War is not a joke, it is a chess game made up of flesh and blood and life.

The two sides of the game can be the politicians of the two countries, the hegemons of the two sides, or the invaders and rebels.

But no matter who the two players are, as long as they are involved in the game of war, they are bound to be involuntary.

This kind of involuntary involuntary is not because others are forcing oneself to move forward, but the general trend and forced to move forward.

Once you fall behind, you will be plunged into the abyss, except for the chess player, no one can be spared.

"Are you...really planning to go to war?"

Inferior Iqi had complicated eyes and a subtle expression. He lightly opened his red lips, and only vomited this question.

"After all, we need to collect information."

I responded with a smile.

"You can buy it from intelligence dealers," she suggested: "By doing so, you will neither be in danger nor be affected by the wave of war."

"You are right" I said: "But I think, to experience it for yourself, it is always more accurate and truthful than the information I bought."

"Um..." The Inferior Ikky fell into deep thought again, and the movements in his hand stopped again.

After a long while, she raised her head and said calmly: "Are you sure?"

I nodded firmly.

"All right," Ikky said, "I can help you."

Seeing her complex expression and wanting to say something, I couldn't help asking: "Is there anything else you want to tell me?"

After a pause, I said again: "You can tell me, if you can promise, I will promise you."

Inferior Iqi raised her head and stared at me. A little, she said quietly, "Really?"

I nodded: "Really."

"Okay," Yiqi said, "I have only one request, come back alive."

"Yes," I said, looking serious.

Leaving the City Lord’s Mansion, Seren smiled at me weirdly, I wondered, and asked him the reason, Seren had a treacherous expression on his face, and said, "If I'm right, this little girl has taken an interest in you."

"Don't make trouble," I said: "She is the famous Inferior Ikky, and I am just an ordinary adventurer from the Japanese style continent... Okay, I admit that my identity is not ordinary, but here in the Devildom, my The foundation is pitiful."

"It's just because you don't manage it." Sailun Chiguoguo revealed me, saying: "If you are willing to embezzle one ten thousandth of your wealth here, you are guaranteed to establish the seven major organizations of the Demon Realm within a year. "

"What about loyalty?" I asked back: "What I want is loyalty. This is the most basic organizational structure. If it's just adventurers who gather together with money, what's the use of it?"

"Loyalty can be accumulated slowly. As long as you understand your subordinates and understand them, you can build prestige among the subordinates, and then you can benefit from them, and you can move them with affection. In the long run, who will not worship your feet?"

"You take it for granted." I shook my head and said disapprovingly: "Even if the apostle is face to face, I dare not say to create a seventh organization comparable to the six organizations in one year. Who gives you the courage?"

"Huh, the frog at the bottom of the well!" Sairen said angrily: "Even if you are right, the apostle does not have the ability to accomplish such a feat within a year, but have you ever thought about the reason? Is the apostle not created within a year? Is the seventh largest organization capable? No! It's because the apostles don't have so much money or so many supplies!"

"Will the apostles have no money?" I didn't believe: "The devil world has been divided up by the apostles, will there be no money?"

Salon was furious, and pointed his claws around the town, saying: "Look at everything around you, brat, look at the living environment of the people here. Although it is calm and peaceful, there is not the slightest appearance of wealth, even the city. The main mansion is also tattered..."

When it comes to the City Lord’s Mansion, the two guards at the door condensed, but they didn’t refute anything. One was that they didn’t have the strength and status, and they also grew up listening to the legends of the dragon clan, knowing the status of the dragon clan in the devil world, and in front of them This mansion does not seem to be luxurious and luxurious, and it is not an exaggeration to describe it as simple and shabby.

Since it is an indisputable fact...Forget it, forbearance.

Simply, neither of the two guards would take another look at Seren and me, and they even blocked their ears with their fingers.

"Inferior Ikky is even stronger than Herder, but why is the town she lives in is still so simple? What do you think is the problem? Huh? Does she have no chassis for mining? This huge land belongs to her, She also mines, but the result? It's still so crude! So what is the reason? She is embezzled? Or is she bribing something stronger? No! No, nothing! Just because she is poor! People, the materials that are mined every year are only enough to keep the town running, and there may be some surplus, but it is definitely not much."

Saying so much in one breath, it was Seren, and it was a bit difficult, so he took a breath and continued: "Now you understand, the role of money?"

"Why do you think Fort Witch can be built into such a prosperous underground country? Why do the people of Fort Witch never care if they will be besieged by other countries against Fort Witch? Because of the economy!"

"Although I have been sealed in the Sky City before, I still have some understanding of the changes in the situation in the Hefeng Continent. The reason why Fort Witchcraft can rise rapidly in the generation of Master Dewey, and once became Fort Witchcraft one dozen four. It is not only strong in force, but also strong in economy!"

"Once Master Dewey decides to pass economic sanctions and compulsorily arbitrate a country, it doesn't take too long. It only takes two years to completely destroy a country."

"This is the power of money!"

After Seren said these words impassionedly, I scratched my head and asked in doubt: "What do you say is to encourage me to establish the seventh largest organization in the Demon Realm?"

"You are crooked, brat" Sairen's eyes twitched, and said: "I always just want you to know one thing, that is that you are not without a background in the devil world. Money is your background. As long as you want, anytime Anywhere you can have a powerful organization that can compete with the six major organizations, and with this as a prerequisite, you are actually fully qualified to marry the Inferior Ikky."

Me: "...I know, but if I propose to marry, please let me think about it myself."

Seren snorted and said nothing.

To be honest, at the moment when the conversation just ended, Odachi's voice suddenly remembered in my mind.

It encourages me one thing, and that is-to marry the Inferior Ikky.

While encouraging, Odachi was also helping me analyze the pros and cons of this matter.

In the case of drawbacks, Odachi just said that I might be beaten by a fat meal, or even more severe family law.

But if it is good, it will be able to gain a great power. After all, the Inferior Ikky, but the strong one who can crush the Weeping Eye Held!

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