Hanging up the call, I strolled towards home.

On the way, I suddenly thought of a possibility: the Celestial people do not only have one kind of technology, but they are divided into two types: the innate people and the acquired people.

Natural tribesmen are naturally those generations of tribesmen who have mastered the technological knowledge bestowed by the two ancient races.

The Houtan people are the generations of Celestial people who received the scientific and technological knowledge imparted by the dragon clan after the Tyrannosaurus King Bakar descended on the Hefeng Continent.

Naturally, the scientific and technological knowledge of the innate tribes is extremely difficult to replicate. After all, the research on knowledge of the two ancient races has reached an unimaginable height.

However, the scientific and technological knowledge of the acquired tribe can be copied, because the Tyrannosaurus King Bakar who imparted knowledge is still alive. As long as he is alive, the acquired scientific and technological knowledge will not be lost.

"Would you like to invite Bakar?" I murmured.

With hesitation, I wandered back home.

That night, I sat in the courtyard and discussed the matter with Salon.

"Is Bakar still busy?" I asked.

"Your Majesty manages everything..."

"Don't talk about flattery, talk about business" I said: "Is Bakar still busy now?"

"Where do I know, I am in the Hefeng Continent, and your Majesty is in the land of the Dragon Race."

"Can you feel it?" I wondered: "You can try to sense it."

Salen suddenly became alert: "Are you trying to secretly take this body of mine to make wine when I feel it?"

"How big is your brain to think like this?" I wondered: "I just want Bakar to help me if I have something."

"That's it" Sairen nodded, "What are you looking for?"

"I hope he can come to Hefeng Continent in advance to help develop scientific and technological power."

"Your Majesty is your tool dragon!" Sailun blurted out: "Also help develop scientific and technological power!"

"Bakkar did this before..."

"You have done it, but what do the Celestial people think of your Majesty? Don't you know?" Sairen snorted coldly: "Your Majesty helped them with kindness and kindness, but they regarded Your Majesty as a life and death enemy..."

Speaking of the end, Seren has gritted his teeth, wishing to eat his flesh.

"Okay, okay, it's a thing of the past. Now, isn't the relationship between the apostle and the human being very good" I said: "In this case, I believe the relationship between the human and the dragon will also become very good. ."

"Your idea is very good, but do you really think that humans will coexist peacefully with the dragons?" Seren snorted coldly: "Humans' insatiable greed and humanity's tactics, but hundreds of millions of years ago, they were already in the dragons. The legend of the dragon is well known, and I believe that once the dragon descends on the Hefeng Continent, it will inevitably be attracted or hostile by many countries. There is no other reason, but the dragon is too powerful."

"I think back then, didn't the two ancient races also coexisted peacefully with humans for many years."

I tried to persuade Salon with my race.

"Do you really think that humans can coexist peacefully with the two ancient races?" Sairen sneered and said: "You can only say that you, the descendant of the fairy race, are too naive. The reason why human beings can coexist peacefully with the two ancient races is that Because the two ancient races were too powerful, even so powerful that humans had to live with them peacefully."

Having said that, he paused and said: "Dragons are also powerful, but the power of dragons is still within the scope of human cognition. Humans have a chance to defeat the dragons. Therefore, they will not succumb to the dragons. They refuse to coexist peacefully with the dragons, but the two ancient races are different. Their strength is beyond the scope of cognition. Therefore, human beings will choose to yield and will be willing to live in peace."

"...Anyway" I sneered: "You try to contact Bakar once, and I will talk to him."

Seren frowned, looked left and right, and suddenly asked, "Now?"

"Surely not now" I said: "Wait for tomorrow, go to the forest."

Seren rolled his eyes and said, "No, not tomorrow."

"what happened?"

"When will you prepare the island for me, let's go to that island to summon your majesty."

Hearing this, I said unhappy: "Everyone said that I will definitely give you an island, don't you believe me?"

"I don't believe it!" Seren said with a stubborn look: "Although you are not a human, but you have been influenced by humans too much, I can't guarantee that you will keep your promise."


"Okay" I said: "After I send you the island, you will contact Bakar for me."

After it was decided, I went back to my house to rest.

In the next few days, we went to the dungeon to spawn monsters and upgrade.

A few days later, I asked for an island from Her Majesty the Fairy Queen.

The area of ​​the island is not large, but the island is full of vitality, rich in products, and there is a clear spring, which has gathered into a cold pool of clear water.

"How is it?" I asked Salen, "Not bad, right?"

"It's okay." Sairen kept looking around excitedly, but still stubbornly said: "It's about the same size as my site in the land of the dragon race."

"So that's it." I nodded: "Then your site in the land of the dragon clan is still quite large."

"What about the property?" I asked again: "Is the property the same?"

"In terms of property... it is slightly richer than my territory in the land of the dragon clan."

I looked at him with a smile, but Seren ignored me. He just kept looking around, and later, even soared into the air, all kinds of joy on the island.

After a lot of noise, Seren finally got tired of playing and lay on a big rock and stuck his tongue out.

"I said, have you played enough?"

Seren just sticks out his tongue, but ignores me.

"Can I contact Bakar?"

"Can't you take a break?" Seren gritted his teeth: "I'm half tired."

"You? Half-tired?" I cut and said, "Don't even think about it, why are you half-tired? So far, you have been flying around this island no less than six times, it's just me counting Yes, God knows how many laps you have traveled in the forest, and I am embarrassed to complain to me."

"Cut, I treat you as a friend!" Sairen exasperated: "It turned out to be good for you. Instead of comforting and encouraging, you are talking cool words on the side."

"If you are a friend, you would have contacted Tyrannosaurus King Bakar earlier."

"That's different," Seren emphasized: "Your Majesty is a monarch, how can you talk about contact?"

"Okay, stop making trouble, contact Bakar, I have something to tell him."

"Hey, I'm so arrogant that I can ask for help. This is the first time I have seen you."

Seren murmured dissatisfiedly, but still summoned Bakar.

Soon, a huge momentum spread from Salon to the surroundings.

Whether it was vegetation, animals, or insects, they were all dormant in an instant, or fleeing in panic, or kneeling on the ground shivering.

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