The People Walking in Dungeons are surely not Normal

Chapter 3487: Kailan's self-knowledge

Compared with Bai Yunying, Yura, who was also a magician, seemed a little inferior.

Although Yura is slightly older than Bai Yunying, his magic talent is also superior, and his study of magic is also very deep, but there is still no way to compare with Bai Yunying's genius.

Therefore, in the battle with the demonized lizard, her performance was not outstanding, and even some relief seemed a little lame.

For example, when encountering the savage collision of the enchanted lizard, Yura's reaction was a little panicked.

For example, when encountering the demonized lizard spitting venom, she could not effectively block the venom, so she could only avoid it in a panic.

When faced with the same situation, Bai Yunying's approach was quite calm and mature.

When encountering a savage collision, she will erect a magical barrier for the first time, and at the same time erect a magical shield. Under the two layers of defense, no matter how strong the body of the demonized lizard, no matter how fierce the collision, she can only look at Bai Yunying Cast a spell calmly.

When encountering the spitting venom, Bai Yunying will erect a thick enough earth wall in front of him in a very short time. Although the earth wall will be eroded by the venom, it will not cause splashing, let alone Spread around.

These coping moves made Fort Witch's few magician adventurers shine, and they came to ask for advice.

Bai Yunying didn't hesitate to enlighten them, wearing a white fox cloak, half asleep and half awake, imparting his magical experience to them.

A large number of fans soon gained.

Compared with the battle of Yura, Godot's battle is more bloody. He is like a humanoid tank, holding a translucent magic shield, rushing.

After approaching the demonized lizard, he immediately picked up the giant steel cross on his back and smashed it down with unmatched momentum.

However, the steel cross is not a sharp weapon, nor is it a magic weapon. It can only wound the demonized lizard, but cannot smash it to death.

After smashing the demonized lizard, Godot had to fight the demonized lizard for at least dozens of rounds before it was possible to kill it.

During this period, the physical energy consumed was not a small amount.

Without the support of Xiao Lemi's singing, Godot would lose his strength if he kills about five demonized lizards.

Different from Godot's seemingly strenuous hand-to-hand combat, Phoenix's hand-to-hand combat can be described as exciting, exciting, and simple.

Facing the brutal collision of the demonized lizard, Phoenix also chose to avoid the battle as much as possible, because although her physical strength is very strong, it is not exaggerated. Faced with this level of collision, she will still be injured. .

Phoenix, is the kind of girl who hates injuries.

In the face of venom, Phoenix will also choose to avoid it, because she is not resistant to toxins, and once she is poisoned, she has to find a way to detoxify.

Apart from this, there is nothing in the demonized lizard that can threaten the Phoenix.

Once the phoenix got close and grabbed the body of the demonized lizard, the battle would basically be over.

The phoenix will lift the demonized lizard with unimaginable strength and smash it all over the ground. After the smash, if the demonized lizard can still get up, it will be a mass of charged qigong bombs.

The power of the charged qigong bomb should not be underestimated. You must know that when the Phoenix was not at level ten, she could shake the magic barrier created by several powerful national power levels with the power of a charged qigong bomb. Crumbling.

Today, Phoenix has surpassed the tenth level, and has mastered the power of fading, and the power of its charged qigong bomb is better than before.

In the face of this strength of charged Qigong shells, even if I was fully defensive, I would suffer severe injuries, let alone be beaten to a demonized lizard that had no anti-claw power.

Almost a charged Qigong bomb is enough to beat the dying demonized lizard into something like a rag bag.

The sturdy and heroic appearance of the Phoenix has received the highest tribute from the dwarves. They even believe that if one day I become the uncrowned king of Fort Witch, the Phoenix is ​​the uncrowned queen they believe.

Unlike the respect for the Phoenix, Princess Analita, who came with us this time, did not win the respect of any dwarven adventurer.

The main reason is that Princess Analita's strength is not as good as that of Phoenix, and her strength is not outstanding, and her moves are still fancy.

To kill a demonized lizard, she almost used hundreds of tricks, and most of these hundreds of tricks were meaningless moves.

After killing a demonized lizard, she almost became tired and paralyzed. She could only sit on the ground to recover her strength, even if there was Xiao Leimi's singing.

Fortunately, Kailan did not come with us, but went to Kagali's side with self-knowledge, only then did Princess Analita appear to be very weak and weak.

It would be interesting if Kailan came in like before.

Her strength is not weak, and her level is not low, but her understanding of the roaming gunner is limited to her fur, so it is difficult to display the real combat strength of the roaming gunner.

It is very difficult to break through the skin of the demonized lizard just with a bullet containing the power of degeneration.

Unless always keep attacking the same point.

But keeping attacking the same position all the time requires not only precise marksmanship, but also a huge amount of mental power.

Although Kailan's mental power is very strong, it is still within the scope of human beings. It is a wishful thinking to kill a demonized lizard with this.

And in our team, except for Xiao Lemi, who is a professional support, everyone else can, and has a record of killing demonized lizards alone. If Kailan mixes in, he will become the first one who cannot kill the monster alone. Will the combatants of the lizard not be laughed at by the dwarves?

After brushing the demonized lizards for a whole day, we left the dungeon and met at the gate of the dungeon just before dusk, and then went to the palace.

Since coming to Fort Witch, Emily and I have never played alone.

Because it is totally unnecessary.

Soaking in the hot spring pool, I let out a comfortable groan.

I have to say that no matter how many times in the bath, Fort Witch’s bath is the most comfortable.

Master Dewey asked me, how does it feel to clean monsters when I go to a new floor?

I said that I feel good, and that after venting my full strength, I will soak in the hot spring pool in the palace, and the comfort is simply overwhelming.

Aside, the dwarf king laughed and expressed his sympathy.

Hearing from him, when he was young, he used to do the same. With the exhaustion after brushing the monsters, he lay down in the hot spring pool, took a comfortable bath, and then went with the dwarf queen, who is his wife. , Come to a fun and dripping interaction, and finally have a big sleep, after waking up, you will be refreshed.

Afterwards, he began to persuade me to have the same room with my fiancées. If we have to follow the laws of the Japanese mainland, he can help us officiate the wedding.

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