The temptation of the Dwarf King didn't make me change my mind.

The reason is very simple. Soon, the alien life form that came straight to the Hefeng Continent will descend on the continent.

I can't guarantee that once married, some of my fiancees will not ignore this matter and choose to get pregnant.

Phoenix probably won't want children, but Kagali will definitely want them. She has long wanted to give birth to our children. As for the other fiancées, I haven't asked them, and I can't be sure.

Once pregnant, not only will the combat effectiveness be greatly restricted, but it will also become my concern, even if they live in the rear, they still concern me very much.

Therefore, I decided not to get married before finishing dealing with the alien life forms.

While strengthening one's own strength, strengthening the strength of family members, and strengthening the strength of friends at the same time, when the strength of the three parties is raised to a high enough level, even if they lose to that life body, they have a clear conscience.

We spent the next week smoothly.

In this week, the national war is still going on in white-hot, and the casualties of adventurers continue to rise, and even several junior national forces have been killed in the battle.

Most of these primary national powers belonged to Darcy City and Moonlight City, and a small part belonged to Ai Rui City and York Seoul. Among them, Ai Rui City had the lowest casualty rate.

This result really surprised me.

The loss rate of adventurers at the national power level in York Seoul turned out to be higher than that of Airy City, which is simply incredible!

Isn't it that the adventurers sent by York Seoul are all cannon fodder?

With this doubt, I talked to Simmons Locke, and got straight to the point, asking questions in my mind.

Simmons Rock didn’t hide it, and told me frankly that it was because the vast majority of adventurers he dispatched were adventurers of average strength. If you want to make Eri City have no objection, the best way is to improve. The strength of the leader.

Although elementary national power is precious, their sacrifice is still worthwhile compared to more potential adventurers.

Except for this incident, almost nothing happened this week, especially in Moonlight City, it was honestly incredible.

It might be because of the messenger being driven away, or it might be because of repeated rejections, which made Moonlight City think it was a shame, and didn't want to keep going.

In short, they are very relaxed.

Moonlight City stopped, so I naturally relaxed.

Just a week later, I heard a familiar ringtone. In a daze, I touched my side, but I touched a furry thing. I was taken aback. I became sober in an instant. Then I fixed my eyes. It's Xiao Lemi's little head.

"This is no longer the blue planet. The communication tool used is the call crystal, and there are no mobile phones... mobile phones!"

I suddenly remembered that Heroes gave me a mobile phone.

Hey, I haven't called for a while, and I have forgotten about it.

Picking up the mobile phone, a string of numbers was displayed on the screen. I recalled carefully and remembered that it was Heroise's phone number, so I connected the mobile phone.


"It's me, Xiao Yi" On the other side of the microphone, Heloise's voice was slightly anxious.

"Huh? Why do you feel like you are in a hurry?" I took my mobile phone and went to the yard. I joked, "Could it be because Xilan escaped from marriage?"

"No" Heloise said: "This matter has something to do with Xilan, but it's not because of it."

"Why is that?" I wondered.

"I want to ask you for help."

"Help?" Frowning, I teased: "Surely, you provoke the apostle again?"

"I said, you are so amazing. How long has it been before you have been working with the apostle again. Do you have to clean up all the family members of the Oath Guardian organization before it is finished?"

"No, listen to me!" Heloise's voice was a little angry.

"Okay" spread out my hands, I said: "You said."

"That's it." Heroes swallowed and said solemnly: "The life forms in outer space have now come to the Demon Realm."

"Life in outer space!" I was surprised, and said solemnly: "When did it happen?"

"Just a few days ago."

"Did you see it?"

"No, I didn't see it, but I heard."

"What did you hear?" I curiously asked: "Are their strength?"

"Yeah" Heloise said: "Their strength is not weaker than that of the apostle."

"Not weaker than the apostle!" I said in shock: "Could it be that the apostle fought against them?"

"Yes" Herois said: "The Apostle fought against them. The current situation is two wins, two losses and one tie."

"There are still losers?"

"Yes" Herois said: "The ghost of Chaos Ozma and Saint Michel are defeated."

"Then...the one who wins?"

"Conqueror Casillas and Tianjiao Prey have won."

"Which one is flat?"

"Crying Eye Herd."

"Herder actually drew?" I was surprised by the result: "Isn't she the creator of magic, she will be defeated, shouldn't it mean..."

"It's not a magical duel, but the opponent is almost immune to magic, and Herder's attack doesn't work at all."

"That's it." I nodded: "If this is the case, I can accept it. After all, Herder is the ancestor of magic in the devil world. If even her magic can't help each other, then the magical strength of this group of life forms How exaggerated!"

"But having said that, it is actually immune to magic, how high is the opponent's magic resistance!"

"I don't know either," said Herois.

"Then what do you know?"

"I know that Herder has issued a summoning order, hoping to summon the power of the entire demon world to fight the invaders together.

"Have you seen the intruder?" I asked again.

"I've seen it, but they are just some very weak little guys," Herois said: "The strength ranges from level 5 to level 10."

"What is the specific quantity?"

"I don't know," Heloise said: "But so far, the young guy who has attacked my town has no one hundred thousand, but tens of thousands."

"In other words, the scale is still huge, right, what about the commander?" I asked again: "How strong is the commander?"

"Commander...I don't know" Heloise said again: "I only know that the commander's strength is above me, but not as good as Xilan."

"Have Xi Lan defeated the opposing commander?" I asked.

"Yes" Heroes said: "Xilan defeated nearly a hundred enemies including the commander."

"What about his situation?" I asked again: "Is there any injury?"

"Well, I was injured," Herois said: "He was injured in both his left shoulder and left leg, but the injuries were not serious. After treatment by the priest, he quickly healed."

"Now, he is on the battlefield again. This time, he is going to face more enemy forces and stronger enemy commanders."

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