In order to take root in the heavens, the Tyrannosaurus King Bakar did not hesitate to launch the second dragon war, with a powerful posture, to crush the heavens.

After that, he devoted himself to the knowledge of science and technology he knew.

Even in order to test the results, Bakar did not hesitate to use himself as a standard to harden the attack of Gaboga, the strongest fighter in the heavens.

However, he was conspired by the Second Apostle·Weeping Eye·Herder, was wounded and fled back to the land of the Dragon Race.

This series of behaviors are all for the purpose of allowing the heavenly people to carry forward the power of science and technology.

As a result, Spitz said that the Celestial Clan is the loser, and he directly determined the move that Bakar made. Should I say that you are bold? Or should you say that you are an afterthought?

Spitz had only complained for a whole life, and then he burped. In an instant, a strong smell of alcohol spit out, filling a small half of the street.

"Hey, you booze, you are so overbearing!" I gave a thumbs up and praised.

Spitz ignored the passers-by who were covering their noses and running around, but he grinned, "This is natural."

When they came to the palace, the guards at the door were all horrified. They all pulled out their swords, but in the next moment, after seeing me, they hurriedly put the swords away and bowed: "Your Highness."

"This is my friend Spitz" laughed and patted the dragon's legs, and I introduced: "Not an outsider, no need to be nervous."

"Yes, Your Highness."

The dwarf guard quickly accepted the situation, but when we passed by them, he couldn't help being curious, and kept looking at Spitz from the corner.

When I entered the palace, I suddenly found that all my family members were standing in the palace hall.

"Yeah, I'm back early enough today~"

I said hello with a smile.

"It's not that you came back early. It's because I heard that you were alone outside with a huge monster. Everyone didn't worry. They came back early." Kagali looked up at Spitz and said loudly: "This is not the evil dragon Si Pitz, what's the matter with my Xiaoyi?"

Facing Kagali’s domineering gaze, Spitz said indifferently: “When friends meet, of course it’s to toast and drink and talk about the past. Is it possible that there are other reasons?”

"Humph" Kagali said with akimbo: "It's okay to talk to each other in the past, but toast and swig as soon as we meet. My Xiaoyi seldom drinks alcohol. This is one of his few good habits. , See how I clean you up!"

Me: (ΩДΩ)

What? One of the few good habits?

In your heart, what a terrible person I am!

Faced with Kagali's threat, Spitz dismissed it.

The phoenix on the side talked at this moment: "Spiez, the last time we are fighting, you and I have not yet decided the winner. When we have time, we will wrestle again. This time we will definitely decide the winner!

When Spitz heard the words, he was shocked and blurted out: "I'm disturbing, goodbye."

It took a lot of effort to finally stop him.

"Phoenix, don't make trouble, this is a friend, here as a guest" I said softly to Phoenix, while squeezing her small face, and then said: "You really want to wrestle, wait for the dragons to come over, let Bakar follow You wrestle, let me tell you, Bakar is very vigorous, the mecha as high as a hill, he slapped his head with one claw."

Phoenix was full of longing and said, "Okay, when the dragon race comes, I must wrestle with the guy named Bakar."

Spitz's face changed again and again, and at last he could only sigh silently: Your Majesty, ask for more blessings.

Master Dewey was not disgusted or wary of Spitz's arrival. On the contrary, he deliberately chose a lobby that was not spacious but was covered with thick carpets to meet him.

Spiez was very satisfied with the performance of Master Dewey, so when he talked, his attitude was much gentler.

Soon, the three-person chat atmosphere became more harmonious and harmonious.

During this period, I was forced to stay by Master Dewey, and as for the others, I let them move freely.

Zach and Florence, Yang Ku and Liu Yu, Billy and Godot, secretly ran to enjoy their private space.

Jackson ran out of the palace early to brush up on the presence of the boss.

Lily, Lizi, Remy, Princess Analetta, a small lantern, a group of Kongkongyi, and Duanmuyu who were forcibly pulled away, ran to the playroom to play.

Loki, who had been forgotten by Lily, and the male compatriots in Yang Kui and Liu Yu's team, ran to the restaurant with a grievous expression to relieve their worry.

Kailan was in the corner of the hall, drinking wine with Father Taylor.

Both of them are massive, and Biao Jiu is at its best, and no one can persuade him.

Except for this group of uncomfortable people, the Phoenix who made me worry the most, chose to sit quietly next to me, resting on my shoulders, and facing this boring conversation with me.

Kagali sat on another sofa full of interest, listening to the conversations between the three monarchs and the dragons, and constantly analyzing the hidden meanings.

Beside her, sitting Binghuo girl.

In other words, the ice and fire girls are not interested in politics or anything, but they are loyal fans of Kagali. Kagali likes them. If they don’t like it, they must force themselves to like it. What Kagali hates, even if they like it. You must also force yourself to hate it.

Therefore, even if they were not interested in this conversation, they insisted on staying. On the one hand, they guarded Kagali, and on the other hand, they tried to find points of interest from the conversation.

Compared to their entanglement, Bai Yunying did not have any entangled emotions. She curled up in the white fox cloak, sleeping soundly.

But unlike Bai Yunying's comfortable performance, Princess Aurora and Princess Analita also listened to the conversation seriously.

But the expressions of the two girls when they listened to the conversation were completely opposite.

Among them, Princess Aurora's expression is fascinating, and Princess Analita's expression is regretful.

The reason for showing different expressions, I guess, is mostly related to their talents.

The talent here is not a talent as an adventurer, but a talent as a human being.

Princess Aurora is a natural politician. She is even more talented in politics than Kagali. She has always been familiar with the relationship between Master Dewey and the two sires. She also knows the art of speaking. Natural comprehension ability is also better.

Compared to Princess Aurora, Princess Analita likes to dance with guns and sticks since she was a child. She belongs to the type of martial arts talents and powerful, but the political talents are average. In addition, she has not been cultivated as a future monarch since she was a child. Hanging around in the Legion of Roses, naturally, she is much worse than Princess Aurora and Kagali in terms of comprehension of words.

Moving her gaze, she fell on Mi Lulu's face, who was standing behind Princess Aurora, and found that after observing the expressions of Princess Aurora and Princess Analita, she even showed a smug smile, and she couldn't help sighing inwardly: This girl, hey...

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