Should it be said that the monarch of the dynasty was ruthless and ruthless, or should it be said that in order to humiliate this son he did not like, and to not violate the ancestral system by all means?

After thinking about it for a moment, I decided not to think about this issue anymore.

After all, the time has passed, and this dynasty has long been annihilated in the dust of history, and only the magnificent mausoleums are left behind, which are actually useless for understanding the social history of the time.

There is also a back hall in this mausoleum. The back hall is filled with burial objects.

There are many types of burial objects, including human remains, animal remains, bird remains, and even insect remains.

However, the remains of these insects are already very crisp, and will turn into powder after a little shake.

The sudden incident just now happened to turn a batch of insect remains into powder.

Scratching my head, I wondered: "How do you plan to use this powder?"

The expert leader of "Returning Lord" said: "This place is powder, we plan to discard it."

"Xiao Yi is interested in these powders?" Simmons Locke quipped me.

"Not interested." I shook my head repeatedly, and said: "I just looked at these powders, and I felt a sense of tragic and majesty. I think I should bury them."

"This is already their best burial chamber" Simmons Locke said: "If you think there are better burial chambers, you can also find someone to converge them and then bury them."

After thinking about it, I shook my head: "It's still not possible, as you said, this is already the best tomb."

Those that have become powder will naturally not be recycled. Those that are still intact will converge into small boxes under the operation of experts and assistants.

Looking at the rows of small boxes that were sent out of the back hall of the tomb, I was curious: "Could you take the liberty to ask, what is the research value of these things?"

"Generally speaking, the research value of the sacrificial objects in the tomb is the greatest in the entire tomb."

The expert leader explained.

I thought about it, shook my head and said, "I don't understand."

"That's it" he explained: "The funerary objects in the mausoleum are generally divided into three categories by us. The first category is gold and silver jewelry, coral agate, etc., although valuable but very limited in value, the second category Mithril fine gold, enchanted gems, magic equipment and enchanted equipment, etc., this type of funeral goods is extremely valuable, but it is only limited to their own value. The third type is mural reliefs, exquisite artwork, and full The burial objects of the land, even if these things are taken outside may be worthless, but their value to the historical society and the biological field is inestimable and can be called invaluable treasures."

“Especially the sacrificial objects of the emperor’s tombs are invaluable” the expert team leader continued to explain: “The main reason is that any emperor likes to collect rare birds and animals in the world, and after their death, they will let their subjects These rare birds and animals were sent to the tombs as burial objects. Many rare birds and animals were not in large numbers. If they were tossed by the emperor, some would become extinct because of this. If you want to study these extinct species, you will often You can only find answers in the tombs of the emperors or the nobles."

"But, even if you can find the answer, what can you do?" I wondered.

"Don't forget the wake-up ceremony."

Simmons Rock added.

In my mind, a conjecture suddenly emerged: It turns out that the awakening ceremony can still be used like this...

The collection was almost done. We checked the surrounding walls, floor, and ceiling again. After confirming that there were no hidden compartments, we converged the prince’s body into the coffin and quickly evacuated the tomb.

The gate of the tomb was closed again and a stone tablet was erected near the gate, indicating that the tomb has been inspected by the Royal Archaeological Team of York City.

There are two meanings for erecting this stele. One is to tell latecomers that this mausoleum has been inspected and all valuable things have been removed. The rest is either worthless or capable The things that the later generations will destroy are, in short, the kind that is not worth the loss. Second, it also serves a certain warning and deterrent effect, instructing others to stay away from the tomb and not to disturb the tomb owner's rest.

After hearing this, I really want to say, you have disturbed the tomb owner's rest, OK!

But because I was also involved in the relationship, I was not ashamed to say it in the end.

Back at the palace, Simmons Rock introduced me to several ancestors of the Celestial Clan. Although these people look young, they really have to be counted based on the years they have experienced. Each of them is an old guy over hundreds of millions of years old. .

Facing them, I was stunned, and for a long time I didn’t know how to address my address. After all, my fiancee Kailan is the granddaughter of many generations they don’t know. If they were equal, Kailan would definitely blame me. If it’s really about seniority. If it does, I feel a bit disadvantaged.

Fortunately, someone who was more astute among them spoke quickly and resolved the embarrassing atmosphere. He said that we can treat the same as our peers. As for the others, we can do whatever we want.

When I heard that this is a good way, I raised my hand in agreement.

In the ensuing conversation, I found out a lot of information. Just like Simmons Locke told me before, they are just a group of noble children who have just entered the Noble Academy, although they inherit the identity and part of the ammunition expert. The fighting skills were passed down from the family, but without systematic learning and training, he was assassinated by the hostile forces of the family.

Most of them were killed by a single shot, but when they converged, the wound was repaired specifically, which gave them a chance to resurrect, and the remaining small part was killed by poison.

Under the devastation of time, the deadly toxin has long lost its effect, otherwise the resurrected Celestial Clan may have to be poisoned again.

That would be embarrassing.

When I asked them if they knew a woman named Kaili, they all shook their heads and said they didn’t know each other. Then someone asked me what career Kaili was. I told them they were roaming gunners. After listening to a group of ammunition experts, Can't help being very angry.

I'm curious, is it possible that the profession of Wandering Gunner is not popular among the Celestial community? Or is it that certain behaviors of the roaming gunmen offended the entire community of ammunition experts, making them disgusted like shit?

So I curiously asked the reason, but the results got me stunned-the roaming gunner was so popular that he became the public enemy of all the Celestials.

According to them, the male roaming gunner is heroic and the female roaming gunner is extraordinary. In short, they are the masters of male and female killings.

And in the noble academy, how many of them are willing to be inferior?

Therefore, under the operation of envy, jealousy and hatred, the roaming gunman became the enemy of the whole people.

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