The People Walking in Dungeons are surely not Normal

Chapter 3435: Simmons Locke's concerns

It is not easy to persuade the eldest son of Moonlight City to reinvigorate and work hard.

People, once they get used to ease and stability, they will indulge in it unconsciously.

This is not my ridicule, it is a personal experience.

Once on the blue planet, when I was young, I was a young man who had dreams and was determined to be strong. But as I entered society and my life gradually became stable and healthy, I changed my mind. otaku.

At first, I was ashamed of indulging in ease, but as the time of ease lasted longer, I became more addicted to it. Later, I was thrown into Java.

It wasn't until I crossed the Hefeng Continent to become an adventurer in order to survive, and then from a lazy otaku life to a brave and hardworking adventurer.

Today, Akahavi’s state is almost the same as when I was an old otaku... No, it’s more lazy and extravagant than I was then. At least I had to eat by myself at that time. Even if it is ordering, you have to unpack it and deliver the food to your mouth, but Akahavi is different. He doesn't even need to use his hands, and directly has a flower-like maid holding a spoon hand to hand to feed it.

Let's put it this way, now, Akahavi needs to do it himself, that is, peeing, sneezing and sleeping.

"Fuck, your life is really delicious!"

I am so envious that my scalp is numb, and I want to give him a fat face that owes him a beating.

Akahavi was obviously fattened by more than a circle of fat face and moved, squeezing out a bright smile, and said, "You can too."

"You can do it, so can I!" I said depressed: "If I go home with the maid on the front foot, the house on the back foot will be upset, and the housing reform can bring me up!"

"Ha ha."

The thief of Akahavi's smile is wretched, and the elegant atmosphere of the year is gone.

"You said you were a handsome boy, but now you are a fat man and a fat man. Are you really willing?"

Akahavi laughed at himself: "What can you do if you are not reconciled?"

"Change, brother," I said loudly: "You can step on the adventurer's road again!"

"Treason, there is a future?" Akahavi sneered.

"The treason is Akahavi, the elven prince of Moonlight City, what is it to you?"

After hearing this, Akahavi was dumbfounded for a few seconds, frowned, and said: "You want me...change my identity?"

"Or it's easy to deal with smart people," I said with a smile: "Yes, as long as you change your status, you can start again."

"But who wouldn't know me?" Akahavi said melancholy: "On the day the sentence was pronounced, I was standing in the middle of the street and everyone was watching."

"The elves and fairies are so strong in disguise, you can ask a disguise master to solve this problem."

Akahavi frowned, pondered for a long time, sighed faintly, and said, "Never mind, I can try."

"Hey, just now, I wondered if you had lost your pride and self-depraved clothes to stretch out your hand, and the otaku uncle who opened his mouth now, when I saw it, it was not the case. This frown, when I spoke, revealed Isn't the style that came out the pride of the eldest prince back then!"

"Don't slap me ass," Akahavi smiled and scolded: "I'll just give it a try. If it doesn't work, I will stay at home and be my fat man."

"I don't believe you can continue to be a fat house uncle" I said with a smile: "As long as you have the opportunity, you will definitely not be a person who can live freely."

"Oh, you are troublesome" Akahavi glanced at me, waved his hand, and said, "Go out, I'm going to do business."

Leaving Akahavi’s tree house, I went straight to the palace and told the matter to the two queens.

The two empresses agreed to the matter without hesitation. Among them, the elf queen almost cried out of excitement. The elf queen was much calmer than her, but she was also relieved.

Although the old man didn't say anything about that incident, he must have a lot of burdens in his heart. After all, Akahavi's treason behavior was planned and tacitly approved by her old man.

The human skin mask was quickly manufactured and handed over to Akahavi through secret channels.

In the following days, a fat man was added to the huge team of adventurers.

Just when I thought that life would be calm for a while, Simmons Locke suddenly contacted me and bluntly found another hidden tomb.

Early the next morning, I called the magic airship and went straight to York and Seoul.

The hidden tomb found this time is less than one kilometer away from the military fortress found last time.

Under the guidance of the guards, I quickly came to the nearby camp and saw Simmons Locke sitting in the Chinese army’s tent, sipping tea.

"What did your majesty find?" I asked curiously.

"No," Simmons Rock confessed.

"Then you rashly asked me to come here, why?" I wondered.

"Digging the grave" Simmons Rock said.

"I am not a tomb thief, and I have no experience in digging tombs."

"It's okay," Simmons Locke said: "I have invited professionals, you and I, just need to wait here, and when they have finished digging, we can explore the tomb together."

Co-authored this is to take a day trip to the tomb with me.

"Although I understand what you mean, I am an adventurer. I think this time is more valuable for spawning monsters. When will you find the instructions that can crack the weapons of the Celestial Clan, you will come to me again. "

"Are you busy lately?" Simmons Rock stared at me and asked.

"It's not too busy, but it's okay."

"I heard that during this period of time, you are not very serious about killing monsters" Simmons Locke said lightly: "Is this busy?"

Cursing my lips, I helplessly said: "I am your grand niece and son-in-law, you even watch me as well?"

"Watch you?" Simmons Rock shook his head and said, "I'm just protecting my Bai Yunying."

"Bai Yunying does not need protection" I affirmed: "Her current strength is already able to protect herself."

"Do you really think that the National Power Organization would just let it go so easily?" Simmons Rock snorted coldly, "That's one of the most unreasonable organizations in Hefeng Continent."

"But I have beaten the people they sent out one by one."

"If you have a memory after playing it again, the national power organization would have disappeared. The reason why it has become as strong as it is today is not because of cruelty and thick-skinned!"

"Emily, they may really not move. After all, on the one hand, they have your support, and on the other hand, they have the support of the two queens. But Bai Yunying is different. She has only your support, but you can’t Being by her side all the time, how can I feel relieved?"

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