Therefore, the powerful and powerful are the most popular and respected wherever and whenever they are.

Even if he is dressed in casual clothes and rags accumulate dust, no one dares to laugh at him as long as he is backed by a boss, at least no one dares to laugh in person.

Glancing at the flattering smile on the staff of the locomotive store, I just sighed slightly.

I walked into the store, and just passed two locomotives, the voice of Odachi again sounded in my mind: "That person just mocked you maliciously."


"It's the one with a flattering smile on you."

"How did you know?"

"I can feel the strong malice emanating from him."

"If you are malicious to me, you are laughing at me?" I smiled and responded: "Your idea is a bit extreme."

"Extreme?" Odachi sneered and said: "Don't forget, I am the purest soul body, and what I can perceive is also derived from the purest instinct in the human heart, and there is a difference between instinct and instinct. of."

"In terms of laughter alone, laughter from the heart, laughter with reluctance, laughter from the imaginary and the snake, will feed back different instincts, and I who can read this instinct will naturally be able to easily read the other person's general thoughts. , For example, that guy, when he first met you, his instinctive emotions were disgust and contempt. After learning that you have mastered the pass of the Inferior Ikky, his emotions turned into panic and war. After realizing that you would not treat him, the feeling deep inside turned into contempt and mockery."

"Probably because of my shabby clothes and ordinary temperament."

"It's very likely" Otato said: "If you can buy a set of luxurious and luxurious clothes at the beginning of entering the city, he must be begging for your feelings."

"Maybe," I said, "but it doesn't matter. It's just a locomotive and it doesn't cost me much."

Soon, I picked a locomotive that looked very comfortable.

The price of this locomotive is not comfortable-it costs thousands of gold coins.

The price of locomotives generally fluctuates between hundreds of silver coins and hundreds of gold coins. This is the data I got the last time I came here.

The last time was less than a few months from this time, and the price of the locomotive could not grow so quickly, then there is only one possibility-the seller saw me as a young stranger in shabby clothes, while despising me, Raise the price of locomotives so that I can retire.

However, how can I shrink back from this battlefield?

Directly took out a few gold coins and handed them over.

At first, when the locomotive salesman saw a few gold coins, he had a mocking smile at the corners of his mouth. He subconsciously wanted to start his mouth at me, but after seeing the gold coins, he was suddenly stunned.

He judged that these gold coins were not ordinary gold coins, but gold coins with magical fluctuations.

"Guest, guest, your gold coins are a bit... different. Please wait for a while. I will ask the manager to come over."

After all, walked quickly towards the depths of the motorcycle store.

Not long after, a well-dressed fat man came to me under the guidance of the salesman.

Obviously, Fatty’s city was deeper than the other salesmen, and did not show contempt because of my clothes. On the contrary, he stretched out his hand with a smile and introduced himself.

Facing his enthusiastic attitude, I also smiled and responded: "Hello."

Seeing that my attitude was perfunctory, the other party wanted to invite me to talk later, but I didn't have the idle time, so I immediately refused the invitation, but bluntly, wanted to take the locomotive away as soon as possible.

However, the fat store manager didn't seem to hear me, and continued to invite me into the house with enthusiasm, which really annoyed me.

At this moment, Odachi's voice sounded again: "Smelly boy, this fat guy is very malicious to you!"

"Huh?" I was stunned when I heard this, and asked, "Why?"

"Not because of gold coins!"

His brows frowned slightly: "He wants to make money and kill him?"

"Not so" Otadao said: "He probably treats you as a thief, he should think that your gold coins were stolen."

Speaking of this, it also sighed: "That's why I let you change your clothes!"

"It's troublesome," I said helplessly with a sigh.

The facts were as expected by Odachi. Not long after, a mighty-looking adventurer broke into the shop and asked, "Where is the bandit?"

The fat store manager took several steps back, pointed his finger at me, and shouted, "My lord, it's him!"

At the same time, he spread out his hands and showed several gold coins with magical fluctuations, and said: "These gold coins with magical fluctuations were found from him!"

"who are you!"

The headed adventurer has a face full of flesh, fierce and evil.

"I am an adventurer."

The lead adventurer took the gold coins from the fat shopkeeper and looked up. Suddenly, there was a flash of greed in his eyes. Then, he turned to me and sternly asked: "Say! Where did you steal these gold coins!"

"Steal?" I frowned, I wondered: "This is originally my money, why should I steal it?"

"Heh" a group of vicious adventurers all sneered with disdain, and said: "Thieves never say that their things are stolen."

"Well, since you are not willing to cooperate honestly, come with us."

The lead adventurer said coldly.

If this is to go with them, the follow-up will definitely be heinous, and maybe the time on the battlefield will be delayed for a long time.

The earlier information is obtained, the more beneficial it is. Therefore, I don't plan to entangle them too much. I drink to stop the adventurer who wants to rush to subdue me. Then I took out my phone and dialed a series of numbers.

Soon, a familiar voice came from the microphone: "Is it Xiaoyi?"

"it's me."

"Where are you now?"

"Makai, a certain town, I don't know what the name of this town is, I only know that it is more than a thousand kilometers away from the town of Ikky."

With the microphone, he was silent for a while, and then said: "I think, I know where you are, do you want me to pick you up now?"

"No, I have a problem now that needs to be resolved. Tell me who belongs to this town."

After a few more minutes, the familiar voice of Heroes came from the microphone again: "At first it was Tyrannosaurus King Bakar, then it was acquired by the maker Luke, and now it is placed under the name of Preysis. under."

"Pray, um, can you contact him for me?"

When I mentioned Prey's name, there was a brief uneasy commotion among the onlookers.

However, the shopkeeper Fatty and a group of adventurers who arrested me sneered again and again. Perhaps in his opinion, I was just borrowing the apostle's name to bluff.

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