Unlike Mi Lulu, who is loyal to Princess Aurora, Susan, who is loyal to Kagali, and Belle, who is loyal to Susan, did not guard her loyal objects like Mi Lulu.

On the contrary, Susan and Belle were sitting not far away from me, tasting the delicious snacks on the coffee table, while whispering, and occasionally bursting into laughter or two.

Fortunately, all present are my own people, whether it is Master Dewey, the two majesty, or the evil dragon Spitz, they are still gentle to my family. If you change others, you dare to be so presumptuous, regardless of men, women, and children. Throw it out of the palace, more serious, and throw it directly into prison.

There is a saying: Someone can do whatever they want.

This chat has lasted for several hours. If it weren't for Xiao Leimi, who was tired of playing, flew back, grabbed my clothes and shouted for dinner, the chat would not end.

The dinner is very rich and has the characteristics of Fort Witch.

All kinds of delicacies are placed on the long table around us.

These foods are far from the exquisiteness of Moonlight City, nor the exquisiteness of Eri City. Even some of the foods seem primitive and rough...just take the huge tray on the table five meters away from me. Well, the one placed on it turned out to be a whole roasted wild boar!

This wild boar is really big, with a width of two meters and a body length of more than four meters.

When I saw this wild boar at first sight, I even wondered if the Dwarf King had a whim and brought it back from the dungeon hunting some monster, and wanted to try it.

I didn't know that this was a monster until Yu Chu told me with certainty that this was a wild boar.

When I saw such a big pig, even though I had heard the tempting explosion of fat on the skin of the pig, and smelled the attractive fragrance of wild boar, I still didn't have the slightest desire to feast on it.

So he picked up a turkey leg from the dinner plate on the side and gnawed it.

Except me, everyone else stayed away from this roasted wild boar. There were even a few goblin nobles who were lucky enough to participate in the banquet. After seeing the whole picture of the wild boar, they even covered their mouths and fled.

Come on, you guys are all big lords, how come it looks like morning sickness?

The dwarf king came to the wild boar, cut off a piece with a knife, and happily took it in his hand and ate it. It looked very happy at first sight.

Beside him, the evil dragon Spitz stretched out his big claws, grabbed the remaining roast boar, and stuffed it directly into his mouth.

Mouthful of fangs and sharp teeth, this roasted wild boar was chewed with bones, and then grumbled and swallowed.

After eating, I hiccuped and patted my stomach, very satisfied.

Barrels of wine, Spitz, in a hot state of wine, began to whisper in his heart again: "You Fort Vitch, very good, much better than the Celestials, those unfamiliar white-eyed wolves, I think at the beginning, Your Majesty Kindness helps them to become stronger, but they don’t appreciate it, they just stick to their own opinions, and as a last resort, your Majesty uses the strong to force them to submit. You say...Did you say that your Majesty did something wrong?"

Spitz asked with drunken eyes, staring at the dwarf king.

"Yes...Yes!" The dwarf king was drunk with a wine barrel, but he didn't forget to clink glasses with Spitz and talk drunkenly.

"Yes, isn't it?" Spitz became more drunk, but he liked the dwarf king, a drinker, and continued to complain: "Your Majesty is so hardworking, but... but in the end, that The bastards, holding the results of your majesty's professor, resisted your majesty, and... also hurt your majesty, it is simply an inexcusable sin!"

"Yes! Sins cannot be forgiven!" The Dwarf King shouted, holding the barrel.

Kailan carried the wine bottle, walked to my side, and asked, "Dragons have such a deep prejudice against the heavenly people?"

I turned my head and asked curiously, "How can I see it?"

"Speak truth after drinking, what do you mean?"

"Yeah" I nodded and said, "You are right, the Dragon Race is indeed very prejudiced against the Celestial Clan."

"Why?" Kailan asked puzzledly: "The Celestial people were victims at the time!"

"Things are not as simple as you heard" I whispered: "At the time, the lord of the dragons, Tyrannosaurus King Bakar was frustrated in the devil world. He wanted to find an ally, develop technological power, and fight against the apostle’s invasion in the future. After coming to the Hefeng Continent, the first target he chose was the Celestial Clan people. He originally wanted to form an alliance with the Celestial Clan people and develop together. However, the Celestial Clan people directly attacked without even giving him the opportunity to speak."

"That's not the reason why the dragons invaded the heavens!"

"You have to think clearly about the identity of Tyrannosaurus King Bakar. He is the lord of the dragon clan, the lord of the dragon clan, and the emperor of the land of the dragon clan. How can I ask the existence of this position, which one is a good temper? Combined with his title, Tyrannosaurus, the kind that blows up when you touch it. It’s so easy for people to be patient and discuss it with you. You raise your hand and give them a slap. If you change you, can you bear it?"

Kailan frowned and thought about it. After all, he sighed, shook his head, and said, "I can't bear it."

"That's right." I said: "No one can bear it, not to mention that he is still a grumpy monarch, even more can't bear it. So, under the anger of Tyrannosaurus King Bakar, he opened the second dragon. War-that is, the dragon aggression war recorded in the historical documents of the Celestial Clan."

"You know the result of the war. The dragons are loud, and the heavens are defeated. They have to give the heaven capital to the dragons. From then on, the entire heavens have become vassals of the dragons."

Having said this, I sighed softly and said: "If the Celestial Race chooses to form an alliance with the Dragon Race, and if they carefully follow the guidance and strengthen their strength, the Celestial Race will not have more masters but more allies , Presumably, the Celestial Clan will be able to conquer the city in the next battle. At the very least, the territory can be two or three times larger."

Kailan pursed her lips and looked at Spitz without much hostility.

This is what I like the most about her, everything is clear and can accept different opinions.

This is also the reason why I like foodie girls, but I dare not marry a foodie girl. That girl admits death and it is difficult to turn around.

At this point, Fenghuang is a bit like her, and she is also the kind of person who admits death and will never waver, but Fenghuang and the foodie girl are essentially different.

The girl who eats goods recognizes her own deadly reason, while Phoenix regards what I approve as deadly reason.

One is to put herself first, and the other is to put me first, which is why I love and love even more, even the Phoenix.

In other words, if the foodie girl sees the roasted wild boar at this feast, will she rush to eat and eat?

When I think of the foodie girl eating and drinking, I suddenly want to laugh.

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