Simmons Locke's worries are not unreasonable.

The reason why the National Power Organization can become the strongest organization hidden in the Hefeng Continent among the countries is because they are acquiesced by the monarch and can accept the strong as disciples. On the other hand, it is also because they do things so hard and hard. Leave trouble.

Those who refuse to be surrendered will either be supported by someone like Emily, or promised that they will never be enemies of the national power organization, or they will be ruthlessly pursued and killed by the national power organization.

And from the information I have collected, the National Power Organization is an organization with almost no bottom line. For those adventurers who are powerless and unwilling to submit, the measures they take are often annihilation.

Not only annihilated the adventurer, but also his (her) family.

Although the annihilation of the strong may have some impact on the national power organization, this impact is negligible, because behind the national power organization, someone can help it wipe its ass.

Generally speaking, those who can become the backers of national power organizations are often powerful nobles.

In fact, there are members of the royal family who want to participate, but the problem is that the monarch has regulations and the royal family is not allowed to interfere with anything related to the national power organization. This directly cuts off the national power organization by manipulating the royal family to achieve control of the monarch, and even the whole The hidden dangers of the country's operation.

I really don’t know who came up with this wise decision and who proposed it, but I have to give the other person a thumbs up.

It is precisely because of the strong backing behind the national power organization that most of the time the national power organization handles affairs with confidence.

The local status, coupled with the pride of the national power organization, made them very disdainful of adventurers from other countries.

It doesn't matter if the other party is a prince or a princess.

This threat threatens, it’s time to get rid of it. Anyway, if you ask us to speak on the territory of our country, there is only one way of saying that the other party violated the national regulations. As for which regulation, I can’t tell if you don’t find it. We want to say that if it is to declare war, the national power will not be afraid, and will contact the aristocratic organizations behind it, and let them make the wind and rain in the court, as long as this incident is related to the declaration of war against the country, everything will be fine. .

After that, it was either a national war or was forced to turn off the flames, only to choose one of the two.

The vast majority of countries are unwilling to start a national war, but that is the event that most affects the development of the country, and may even cause the country's comprehensive strength to quickly recede.

To sum up, if the National Power Organization really does something to Bai Yunying, there is no way for York Seoul to intervene. I can only find the National Power Organization to settle the accounts.

But this calculation should not be too fierce. At most, it is to kill the lower-level personnel in the national power organization. As for the intermediate and high-level personnel, I can't touch them. Once I do, I will be regarded as challenging Moonlight City, unless I have Absolute strength can put the entire Moonlight City under its feet, otherwise it will be counterattacked by national forces and Moonlight City.

Thinking about it this way, Simmons Locke is not only for Bai Yunying, but also for my future.

Thinking of this, I nodded and said: "I don't know much about the national power organization. I have not done a lot of things comprehensively. Thanks to you to make up for it, I finally filled this hidden danger. Thank you."

"No need to thank" Simmons Locke said: "I only want you to treat Bai Yunying well."

"This is no problem," I promised with a smile.

About half an hour of tea was sitting in the Great Tent of the Chinese Army. A guard came in hurriedly and reported that the door to the tomb had been dug out and the internal turbidity had been vented and it was possible to enter.

Hearing this, Simmons Lock put down his tea cup and invited me: "Let's go and see this ancient tomb."

"Are you planning to go to the grave yourself?" I curiously asked, "This is a very dangerous behavior."

"Dangerous?" Simmons Locke said with disdain: "Since I became an adventurer, there hasn't been a day spent in danger. What's a mere ancient tomb?"

Simmons Locke's domineering attitude impressed me.

This is the domineering kind that a king over the world should have.

This mausoleum is very large. According to experts, it covers an area as large as a few football fields. At the same time, it is very deep. The gate of the tomb that has been dug is more than ten meters underground. The real tomb hall may be deeper.

Climbing down the ladder and going forward according to the marked route, we soon came to the front hall of the tomb.

When passing by the front hall gate, an expert specially explained to us the handwriting on the gate. It was a curse, cursing that everyone who enters the tomb will die in the tomb.

Experts say that he has seen at least dozens of curses like this one, and even encountered more vicious ones.

Experts say that most of the curses in the tombs are to stop the living. On the one hand, they are to prevent the living from disturbing the dormancy of the owner of the tomb. On the other hand, it is also to prevent looting. The tomb was robbed and built, but to be able to enjoy the glory and wealth even after death.

Through the front hall door, step into the front hall, and in the eye, is a huge gold statue, and it is made of pure gold, but this several tons of pure gold does not contain magical fluctuations, that is, they are just Ordinary pure gold is not even considered currency in Hefeng Continent.

On both sides of the statue, there are two huge stone piers with many reliefs. These reliefs look very delicate. When you get closer, you will find that some positions of the reliefs are hollowed out inside, that is, the two stone The pier is not a solid boulder, but a hollow boulder. There should be something in it.

"What's inside?" I asked curiously.

"It should contain a lot of valuables, but these valuables cannot be taken."

"Why?" I wondered.

"The valuables inside are specially used to lure tomb robbers. In fact, as long as the outer structure of the stone pier is destroyed, the mechanism connecting the stone pier will be activated. Once the valuables inside are taken away, the mechanism will be immediately Open it, causing a devastating blow to the tomb."

"What do the valuables in it generally contain?" I asked curiously.

"There are many kinds of" the expert said: "The most common are gold and silver jewelry. Some will put some mithril in it, and only a few will put fine gold or enchant equipment."

"What about this one?" I asked curiously, "Did you see it?"

"Yes" the expert said: "It's just ordinary jewelry, some value, but it is far from reaching the sky-high level."

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