Feeling the majestic aura, I frowned, curled my lips, and said, "Every time I show up, there must be such a big battle, can't you restrain yourself?"

"Hum" with a light hum, but it resounded like a Hongzhong drum, resounding through the isolated island, shaking the grass and trees, and the animals fainted.

"I am the Tyrannosaurus King Bakar, the monarch of the dragon race, the supreme of the land of the dragon race, why can't I be a little pompous when I play?"

"It’s okay to have a pomp, but there’s no need to be so troublesome. You look at the vegetation, the insects, the animals, and run away bolder, dizzy if you are more timid, and straighter if you are more courageous. Hiccup, what a vibrant island, just because of these useless pomp, it was almost destroyed."

"A group of ants, what is the pity to die?"

"Please, these are all the subtle links in the complete biological chain. The lack of any of them will affect the cycle of the entire biological chain."

"I'm not here to listen to you talking about biological chains and biological chains." Tyrannosaurus King Bakar's eyes widened, and two striking rays of light shot from his pupils: "Say, call me here, why?"

Since everyone is familiar with it, there is no need for me to go around in circles and just open the door and say: "Can you come to Hefeng Continent in advance?"


"I want you to pass on the scientific and technological knowledge mastered by the Celestial people to humans."

"Why should I do this?" Bakar asked in a deep voice, "What benefit will I have?"

"In the short term, you should not see any benefits," I said: "But in the long run, you can probably see it."

"Oh?" Bakar looked at me with interest and asked: "Talk about it, what's the benefit?"

"A group of powerful helpers?" I thought for a while, not sure.

"Ha ha, ha ha ha, do you think human beings will really become our helpers?" Bakar sneered: "You who have lived in Hefeng Continent for so many years, don't you know the virtues of human beings?"

"This..." After being embarrassed for a while, I still couldn't just talk nonsense, so I had to sneer: "It's true, but there are still good guys in humans, for example, loyal. Dwarves."

"Yeah" Rarely, Bakar didn't refute, but nodded, and said: "The simple-minded guys are indeed very loyal. I don't deny this, but they don't have the quality to study higher technology. "

"It's true that they don't have this quality, but have you ever thought that the goblin clan who has the best relationship with them has this quality, right?"

"Goblins are just a group of timid ants, and like other humans, they will behave ungratefully, and because they are smarter, they are more handy and hide even more when doing such things."

"Perhaps, but the goblin tribe is very loyal to the dwarven tribe. If I remember correctly, after robbing the historical documents of the elf palace, the goblin tribe deliberately found the dwarven tribe in the chaotic crowd, and They took the big ship that had been prepared for a long time and crossed the oceans to Fort Witch. Since that moment, their friendship became indestructible."

"Where do you know these things?" Bakar glared at me and asked.

"Of course I read it from historical documents."

"Historical documents are all written. Apart from the historical documents written by the two ancient races, what other historical documents can guarantee that they are absolutely objective and true?"

Hearing that, I frowned and said, "Could it be that this historical event is fake?"

"No" Bakar groaned a little and shook his head: "It's true. The friendship between the dwarves and the goblins can indeed withstand the fire and the rigorous test, but who can guarantee that when you encounter problems, The dwarves will definitely stand firmly on our side?"

"Even if it is the enemy of all mankind?"

I can't guarantee this.

Although this dwarf king can definitely make such a move that he would rather be an enemy of all mankind for the sake of his friends, who knows if the next dwarf king will have such courage.

The friendship of the dragon clan is not just to give it to you. If you lose it, you will lose it. In case the dragon clan needs help from allies one day, and the dwarf king did not have the courage to turn his face against the world for his friends, mankind will once again anger the dragon .

After thinking about it, I couldn’t boast about going to Haikou for a long time, so I had to take out the call crystal, contact Master Dewey, and explain the situation, let him think of a way,

Master Dewey was silent for a long time, saying that he was not sure. After all, there have been timid guys in the past dwarf kings, and there have also been treachers in the past goblin kings, just because of the relationship between the elders of the two races. The two races did not become estranged because of this. After several generations of monarchs, the relationship between them became unbreakable.

At the end, Master Dewey expressed considerable regret, and at the same time, please ask me to ask Tyrannosaurus King Bakar what kind of conditions are needed before he is willing to exchange his scientific knowledge.

When I repeated the original words to Bakar, he pondered for a moment and said that he didn't need anything because he lacked nothing.

So I repeated Bakar’s words to Master Dewey intact.

After hearing this, Master Dewey was silent for a while, and sighed: "That's right, after all, he is the monarch of the Dragon Race, and there is nothing he cannot have."

"It seems that this transaction can only be terminated" Master Dewey sighed: "I am very sorry about this."

"I am also very sorry" Bakar said: "I hope there will be opportunities to continue trading in the future."

Hanging up the call, I sighed and said: "It seems that this transaction is impossible to complete."

"Yes," Bakar said: "It doesn't mean that every transaction will be completed. After all, the other party is a human, and the status of humans in my heart is very low."


"But what?"

"If the transaction partner is replaced by you, I can trade with you."

"What am I worth trading?" I wondered: "We are already allies, and you have everything I have."

"No" Bakar said, "I don't have the power of a fairy."

"You are not a descendant of the two ancient races, how could you have this kind of power?"

"But I'm curious," Bakar confessed: "I'm curious as to why this power is so powerful, and at the same time, I'm also curious about how far the black nightmare is from this power."

When I mentioned the black nightmare, I quickly patted my forehead and said, "Oh, I have forgotten even if I don't say it, I haven't gotten the stone."

"Understanding" Bakar said generously, he understood how difficult it is to get the rough black nightmare, otherwise Luke would not have spent hundreds of years just collecting rough stones.

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