Knowing that Master Dewey and the two majesty will certainly not let me down, but I still unavoidably trembled, and asked softly: "How do you plan?"

"Heh" The Goblin King chuckled, with a hint of dominance in his thick disdain: "How can I plan, and why do they want to give it?"

The Dwarf King smiled at the same time: "Don't underestimate the Big Three of Fort Vitch, hahahaha!"

Master Dewey also nodded with a smile.

For an instant, I felt a strong sense of belonging.

No matter which country this kind of thing happens in, even in York City, where the monarch has the greatest authority, Simmons Locke will never turn his face against a country just because he has little connection with him.

Fort Witchc’s strength and dominance are undoubtedly evident at this moment.

Early the next morning, we continued to farm monsters, and Master Dewey and the others continued to deal with the Moonlight City messenger.

Said it is a deal, but in fact it is more like a play.

Because the matter has been settled, the Big Three of Fort Witchcraft unanimously stated that no matter how rich the Moonlight City messenger promised, they would not agree.

Sure enough, when I came to the palace at dusk, when I was inquiring about the messenger, the dwarf king patted me on the back and told me in a loud voice: "That glib tongue has been driven away, so don’t worry. What plots and tricks will Moonlight City have."

Glib idiot?

This is the waiter of Moonlight City...

Khan, it turns out that in the heart of the Dwarf King, the messenger is such a type of person.

But... it's good to be driven away, it's better than to be bothered every day.

The days returned to calm again.

It is very pleasant to clean monsters, bathe, and sleep every day.

In this way, about a week later, I read a report in the Fort Witch Daily News, which shocked me, that is, Moonlight City decided to participate in the national war.

This decision must have little to do with the Elf Queen, I'm sure.

The reason for this affirmation is that the Elf Queen has always upheld the idea of ​​not fighting.

There is no fight here. It's not that others beat me, and I don't fight, but instead of proactively attacking.

The Elf Queen knew very well that Moonlight City seemed stable and mighty, but in fact it only looked like.

The weakness of the national power caused by the previous civil strife has not yet been fully relieved. Although the interior has probably stabilized, there are a few disturbers from time to time, always paying attention to the overall trend of Moonlight City. As long as the slightest weakness occurs, they will immediately Take advantage of the void and enter.

As for the strength, it is only against the invasion of foreign enemies and can show a strong combat effectiveness, but if it is fighting at a long distance, the weakness of the country will be exposed.

I am an outsider who knows this very well. After all, I once served as an elder of a foreign race. Even if I did not spend a day in the palace, listen to discussions, and participate in political affairs, I have a lot of understanding of many political issues.

He knows the real flaw of Moonlight City, and at the same time knows the reason for this flaw.

Two successive civil strifes, especially the first civil strife, directly weakened Moonlight City's overall strength by more than 40%.

If it were not for the unprecedented unity of domestic personnel after the suppression of civil strife, I am afraid that other countries would have taken advantage of it long ago.

Although it has not been invaded by foreign enemies, the remaining drawbacks have always restricted the development of Moonlight City. This is why after I came to Moonlight City, I found that there are still many empty tree houses in the capital.

Those empty tree houses were not always empty, and the capital of Moonlight City was not always so empty with few people, but the town that suffered the most from the first civil strife, and it was precisely the capital.

However, the number of senior officials in the capital is still the highest, and the loss rate of senior officials caused by the first civil strife is also the highest in the country.

Moreover, among the senior officials who have been damaged, more than half of them are capable people. This is directly caused by the fact that there are a large number of vacancies in the political structure of Moonlight City, and people need to be constantly added. It is known that more than 90% of the officials are located. Fill up the position.

It was at this time that I was jointly elected as a foreign elder.

Now, it has been two years since I became a foreign elder, and in the past two years, the return of the goblin clan, the resurrection of the internal rebels, and the addition of the goblin assistance team have made Moonlight City’s overall strength, unity, and The technological strength has been significantly improved, but it is still impossible to fill the country's vacancy in such a short period of time.

Even if officials have already implemented it, the most basic economy and talents are still lacking.

If you start a war rashly at this time, no matter you win or lose, there will only be one result-Moonlight City’s overall economy is rapidly declining, and the overall strength is also lowering with the economic situation. Those insurgents who are already ready to go will once again Make a comeback.

The national situation will become precarious.

Maybe after this time, it will be more debilitating than before.

But there is no crisis of national destruction and family destruction. After all, the Naga tribe has already concluded an alliance with Moonlight City, and Fort Vitch will certainly not watch Moonlight City being invaded by foreigners, but the life of the two majesty must be quite difficult.

Thinking of this, I dialed the call crystal and contacted the fairy queen.

After the call was connected, I was straight to the point and asked the fairy queen why she did this.

The fairy queen said in a calm tone, "This is not my decision."

I looked dazed, but I said in a certain tone: "Anasta will definitely not make such a decision."

"It's not her decision." The fairy queen sighed lightly, with a hint of helplessness and a hint of relief in her voice: "The rights of Anasta and I have been emptied."


I was amazed.

"Well, don't be surprised. It's not a joke, but it's true." The fairy queen sighed softly: "On the day you left, the high-level members of the national power organization united the noble group and forced the palace."

"Anasta and I have chosen to compromise and only retain the position of the monarch, and the other people will be responsible."

"Where is the elder Sonoda Mai?" I asked eagerly, "Don't she also have a lot of say?"

"Elder Sonoda Mai left the court. Although he did not resign as an elder, he said that he would no longer participate in any political affairs."

Hearing this, I frowned and murmured: "Why... how could this be?"

"Yes... is it my cause?"

"Don't think about it," the fairy queen comforted me softly: "Those people organized by the national power have long been ambitious. Even if things don't happen to you, they will create conflicts one day and suddenly attack them. As long as they fail to seize the supreme power, They will not give up. This has nothing to do with you. It is a problem left over from history, a problem created by my ancestors and Anasta.

"Anasta... is she okay?"

"Not bad." The fairy queen smiled: "Since she was deprived of her real power, she seems to have seen a lot more. She can eat, play and sleep every day, which is much happier and easier than before."

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