Unlike Simmons Locke’s regret, I am curious how they were awakened, or...resurrected?

When I asked this question, I thought there would be no answer, but Simmons Locke told me the general process frankly.

After listening, I have a little experience, and at the same time, I have a deeper understanding of the so-called wake-up.

The so-called awakening is slightly different from the real resurrection. First, the corpse must be intact. Secondly, if the corpse is intact, it must be ensured that its body surface is full of vitality. Finally, there is a lot of preparation for awakening. Materials, and a living person.

It can be said that the two most important things in this awakening ceremony are basic materials and living people.

The stronger the living being, the more successful the awakening ceremony.

In other words, life is exchanged for life.

It sounds cruel.

But according to Simmons Locke, the awakening ceremony was created in ancient times and is a means used by the country to awaken the strongest soldiers who died by accident.

Originally, the awakening ceremony does not require sacrifices, and the success rate is almost 100%.

However, after the baptism of the devastating calamity in the late antiquity period, the awakening ceremony was missing.

The collected missing awakening rituals are included in the Elf Palace. On the surface, it is said that this reversal of life and death rituals will not be restored, but in fact, it is to invite experts to perfect the missing parts of the ritual.

But after trying countless times, it was still unsuccessful. Nothing happened, so I had to try other schemes.

In the end, the plan of life-for-life was chosen.

At the end of the reign of the fairies, the Simmons Locke family rushed into the palace in the chaos, and followed them with looting.

They are not like some nouveau riche groups, or local turtles, who either **** gold and silver jewels or **** beautiful cars.

They twisted and twisted all the way, found the secret room of the palace, packed many good things in the secret room, and quickly evacuated the chaotic palace of the elves.

After returning to the family, they began to check the spoils, and divided the valuables into one category, the non-valuable into one, and the very valuable into another category. Among them, the wake-up ceremony belonged to the last category.

Because it can awaken the dead, its value is incomparable, but due to harsh conditions, it is classified as a very valuable but rarely used category.

In this generation, Simmons Locke once commanded an archeological team to excavate ancient tombs. On the one hand, they were looking for high-value objects. On the other hand, they were looking for weapons that could be used. It is best to be handed down in ancient times. The great kind.

Facts have proved that this kind of thing is not easy to get, and it is not easy to even see it.

By mistake, Simmons Rock dug up several ancient tombs of the Celestial people.

Originally, these ancient tombs were buried deep underground, but the earthquake shook them out.

After the tomb was dug up, although Simmons Locke and his team did not find the weapons and equipment they wanted, or the priceless things, they found several complete bodies.

According to analysis, these are the corpses of Celestial people.

Simmons Rock found many prisoners on death row, used them as life-for-life tools, and did not hesitate to perform the awakening ceremony.

The result is not gratifying, but not disappointed.

Only awakened the clan for more than a half-day, and the body of the remaining half-day clan was completely shattered.

"The success rate of the awakening ceremony is not high" Simmons Locke said: "It was only by luck that I awakened the people for more than half a day. According to the normal ratio, the number of people that can be awakened is about one-third, or even less. "

"Compared with the price paid, is it worth it?" I wondered.

"Of course it's worth it" Simmons Locke smiled: "After all, those who are to be resurrected must be the strongest in the country. Even if only one is resurrected, it is the country's partiality."

"That's true." I nodded and said, "By the way, a corpse like this is less likely to be resurrected?"

The expert leader beside "Yes" said: "The corpse has lost its vitality and cannot bear the infusion of vitality."

"It's a pity" I said, "I really want to resurrect the other party."

"Resurrect him?" Simmons Locke asked puzzledly: "What's the point?"

"I want to hear his experience" I said: "I am curious about the life of an unfavored prince."

"The life experience of the unfavored prince" Simmons Rock laughed: "You can go to a country with many princes and ask about it."

"How rude" I said, "This will be disgusting."

"If you are afraid of being disgusted, you can go to my palace and ask each prince."

Hearing this, my eyes lit up: "Can you?"

"Of course," Simmons Rock laughed: "After all, I also have children who I don't like, but my unfavored children will not be abused, but they have lost the right to inherit the throne."

"If it's just disqualification, it's hard to say whether it's a good thing or a bad thing."

"Generally speaking, it is not a bad thing, but there are special circumstances."

"What is the special situation?" I asked.

"Talent and ambitious, but lost the qualification to inherit the throne."

"Is such a person really good not to give him the throne?" I curiously asked.

"What's wrong?" Simmons Locke asked, "It's not that talents and ambitions must be suitable to be a monarch. To be a qualified monarch, many other conditions are needed."

"For example?"

"Let's say decisiveness, like the way of thinking, like a benevolence."

"So that's it." I nodded solemnly, and then said: "But what does it have to do with me? I don't intend to be a monarch."

Simmons Locke heard the words and touched his chin without making a sound.

After exploring the coffin, the experts began to check the surrounding walls, and soon found some hidden doors.

After opening the secret door effortlessly, I found a lot of gadgets, all of which were worthless gadgets.

For example, broken jade, hard and brittle picture album, broken scarecrow, etc.

"What are these things?" I wondered.

"These are the burial objects that are accompanied by the tomb, and they are the favorite things of the tomb owner." The expert leader said: "If the whole tomb is in the eyes of the tomb owner, these gadgets are the most valuable."

"In other words, there are no more valuable things in this tomb, right?"

"Yes" the expert leader said: "If it is a popular prince, many expensive things will be placed in this tomb, but because he is not to be seen, the things placed in the tomb will only It is something that the owner of the tomb loves, and there will be no other valuable things."

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