Inside the locomotive store.

Onlookers gathered more and more and gradually formed a scale.

However, no matter how large it is, it stops at the outer circle.

In the circle of the store, half are law enforcement officers in this town, and the other half are the shopkeepers and staff of this store.

The expressions on the faces of law enforcement officers, shop owners and staff were arrogant and sneer.

Because of my call just now, they felt that I was a slobber, and I like to use the name of the strong to do nasty things.

The reason why they didn’t interrupt my call and arrested me on the spot was because they wanted me to perform this "ugly" to make me famous and let more people remember them, praise them, and admire them. they.

With this kind of thinking, they either hug their arms, or akimbo, or stand awkwardly, but the expressions on their faces are surprisingly consistent-more and more wanton sneers.

Ignoring the ugly faces of these people, I continued to talk with Heroes.

"If you can contact Prey, please tell him about my current situation. I hope he can help solve the problem."

"I try my best."

After all, Heroise hung up the call.

"Yeah~ So you are a friend of Lord Pres~" The lead adventurer, with a very ironic smile, deliberately yin and yang.

I ignored him, but found a chair and sat down.

"When did you meet our esteemed Lord Prey?" His smile became more and more arrogant: "Couldn't it be-I met in a dream! Hahahahaha..."

The harsh laughter resounded through the store and continued to echo.

"Just him? Do you dare to claim to know Mr. Pray? It's almost laughed at me! Don't look at what he looks like, a beggar who doesn't even have a good dress, dare to impersonate Mr. Pray's acquaintance? Hahahaha!"

"That's right, this beggar, that's a beggar. If you stole a sum of money, you don’t know how to spend it. You said you stole such a sum of money, what’s wrong with it? Buy beautiful clothes, eat and drink, Maybe, those stupid guys may not have the eye to see through your disguise, but you are better off, swaggering to buy a motorcycle, and dare to tip out the stolen money so grandiosely. Do you think we are all stupid, or think that the shop His eyes are not bright anymore?"

"That's it, when I get money and find a place to spend my whole life without stopping, but it still swayed and swayed. Is it true that law enforcement officers have sand in their eyes?"

"I really don't know how thick this young man is. At a young age, he was so embarrassed that he said that he knew Lord Prey. This crime is enough to keep him shut for hundreds of years!"

"Hey, this is the case at a young age, enough to show how much our education system in the Devil Realm has failed."


Amidst all kinds of taunts and sighs, the phone vibrated again.

After connecting, Heloise said: "Pray has been contacted, he already knows about it,"

"Thank you," I said.

"Do you want me to pick you up?" Heloise invited again.

"Where are you now?"

"I'm still in the town we first saw, a few hundred kilometers away from you."

"But I plan to go directly to the northern continent next."

"Northern Continent..." Heloise groaned for a moment, her tone suddenly improved: "Are you going to join the war?"

"Well, I'm going to take a look."

" really plan to do that?" Heloise asked again.

"Yes" I said.

"I see." Heloise's answer was short and hasty: "Wait for me."

After that, he simply hung up the call.

I looked ashamed and took the phone back into my pocket.

"Where's Master Pray? Huh? Why didn't I see his shadow?" The leader of the adventurer sneered and said with a strange air.


"Liar!" The fat shopkeeper suddenly trembled and said loudly: "You are a liar! Thief! Not only stole other people's money, but also dared to claim to know the great Lord Prey! I really thought you had no tricks like this. Can people see through? I tell you! Everyone’s eyes are sharp! No one can get out of the way after insulting the great Lord Prey!"

"A vicious person like him must be punished severely to quell the anger! Your lord!"

The fat shopkeeper was trembling all over, with a righteous expression on his face, like a warrior who sacrificed his life to fight the evil forces in order to defend justice.

Upon seeing this, the leader of the adventurer smiled grimly, and said coldly: "Okay, you have enough of the play, it's time to go, come!"


"Catch him and take it away!"


A crowd of adventurers swarmed up to press me to the ground.

The strength of this group of adventurers is only five or six, and the lowest is only three or four. Visually, there are two or so guys who are also mixed in. If other people in Hefeng Continent see it, they will think it is a miscellaneous brand. military.

But I, who have seen adventurers in the devil world, can be sure that this is an ordinary demon law enforcement team.

Because of the large gap, I was worried that I would accidentally kill them with a weapon, so I had to use my arms as a weapon carefully, and smashed this group of people in a few times.

At this time, the leader of the adventurer was angered. He staggered and drew out the long sword, roared, and slashed at me.

Facing this fierce blow, I directly reached out and stopped and flicked the blade slightly. When there was a crisp sound, the leader of the adventurer was a bit unable to hold it, and the long sword almost escaped.

After only one confrontation, he understood the difference in strength, and his expression was ugly to the extreme.

The fat shopkeeper and the staff on the side were all shocked. No one had thought that such a little thief could have such a powerful strength.

If this is aroused to kill, if there is a murder, will anyone in this store or leave?

However, they didn't dare to flee, because they didn't know whether they would arouse my killing intent if they flee.

If they knew something about me, they would naturally understand that I didn't have much killing intent on anyone, except for those who touched the bottom line and angered me.

The leader of the adventurer was also a man, even if he knew the strength gap, he still didn't shrink at all. On the contrary, he launched a more fierce offensive against me.

It's a pity that the gap in strength that is too great cannot be made up by the number of attacks, so the scene quickly turned into a crazy hack, the match was 100% empty-handed.

Just when the leader of the adventurer was repelled by me again, a group of adventurers dressed in light armor, with a serious look, and with great momentum, marched in.

The aura of this group of adventurers directly opened a hole in the crowd of onlookers.

They strode in and came to the inner circle.

When the tired wheezing and panting collar saw the adventurer, he didn't care about wiping his sweat, and hurriedly said loudly: "My lord, my lord, here, someone is posing here, Master Pray's old knowledge!"

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