I have to say that Inferior Ikki has a good city, and the people in the city live a life like a salted fish, plain, but very happy, fulfilling, and happy.

The people here will not be alarmed or surprised by the sudden arrival of an outsider, nor will they panic because of a sudden arrival of a pterosaur, or gather crowds to watch.

The soldiers patrolling the city just asked a few basic questions and let us go.

All the way to the mansion where the Inferior Ikki is, he took out a few copper coins and handed them to the guards, asking them to give them a message.

Not long after, the guard came to report: Your lord, please.

Along the familiar route, to the familiar floor, stopped in front of the familiar door, knocked on the door, and the word'please come in' came out from the door.

Push the door and enter.

It's still familiar furnishings, familiar pictures, and familiar faces.

"Suddenly visit, want to ask me something?"

Yi Qi didn't lift his head, still fiddled with the gadgets in his hands.

After looking intently for a few seconds, I was sure that it was a wooden doll, a round head, an unmodified cylindrical body, and unmodified cylindrical limbs...this is a stickman!

"Don't you ask your friends for a cup of tea?"

"Since I'm a friend, drink tea by myself."

Iqi said lightly.

Turning my lips, I came to the sideboard, took out three sets of tea sets, prepared the tea, then boiled hot water, made tea, poured tea, and finally each one had a cup.

"Thank you."

When Ikky heard the sound of the teacup touching the tabletop, he responded softly, but still didn't raise his head.

"What are you playing with?" I asked curiously.

"Doll" Ikky said.

"It's this time, are you still in the mood to play?" On the side, Salon finally couldn't bear it and said coldly.

Although the voice was gloomy, it didn't alarm Yiqi at all, but shivered with fright of the family decorations that were playing not far away.

"Even if something happens, it won't be something your little pterosaur can deal with. If it's your majesty, it might be useful."

Inferior Ikky said lightly.

"Presumptuous!" Seren had a cup of tea, and tea splashed out: "How dare you be rude to your Majesty!"

"He is your majesty, not my majesty, why should I respect him?"

Inferior Ikky wondered.

Serenian is so speechless, I don't know how to answer.

As Ikky said, Tyrannosaurus King Bakar is the majesty of Seren, but not the majesty of Ikky the Infernal, and even in terms of strength, Ikky’s strength is not weaker than that of the Tyrannosaurus King Bakar. Slightly better.

After all, the Inferior Ikky was the strong man who defeated the crying eye Herd by strength.

Seren picked up his teacup annoyed, and drank the tea in the cup unanimously.

Seeing that the atmosphere was slightly stagnant, I said: "This time, the main purpose is to understand the enemies that have come here from the universe."

"They haven't got here yet" Infernal One Ikky said lightly.

"Where is the offensive now?"

"Still in the Northern Continent," Yiqi said: "This time, the apostles and the six major organizations have joined forces to fight together against foreign invaders. They actually stopped the invaders in the northern plains."

"How is the Red Witch Forest?" I asked again.

"The Forest of the Red Witch is still within the defense."

In other words, the Red Witch's Forest is still safe, and the towns near the forest are the same, and they have not been attacked by foreign invaders.

Although this is a thankful thing, it still can't relieve me. The reason is simple. I still don't know the configuration of the monster army and the true strength.

According to Heloise’s description, the strength of the monster commander should not be weaker than that of the apostle, and unless the number of powerhouses is less than that of the apostles, it is impossible for the apostles to join the six organizations to forcefully stop them in the north. Plain.

If the number of monster commanders is less than that of the apostles, according to the apostle's style, it is impossible to delay the battle. The enemy will be wiped out and annihilated in the shortest possible time with a thunderstorm.

But obviously, they failed to do so.

In other words, the bottom line of the number of enemy commanders is equal to the number of apostles, and is more likely to be greater than the number of apostles.

In this case, instead of a strong attack, they were blocked by the apostles in the northern plains. This situation is very intriguing.

First, what these alien enemies may need is outside the northern plains, so they are stationed here, fighting with the demon people, attracting the attention of the demon people, and accomplishing their own goals.

Second, the alien enemies are deliberately delaying the battle and slowly increasing the casualties of the demon world. In this way, the big bosses who are forcing the demon world are the first to show up.

After the big bosses of the Demon Realm show up, they can estimate clearly the approximate strength of the Demon Realm.

Once the real strength of the Demon World is ascertained, the next step is either the entire army retreat or the final battle.

Third, the alien enemies are playing tricks on the devil.

Although I am not optimistic about the third situation, it does not mean that this situation will not happen.

If the real strength of the alien enemy is really strong enough to ignore the apostle, then it is not impossible to use the apostle as a tool for play.

Just like the crying eye Herder played with the devil, treat them as toys, as guinea pigs, as clowns and puppets.

"Do you have any plans to go to the battlefield?" I asked Yiqi.

"No" Ikky shook his head: "I just want to hold on to my town."

"Aren't you afraid that other people in the Demon World will say you are selfish?"

I asked again.

"Why should I be afraid?" Yiqi asked back: "Is it just because I didn't participate in the war?"

"Perhaps" I said: "After all, you have not participated in the war, have not been baptized by the war, have not been corroded by the war, there will always be people who are not pleasing to the eye."

"What if it's not pleasing to the eye?" Yiqi said indifferently: "I have also actively participated in battles and competitions. I have also longed to be remembered and admired by others, but humans do not pay attention to this. The reason why they cheer , Because they saw the images that made them feel passionate. They paid tribute to the strong, but from the beginning, they didn’t really care about the mood of the participants. I was tired of such false emotions. I don’t care about human beings who have become angry because of their false emotions."

"Heh, is this a Buddhist life?" I asked curiously.

"Buddha life..." Inferior Yiqi's movements stopped, and he muttered, "Perhaps...this is the case."

"Help me show the way."

Putting down the tea cup, I leaned forward and said softly: "Draw a map of the battlefield."

The Inferior Ikky slowly raised his head, looked at me with incredible eyes, and muttered: "Do you want to join the war?"

With a slight smile, I said: "Yes."

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