The home of the soldiers is the battlefield.

So even if the enemy is stronger and the battle is more treacherous, as long as you are an adventurer and admit that you are a fighter in your heart, you will not escape.

Heloise should not understand this very well.

She is indeed an adventurer, but not a qualified fighter.

Unlike the adventurers who yearn for the battlefield and eagerly fight to prove that they have a warrior's heart, Herois is more like a politician.

She knows what she needs and how to fight for everything she needs.

In order to prove her worth, she can take a confidant to go to a branch with a stricter environment. In order to gain a position in the Oath Guardian organization, she will not hesitate to lead her confidant and allegiance to her, or to be loyal to her. Family adventurer, to challenge the crying eye Herder.

After losing the war, she would shed painful tears because of the loss of her confidantes and followers, and at the same time she would be ecstatic because she had won her due position and power.

In order to stabilize her position, she hinted that Xi Lan would marry herself more than once, even taking advantage of it to lure her.

In order to win my help, she didn't forget to give me this very expensive latest mobile phone even before I left, because it has a stable signal and can make remote calls with me at any time.

In addition, she continued to harass me during the period when I just returned to the Hefeng Continent, just to be able to shape the memory that belongs to her in my heart.

This series of operations are paving the way for her.

I can understand her thoughts and can tolerate her motives.

Because of her talent, she was unable to charge into the battlefield and gallop the battlefield like other adventurers. At most, she could only issue auxiliary effects on the battlefield. Besides, she was sitting behind and commanding the battle.

Now, although she has a certain prestige and a lot of followers, those followers are willing to listen to her when directing battles, but the strength of these aliens is terrifying, and they want to win, or Said that if you want to make the Oath-Guard organization look at her head, it must achieve a brilliant victory.

In the previous battle, Xilan played a huge role, killing powerful enemies and enemy commanders, but he was also injured.

Now that Xilan is participating in another battle, Herois is not sure whether Xilan will be able to come back alive from the battlefield.

Therefore, in the conversation with me, she kept expressing her hatred of the war and her worries about Xilan, in fact, she hoped to win my sympathy, and hope that I could open the portal and come to the demon world in person to become her help.

Even if it is only a short-term help, as long as the Oathguard organization can see that Heroes still has a strong hole card, that's enough.

Just like I have the dragons and the apostles as the hole cards, even if I don’t do it, it is enough to threaten other countries not to look down on me. Once I know that Heroes has a hole like me, those who are dissatisfied with her. The senior officials did not dare to target her easily.

In this way, Heroes can still maintain the status and power she currently has.

As long as her status and power are not lowered or left behind, Heroes will have the confidence and ability to have more confidants and followers.

The environment of the Demon World is like this. The one with more confidantes and followers will become the real powerist, even if it is not stated on the surface or secretly, people will acquiesce in this way.

Just like the apostles, because they are powerful, they have gained many followers. As long as they do not lose, this group of followers will not change their courts, and the authority and status of the apostles will not be lost.

Knowing the truth, I still pretended to be puzzled, and said, "So, you are very worried about the safety of Xilan?"

Heloise said ‘um’.

"You don't need to worry too much about this" I said: "Even if Xilan loses, he can escape from the battlefield safely. Don't forget, he was a man who escaped safely under the hands of Herder. what!"

On the other side of the phone, Heloise was silent for a long time, and said, "If this is the case, I can rest assured."

At the end, I don’t forget to add: "Thank you."

Listening to the faint resentment in the tone, this is a trickery that failed, so you complained to me?

But if that's the case, I can't let her come. After all, family and friends are the most important to me, and she, at best, can only be regarded as people I know, and she is slightly closer than strangers.

So, I continued to pretend to be confused and said, "Don't worry, Xilan will be fine. Instead of worrying about Xilan, it is better to learn more about the enemy, and maybe I will gain an advantage in the next battle."

"Really...can it?" Heloise asked: "But, it's very difficult. Those monsters have the strength comparable to the apostles..."

"Not all enemies are like this, are they?" I asked, "Those weak enemies, if you can get their intelligence, you may be able to reduce the damage of your adventurers, reduce the damage, or not in disguise. Is it the same as increasing strength?"

"Especially on this kind of key, what do you say?"

On the other side of the phone, there was a long silence, and Heloise said: "What you said... makes sense."

"Then do this" I said, "Oh, yes, if possible, I hope I can prepare a copy."

"What do you want that kind of information for?" Heloise asked curiously.

"I am also an adventurer after all. God knows if I will encounter that kind of monster in the future. If I can prepare early, I will be prepared."

"If you want to get information about that kind of monster, why not come to the Demon Realm?" She asked again: "If you come to the Demon Realm, not only will you be able to obtain first-hand information, you may also win the Demon Realm's friendship!"

Friendship of the Devil?

Oh, how could I get that kind of thing.

Even the natives of the Demon Realm, no one has truly gained friendship in the Demon Realm.

On the contrary, it is the first case, so I can consider it.

According to the assertions of several apostles, this group of monsters is likely to come to Hefeng Continent a few months later. If you can contact the monsters and learn first-hand information before then, you might be able to arrange the response before the monsters come. Means to hit the enemy by surprise.

Of course, it can only be caught off guard, because according to what Heloise understands, the enemy's strength is likely to be the same as that of the apostle, or stronger than the apostle. After all, they have been in the demon world for a long time. Not expelled by the apostles, this is also a symbol of strength.

In the Hefeng Continent today, there are almost no adventurers whose strength is equal to that of the apostles. There are some adventurers who have the ability to fight against the apostles, but it is not enough to fight against the apostles because of the strength of the strong among the enemies. Not lost to the apostles, and the army led by the enemy is able to contend with the entire demon world.

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