The elf queen has always been most concerned about the country, how could she be so relaxed after being seized?

I really couldn't believe what the Fairy Queen said, so after hanging up the call, I dialed the Fairy Queen's call crystal for the first time, and when I was talking with her, I listened to her tone and tone.

What puzzled me was that her tone was steady, and although her tone was slightly vibrato, she seemed very calm.

In other words, she really changed her mind and relaxed her mood just like the fairy queen said?

I was very puzzled about this, so I asked her how she felt about being seized from power?

Although the Elf Queen's tone was helpless, it was more relaxed: "I used to have to walk on thin ice for the country and the people, and live trembling every day. Now, after being seized of power, it is a lot easier."


"Yeah," the elf queen responded, "No longer be afraid of making mistakes, no longer need to be afraid of seeing the sad and lost eyes of the people, because...everyone already knows that grandma and I have been seized of power. It can be used as a symbol of imperial power and live like a puppet."

It sounds like there is still a bit of resentment in the tone, so I feel relieved.

Suddenly losing power, and still the right to rule the country, it is impossible to have no grievances in my heart.

Unless you bury your grievances deeply in your heart, then, over time, strong negative emotions will breed.

But now, listening to the little bit of resentment in her tone, it seemed like a spring in May, dispelling my worrying heart.

"It's okay to decentralize," I comforted: "After delegating, take a good rest, and don't take the blame for others in the future, eat and drink, and have fun. When everything settles down, you will abdicate and let the virtuous, and then I will take you over ."


In this short answer, there were three points of joy and seven points of shyness.

Although deprived of power, as the Elf Queen said, she and the Elf Queen no longer need to worry about how to make the country stronger every day, no longer need to worry about those memorials, and don’t need to be afraid of the people’s use of Looking at them with resentment and despair-even if few people have ever done it.

If you have to use one word to describe the feelings of the two majesty at this moment, I think there is nothing more accurate than ‘relaxed’.

In this way, Moonlight City's participation in the national war also made sense.

After all, it is not the will of the two majesty, no matter what the result is, it is not counted on them.

"Did the Rose Legion participate in the war?" I asked curiously.

"No" the elf queen whispered: "The Legion of Roses has been monitored."

"What do you mean?"

"Official members of the Legion of the Roses are detained in their own towns and are not allowed to leave. All reserves are admitted as alternate members of the national power organization."

"In other words, will this group of reserve members fight this national war?"

"It is definitely not enough if it is just a reserve member," the elf queen said: "There are other members of the Congress who will also participate, and civil organizations will also send some personnel to participate in the war."

"The whole people are mobilized?"

Frowning, I said solemnly.

"Well, it's the mobilization of the whole people," the elf queen said: "Whether you win or lose in this war, the comprehensive national strength of Moonlight City will be greatly affected."

"This should be an undoubted fact." I sighed lightly, and said: "I once investigated the national strength of Moonlight City and asked professionals to analyze it, but the final result was that I couldn't afford an expeditionary aid war. ."

"I knew this for a long time," the elf queen said, "but my grandma and I have been deprived of power and can no longer give orders to the army."

"Are the national power organizations and noble groups so incompetent?" I wondered: "Can't you even see the situation?"

"No, they see it very clearly, but they desperately need a war, even... many wars."

"Why?" I wondered.

"Because my grandma and I still have great influence and status in the military forces. Although we are deprived of our rights and can no longer give orders, once we regain power, we can take back all we lost in the shortest time. This is exactly what noble groups and national power organizations don't want to see."

After a long silence, I asked again: "I remember that grandma has always been the most authoritative person in the country. Why is she so easily deprived of her power this time?"

"Because there are too few fairy clans," the elf queen said: "There are too few clans, resulting in the lack of control over the country. If the number of fairy clans can reach 100, ten million, no matter it is The national power organization, or the noble group, dare not act rashly."

"It's a pity that there are only a few thousand goblins." At this point, the Elf Queen sighed and said: "Unless they have awakened the bloodline power, they will not be able to compete with the two power institutions of the noble group and the national power organization."

"Is it possible that the Rose Legion will be disbanded?" I asked again.

"Unless the influence of the royal family drops to a freezing point, no one will be able to disband the Rose Legion," the elf queen said affirmatively: "After all, it is a symbol of Moonlight City."

"Symbols really cannot be broken. Even if the prestige of the royal family is approaching freezing point, it will take a long time to completely erase the impression of the Legion of the Roses from the people's minds, and this time may be very long."

After confirming that the Legion of Roses is okay, and confirming that the two queens will have no problems, I finally feel relieved.

The national power organization and the noble group can do whatever they want. Anyway, Moonlight City is not in a state of defeat for the first time. I believe that as long as we eliminate the bad-hearted people, Moonlight City will develop better in the future.

After that, the two of us talked about some common things, and after we talked, we hung up the call.

At dusk, when I came to the palace, the Big Three told me about Moonlight City's participation in the national war. I will tell them the conversation with the Fairy Queen and the Fairy Queen.

After listening, Master Dewey sneered, and the Goblin King also sneered, and said that the national power organization and the noble group are really bold, and are not afraid to provoke the anger?

At this time, the dwarf king suddenly said: "Do the noble groups and national power organizations in Moonlight City have so much energy? Can they bring down the two majesty?"

"It's not overthrowing! You simple fool!"

The Goblin King cursed: "Just taking power, the throne belongs only to the two majesty."

The dwarf king gave a cold snort, but didn't continue to entangle with the fool, but asked the question again.

"The national power organization and the noble group are historical issues that can be traced back to the ancestors of the two majesty. In short, the power of these two organizations in Moonlight City is so great that it is quite exaggerated."

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