Palace side hall, in the secret room.

There are guards outside and enchantment inside.

The enchantment has the effect of shielding the sound, but the effect is not very significant, at least the yelling will still be transmitted, but in normal conversation, it can be shielded, and there is no need to worry about the sound being transmitted.

Inside the room, Master Dewey looked through the information and exclaimed: "It's such an intricate and mysterious scientific and technological knowledge. If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I couldn't believe it. This would come from the dragon group who was regarded as fighting by brute force Hand of the guy."

"Your words are biased" I whispered: "The reason why the dragons rely on brute force is only because their brute force is far more powerful than technological power, but this does not mean that the dragons have a good grasp of scientific and technological knowledge. Will be lower than other races."

"I understand the truth." Master Dewey waved his hand and said, "But whether it is the impression given to me or the impression given to the ancients, the impression that the Dragon Race is a guy who relies on brute force to eat, but it will not change."

"Uh...that's true."

I nodded and agreed with him.

The goblin king on the side picked up the technical knowledge of the roaming gunner and looked through it.

Reading it, his brows frowned: "Why the only scientific knowledge of the roaming gunner is the manufacturing of revolvers and the manufacturing process of grenades?"

"Because the roaming gunner mainly relies on the two weapons of revolver and grenade to fight."

"Guns and grenades?" The Goblin King asked puzzled: "Does the roaming gunner who only uses these two weapons really qualify to compete with other Celestials?"

"Why can't it?" I explained with a smile: "Roaming Gunners are not the Celestial people who fight only with guns. What's more deadly is their powerful body."

"His Majesty the Tyrannosaurus King said that the roaming gunner is quite powerful, and the best one can even stabilize a giant dragon."

"It's stronger than the body of a giant dragon?" The dwarf king exclaimed: "Goodbye, what a hard body bone!"

"I don't know" I shook my head and said, "I only know that it is impossible to break through the body of the dragon with ordinary high-grade stainless steel weapons."

"According to you, the physique rigidity of the best roaming gunner is almost as strong as a shield made of top-grade stainless steel?"

"Yes" I said: "This is just pure physical strength. If you add the power of transformation and the power of awakening, I believe the hardness will be further improved."

"If so powerful, the Celestial Clan people shouldn't be able to dominate the entire ancient period!"

The dwarf king cried out and exclaimed.

"Don't be noisy, don't be noisy!" The Goblin King yelled sharply: "There is not a deaf person in the room, and you can hear you clearly if you speak a little bit!"

On the other side, Master Dewey was reading the information carefully, while whispering the dwarf king, saying, "It’s good to ask you to read more historical documents. If you dare to talk about your status in the ancient times, are you not afraid that Xiaoyi will laugh at you?"

"What are you afraid of?" The dwarf king grinned and laughed: "He is my son-in-law, his family."

"Humph" Master Dewey ignored him, but said to himself: "The status of the Celestial Clan in ancient times was very ordinary, and even belonged to one of the few small countries that were oppressed all year round."

"The Celestial Clan people who have strong physiques surpassing the dragon are actually just a group of oppressed people in the ancient times?" The dwarf king's eyes widened and he didn't dare to believe in himself: "How is this possible!"

"That's the truth." Master Dewey raised his head, glanced at the Dwarf King, and said: "In the ancient times, people who surpassed the dragon in physique were everywhere. Even if it was our national power and even our trump cards, it was still It can only be regarded as medium combat power."

"Medium and medium combat power!" The Dwarf King was shocked and speechless.

Although I haven't seen a hole card, since it can be regarded as a hole card, it must be very strong.

At least it is a group of people who are on par with Taylor.

"That's right. Remember to transcribe a copy of the roaming gunman's information, and I will take it back."

"What do you want this for?" The Goblin King looked puzzled.

"He has a fiancee who is a roaming gunman."

Master Dewey explained, and then ordered: "You go now and print a copy of the roaming gunner's information."

The goblin king stood up properly and said, "Yes."

"By the way, Xiaoyi, this ammunition expert's information is needed or not, if necessary, I will help you to print another copy."

"No, no," I waved my hand and said, "It won't be necessary. We don't have ammunition experts in our family, and Moonlight City's science team has not reached that level. It will only increase trouble."

Master Dewey heard this, stared at me for a few seconds, smiled and shook his head, and said: "You don't need to be so sensitive. I didn't mean to test you. You are my son and the most important person. I still don’t care about knowledge information."

"I still advise you to take it to heart" I said: "This is one of the secrets of the Celestial people's prosperity in those days. In these materials, whether it is ammunition, weapons, and even the following universe technology, put it into the era of the reign of the fairies. But they are all super high-tech that can dominate one party!"

"If you can make these weapons in today's general environment, even if the Hefeng Continent is unified, it will not be difficult."

"I am not interested in unifying the Hefeng Continent," Master Dewey shook his hand and said: "What I want is that Fort Witch will be stable and not be bullied by other countries."

"This idea of ​​yours should have been realized now, right?" I wondered a bit.

"Yes" Master Dewey said: "Because it has been achieved, I am not interested in unifying the mainland for a long time."

"By the way, Xiaoyi, how did His Majesty Tyrannosaurus deal with the rough stone?"

"I don't know, but I guess he also wants to refine the black nightmare. After all, that is the energy that can make the apostles lose their minds."

"Can't even the apostle master it?" Master Dewey questioned.

"Actually, you should ask your new ally about this matter."

"You mean... Luke?"

"Yes" I said: "Luke is the first known apostle to extract the black nightmare."

"Once Your Majesty Tyrannosaurus goes crazy, can there be dragons in the dragon territory to stop it?" The Goblin King asked curiously.

"It should be possible..." I replied uncertainly.

In the dragon territory, in addition to the regular dragon people, pterosaurs, and giant dragons, there are two of the three special generals specially trained by Bakar-the mad dragon Hess and the ice dragon Skasa.

Among them, the mad dragon Hess is known for his brute force, while the ice dragon Skarsa is known for his frozen dragon's breath. When he has to, he can breathe the dragon's breath and freeze Bakar in a short time.

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