the weak and the strong recognized by the Hefeng Continent.

But among the adventurers who can enter the Moonlight Tavern, there are not many who are below level 10. The general level is around level 11. Those who can become regulars here are even above level 13. See what they show in front of Socia The appearance of tension and restraint is basically certain. The overall strength of this team is hovering between the 11th and 12th levels.

Well, an eleventh or twelfth level adventurer can indeed be called a master in the Hefeng Continent, a little arrogant, and understandable.

Look at their clothes again. Although they are not top materials such as mithril and fine gold, they are top-grade steel armor with many enchanted gems.

This kind of imitation, which is similar to enchanting equipment in style, can also exert a certain enchanting effect, but compared with the genuine one, it is quite different.

Rao is so, still can not obliterate the value of imitations.

Today's Hefeng Continent regards such high-quality imitations as high-end, high-end and expensive goods. There is no certain financial foundation and no certain social status. Don't want to buy this type of armor.

Take a look at my clothes, they are common goods at very ordinary prices.

It's not that I can't afford expensive clothes. My family's gold coins are already piled up in several warehouses. This is only the surface. In the underground warehouse of the magic airship base, there are more gold coins piled there.

If I want to, I can buy all the shops in Moonlight City anytime and anywhere.

One reason for choosing ordinary clothes is that ordinary clothes can be seen everywhere, which can hide my identity to a certain extent.

Secondly, there are large-scale goods everywhere, this set is broken, you can replace it with a new set.

Finally, and most importantly, I am an adventurer and need to fight frequently. Cheap clothes are thrown away if they are damaged in the battle, but expensive clothes are a bit reluctant.

Regardless of the amount of money, he is still the rookie adventurer who had a hard time with Phoenix in his heart.

In terms of clothes, I am completely arrogant.

Finally, let’s talk about your favorite girl.

Although Socia is not as beautiful as Emily, she has noble temperament and elegant manners. His words and deeds also reveal the style of top aristocrats. Naturally, he can attract the attention of many adventurers.

In addition, she herself is a descendant of the Mori Fairy royal family with extremely high bloodliness, and she is even more sought after by everyone. It is true that from the nobles of Tianhuang to the common people, no one does not desire to marry her.

I took a look at that person's expression. While looking at me proudly, I didn't forget to glance at Socia.

This Sima Zhao's heart can be seen at a glance.

Arrogance, frivolous, pretentious, coupled with wanting to show their strengths and majesty in front of the beloved girl, will naturally make some irrational behavior.

I understand.

So, I ignored him.

However, my retreat seemed to have become an opportunity for him to be more savvy. This fool, whose head was dazzled by desire, continued to speak to me, and all kinds of ridicules were endless.

Socia's gaze swept across my face calmly, and after confirming that I was not angry because the other party had said nothing, he ignored this guy who was constantly mocking me, and instead focused on the half-blood pterosaur. , After all, this thing is related to the future of her favorite wine.

With my chin in one hand and a wine glass in the other, I smiled and looked at the person who said nothing.

Seeing my attitude, the person instantly went into flames and said angrily: "What do you think of me?"

I smiled and said nothing, and continued to look at him.

"Dare to look at me again, don't blame me for being rude to you!"

Seeing that the questioning was invalid, he immediately turned the questioning into a threat.

I continued to stare at him with a smile.

It wasn't that I was looking for something deliberately, but the Moonlight Pub had a rule that waiting for idlers was not allowed to fight inside the pub. Once found, they would be driven out of the pub.

The expulsion of the tavern here is not just as simple as being expelled from the Moonlight Tavern, but being expelled from the underground world.

You know, although the adventurers in the earth world live brilliantly, but at least half of the adventurers in the earth world are not as comfortable as they think.

At least money has restricted their dreams.

Therefore, many adventurers choose to dive into the underground world and add a new identity to themselves.

The adventurers in the earth world are still magnificent, but the adventurers in the underground world are the root of money.

The leader of the underground world of Moonlight City is Socia of Moonlight Tavern.

And Socia, who happens to be a person who values ​​rules very much, whoever breaks the rules set by Socia will not be welcomed by Socia.

Although this article sometimes depends on the situation, but in most cases, it is still very consistent.

The group in front of them naturally belongs to the type of people in most situations.

Since they are the type of people in most situations, they naturally won't break the rules just because of a little thing and lose this way of getting money.

This is why I am so confident.

I still looked at the man cheerfully, waiting for him to lose his mind, then get angry, and then be driven out of the Moonlight Tavern.

Of course, I still hope that he can restrain his reason, but if he is inattentive and fails to restrain his reason, I can't blame me.

My repeated "non-cooperation" and "ignoring his words" obviously angered him.

Out of anger, he clenched a fist in one hand and held the hilt in the other hand. He was about to pull the sword out of its sheath and chop off my head to dispel the resentment in his heart. Suddenly, the adventurer in front of him suddenly stretched out his hand. , Hold his wrist firmly.

"Don't make any trouble!" The teammate glared angrily, making the man look dumbfounded, and he didn't recover for a long while.

After returning to his senses, his complexion was red and purple. After a long time, he released his hand holding the handle of the knife, snorted coldly, and stopped speaking.

And his teammate, the person who stopped him, stepped up to me, bowed slightly, and said, "My elder, my teammate has a reckless personality and offended you. Please forgive me."

"It's okay" I waved my hand generously and said, "You are young, young and vigorous, understandable."

As soon as he heard the three characters "young man", the adventurer who had just put out the fire suddenly burst into flames. The one who gritted his teeth and tried to draw the knife, but another teammate reached out and snatched his knife over, while shouting in a low voice. : "Don't trouble yourself!"

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