When half of his palm was exposed, Tyrannosaurus King Bakar suddenly stopped.

"What?" I wondered.

"What's the matter with your arm?" Bakar asked with a solemn expression, pointing to my left arm.


I replied indifferently.

Immediately, he asked again: "What do you know? You might as well talk to me."

"I have seen an arm that is similar to your arm," Bakal said, "but that is a curse, a curse called Kazan."

"The cursed person's right arm will be dyed red, and at the same time he loses his mind and becomes a monster that only knows to kill."

"Is that so?" I couldn't help raising my eyebrows, and said, "That's a coincidence. Once I get too emotional, the strength of my arm will explode. At the same time, I will fall into an unconscious state. Then it happened. What, I don’t know anything, I only know that after waking up, the enemy will be killed."

"Is it so emotional?" Bakar nodded thoughtfully, then said: "That seems to be different, because Kazan's curse is not controlled by emotions, as long as it is not sealed, Or if there is not enough willpower to resist, it will be eroded."

"Which is stronger, Kazan's curse or Black Nightmare?" I asked curiously.

"Different" Bakar said: "Kazan's curse is a curse derived from the devil, and it can also be regarded as the resentment of the devil, but the black nightmare exists in the natural world, a permanent power."

"So?" I was confused: "Which is more powerful?"

"The stronger one is naturally a black nightmare from nature."

Nodded, I took the rough stone from Bakar and placed it on my wrist.

Only a few minutes later, the black stone actually began to melt, and in just one minute, it melted into the skin.

As the black stones melted, the black and red text on the left arm seemed to darken.

"It was really absorbed!" Bakar exclaimed.

"I have no need to deceive you" I explained: "The black stones I have found before have been absorbed, just like this one."

"You don't seem to be abnormal." Bakar stared at me and said slowly.

"In other words, the power contained in the rough black nightmare cannot be compared with the power of the two ancient races."

At the end, Bakar sighed slightly: "What kind of existence are the two ancient races!"

"You ask me, I don't know either." I spread my hand and said with a smile: "I only know that I am the descendant of the two ancient races, and I don't know anything else."

"The more unknown, the more curious." Bakar said: "If one day, you understand the mysteries of the two ancient races, please feel free to enlighten me."

I thought about it, and agreed: "Yes."

After drinking for a while, Bakar asked me again if he wanted to stay in the Dragon Territory. He could meet all my requirements, such as the most luxurious room, the most comfortable bed, and many beautiful women.

Recalling the appearance of the Halong human girl for a while, I still shook my head with a little regret: "Don't challenge the family law anymore."

"You are so scared of the inside?" Bakar teased.

"Yes, I'm pretty scared" I smiled awkwardly.

"Hmph, it seems that you don't intend to stay overnight either. In that case, let's go" Bakar said, waving his hand, and a round black portal appeared out of nowhere.

"Then say goodbye."

With the wooden box on my back, I smiled and stepped into it.

Through the portal, I returned to the starting point.

Not far away, Seren was still lying lazily on the big rock, snoring.

"Hey, wake up!"

Kicked Salon's wings, but he still snored constantly, and he didn't even bother to lift his eyelids.

"Hey, this guy!" I grinned furiously, picked up the stick, pointed it at its nostrils, and poked it down.

The force I thrust down was very light, and after a while, Silen's nostrils began to make strange noises.

After a few minutes, Seren finally couldn't help it. He slapped a stone, a dragon's head leaned back deeply, and a few seconds later, he gave a terrifying sneeze.

This sneeze was terrible, and sparks brought heat along the way, and instantly burned a small piece of lawn clean.

Seeing this, Seren said with grief: "I... my lawn!"

"Wake up?" I said with a smile: "You dragons are really the same. Bakar always wants to come up with a horrifying way of playing, but compared with the way you wake up, it's a little awkward, I The first time I saw him, because I got up in the wrong posture, I burned a large piece of grass with a dragon's breath, which is a model of the dragon family.

"Okay, you don't have to go down there anymore." Seren stared at my eyes with distress, and said angrily: "If you didn't use some bad tricks to force me to sneeze, this kind of thing would definitely not happen!"

"I see you sleeping so soundly, I'm sorry to wake you up directly."

"That's why you poke my nose with a bamboo stick!" Sailun said angrily: "Next time, believe it or not, I will spray the dragon's breath on you!"

"Believe, I believe" I said with a smile, and believe that next time, Salen will still not do this, the reason is very simple, we are friends.

In the afternoon of the same day, we took an airship and flew to Fort Witch, and arrived at Fort Witch in the early hours of the next morning.

In fact, it was possible to arrive at Fort Witch in the evening, but I didn't want to bother Master Dewey too much, so I let the airship fly slower.

Before landing, I contacted Master Dewey, and after landing, I was picked up by someone on my own.

Take the newly-developed automatic vehicle developed by Master Dewey to the palace, and from afar, you can see Master Dewey and the two majesty waiting at the gate of the palace.

"Yo" I waved and greeted the three of them first.

Since neither the dwarf race nor the goblin race paid much attention to court etiquette, they didn't care about my casual greetings, especially the dwarf king. After seeing me, his fat face wrinkled with joy.

"My son-in-law is back!" He hurried to me, waved and patted me on the back, and almost didn't shoot me out.

"Hey, I'm back" I responded with a smile, and handed over one of the boxes, saying: "This is the scientific and technological knowledge of ammunition experts, it is very precious information."

The dwarf king opened his eyes wide, and said in surprise: "Is it the scientific and technological knowledge of the Celestial people in the ancient period, or the scientific and technological knowledge of the Celestial people in the era of the fairy rule?

"Ancient period" I answered with a smile.

"Awesome! It's amazing!" The dwarf king looked excited, raised his thumbs high, and said brightly: "This is something that even those seeking experts in the era of the fairy rule can't get, you actually got it. , It's really amazing!"

"Haha" I chuckled twice and said in a low voice, "I'll go in and talk about it."

Upon hearing this, the dwarf king suddenly woke up and said hurriedly: "Yes, right, right, let's go in!"

After all, effortlessly picked up a big box and strode towards the front entrance of the palace.

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