In the end, we agreed to exchange the rough stone for the technical knowledge of ammunition experts.

On the one hand, the weapons and equipment produced by ammunition experts are very suitable for use by goblins without the power of a chicken. On the other hand, with the current level of technology, the shell of ammunition experts’ weapons can be manufactured on a large scale. As for the core, It needs to rely on the gradual improvement of technological power to manufacture and improve it.

Compared with ammunition experts, gunners’ weapons are not only very difficult to manufacture on a large scale, even at least half of the weapons’ materials are scarce, or they have not been recorded by humans at all.

Therefore, it is far more difficult to create gunners’ weapons than ammunition experts.

On the same day, I took the magic airship and rushed to Fort Vitch.

After getting the rough stone, he took a flight and returned to the island as soon as possible.

After landing, he found that Seren was not on the island, so he was searched for by the whole island. Finally, on a rock by the sea, he found Seren who was basking in the sun.

"I said, can't you just stay where you are?"

"This is my island, I can stay wherever I want."

Seren said lazily.

"I brought the rough stone," I said: "You should summon Bakar."

"You don't need to call your Majesty" Sailun said lazily.

"What do you mean?" I frowned, I wondered.

"Your Majesty said."

"He said that, is there any reason?"

I am puzzled.

"Your Majesty said that the original stone matters, and he will open the portal to welcome you to the dragon territory."

"Dragon Territory?" I got a hint of interest and smiled: "Okay, I'll go to the Dragon Territory. I just want to see how magnificent the Dragon Territory is."

Soon after, Seren finished taking a nap, stretched his waist, climbed up from the stone, with a satisfied expression on his face, and said, "Okay, it's time to contact your Majesty."

After all, start a strange ceremony.

Not long after, a black circular barrier emerged out of thin air. The surface of the barrier slowly flowed past like water, but because it was black, it looked more like chaos.

Weird, but mysterious.

Taking a deep breath, I stepped in slowly.

At the entrance, there is a vast...hall.

Countless exquisite works of art are placed all over the hall. Although these works of art are exquisite, they are not as delicate as the handicrafts of the fairies and elves. On the contrary, they are very rough and heroic, more like the hands of dwarves.

But Spitz said that there are no dwarves in the dragon territory, that is to say, these artworks are all made by dragon craftsmen.

Just as I was amazed by the artwork I saw, a rough voice suddenly sounded, and the sound of the sound constantly echoed in the hall: "Descent of the ancient fairy, welcome to my country."

Follow the reputation, is a first-born four-cornered, sturdy man.

"you are......"

Just as I asked, a huge domineering but familiar aura suddenly dispersed in all directions.

"Tyrannosaurus King Bakar?!"

"It's loneliness."

"Heh" I couldn't help laughing when I heard this call: "You don't usually call yourself lonely, but you call yourself me."

"Lonely means lonely, this is a fact that cannot be changed."

"Okay, it's useless not to talk to you." I walked forward slowly against the aura from Bakar, took out the rough wrapped in layers from my arms, and threw it over: "Next."

Catching the package, tearing open the layers of the package, it is a metal box, open the lid, inside is a pile of neatly arranged black stones, which are used to extract the rough black nightmare.

"Yes, this is it."

Tyrannosaurus King Bakar closed the lid, put the box aside, and said, "Come here."

"His Majesty."

Two guards pushed in.

The two guards are both lizard heads, human bodies, and are of dragon human race.

"Bring what I ordered before."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

The dragon man didn't look at me, and got up and left.

Not long after, two guards walked in holding a wooden box respectively.

After placing the wooden box on the ground, he bowed to Bakar, and then walked away quickly.

"These are what you want" Bakar patted the box and said.

Looking at the box, I was surprised: "So many..."

"After all, it is all the scientific knowledge of the two professions" Bakar smiled: "Don't underestimate the power of knowledge."

"Now that everything is all there, I have to say goodbye." Stacking the two boxes together, I saluted Bakar and said, "I'll leave now."

"Wait a minute!"

Bakal said.


"Why not stay and have a drink?" Bakar smiled: "Celebrate the success of this transaction."

"...Also," I said.

Although I really want to go back directly, I am an ally after all, so I can't even give up this little face.

As soon as I sat down across from Bakar, a maid from the dragon race swayed over with a glass and wine.

It has to be said that although the dragon human male looks like a combination of a lizard and a human, the dragon human females are all graceful and beautiful, and they have a 100% melon face.

More of them are between the face of melon seeds and the face of snake spirit.

"Yeah, they all look pretty" I smiled and praised when I took the glass.

"If you like, choose whatever you like." Bakar waved his hand, and the maids stood in a row swaying.

Upon seeing this, I waved my hand again and again and said, "Don't dare, don't dare, the house is strictly controlled, if you dare to steal food outside, you may still be subjected to multiple family laws."

"You can also be here, no one will disclose this."

Bakar grinned.

"Forget it" waved my hand again, and I said, "It's best not to break things like the bottom line."

"Heh" Bakar laughed disdainfully, and then said: "If you insist so, then forget it."

After that, waved, the maid swayed away again.

When the last maid left, I lowered my voice and asked, "I said Bakar, are you planning to steal my blood?"

"Huh? Haha, you found out!" Bakar admitted with a smile.

"If I can't even find this, I will become the elder of Moonlight City for nothing."

Bakar snorted, then took out a stone from the box, handed it to me, and said: "Hey, you said before that you can draw rough stones. Can you demonstrate it in front of me?"

"It can be, but this is what you asked for. One less rough stone, don't blame me."

"It's just a rough stone" Bakar said with disdain: "I haven't taken it to heart yet."

"Well, since you asked for it."

As I spoke, I took off the guard of my left hand and removed the bandage. When the first line of black and red text was exposed, Bakar raised his eyelids slightly and frowned deeply.

When the second line of black text was revealed, Bakar's expression became a bit solemn.

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