The cold-faced adventurer did not pay attention to the complaining adventurer, nor did he glance at the fat shopkeeper and the store staff, nor even paid attention to the onlookers. Instead, he stepped forward to me and bowed slightly in uniform. , The lead adventurer said in a deep voice: "Master Pulei's head guard, please my lord."

As soon as this remark was made, the needles of the entire store were instantly heard.

Everyone changed their colors.

The difference is that the onlookers may be surprised, shocked, horrified, or suspicious, with different colors and expressions, but the adventurers and fat shopkeepers in charge of law enforcement, as well as the staff in the store, are all smashed. What's more, he fainted without a word.

Nodding slightly towards the chief guard, I said, "Let's go, go to Prey's mansion."


The chief guard responded, turned around, and stepped to the front of the team. The other guards who bowed slightly straightened up and came to the spot, turning around one hundred and eighty degrees, and followed the chief guard slowly towards the door. go with.

When passing by the leader adventurer and the fat shopkeeper, I stretched out my hand and said, "If you don't buy the locomotive, return the money to me."

At this moment, how dare these two people disobey my words, they hurriedly offered the gold coins with both hands, and handed them to me respectfully.

Looking at their sincere and fearful attitude, I thought to myself: If you had a good deal with me from the beginning, how could you develop into such a situation?

However, I don’t intend to treat them like that. After all, I am considered half a businessman in Hefeng Mainland. My foster father and fiancee are the current No. 1 merchant in Hefeng Mainland and the future well-known merchant in Hefeng Mainland. Both caution and greed understand.

There are also asylums who have a close relationship with the merchants. Such asylums are often divided into two categories. One is the power holder, who can cover some of the businessmen’s obscure business, and the other is the law enforcement agent, who can directly give the merchants. We provide services, such as solving troubles, or evenly sharing the'stolen money'.

Obviously, my money was treated as stolen money.

These are precisely the most normal social phenomena.

After collecting the money, I walked through the crowds of onlookers who were automatically divided into two columns, feeling the awe, fear, or curious gazes they all stared at, always feeling like a rare and ferocious animal in the zoo.

Leaving the store, escorted by the guards, came to Prey's mansion.

The mansion of Pule in this town is quite spectacular.

The reason for the magnificence is not the luxury, nor the size of the area, but the high, high, very high.

It's not an exaggeration to even describe it as going straight to the sky.

"Excuse me, how high is this?" I rubbed my sore neck, I wondered.


The head of the bodyguard answered my question respectfully.

"It takes one step and one step to climb, how long does it take to climb!"

The head guard shook his head: "I don't know where I am."

"Oh?" I curiously asked: "How do you go upstairs?"

"Take the escalator."

Khan...I thought it was climbing stairs or flying up.

After learning the truth, I was slightly relieved while disappointed.

If I climbed up the stairs one step at a time, I guess I couldn't climb to the highest point within a few hours.

Ride the floating ladder, go up to the top floor, and enter Prey's office with the chief guard, come to the bedside, look through the window and look down on the ground with a bright vision.

"Oh~ This is almost exactly the same as when looking down on the ground on the magic airship."

I couldn't help exclaiming.

"No, it should be said that it is more spectacular than looking down on the world from a magic airship!"

The voice of Odachi sounded in my mind.

"Look! That bird, how big, is almost the same as Seren... Ahhhhh!" I was surprised: "Fucked! Seren! I even forgot him!"

"Saron!" My hands were flared, and I shouted out the window.

For an instant, most of the city, there was an echo of ‘Ser-lun’ shouts.

"I am here."

A slightly low-key and tired voice sounded.

Turning around and looking around, he saw a pterodactyl with red and gray all over, converging its wings, leaning on the door frame, and looking tired.

"Where did you go?" I asked first.

"Originally, I was thinking about finding a pool to take a bath while you were buying a motorcycle, but I didn't find anything. When I came back, I saw you surrounded by a group of people. I guess I was in trouble."

"Why didn't you come in and help round the field?" I said with a black thread.

"I'm afraid of getting into trouble." Sairen said, "Besides, the trouble of one person is always easier to deal with than the trouble of two people. So think about it, I'd better not trouble you. ."

Holding my chin, I murmured: "I always feel that what you said seems to be wrong, but it is inexplicably reasonable."

"But-forget it, you've already come back anyway. By the way, you are now dirty as if you just crawled out of the mud. Go take a shower."

"You need a bath more," Sairen mocked me: "You are not much different from a mud monkey now."

"Said I am a mud monkey..."

The voice stopped abruptly, because I saw that at this moment, not only was my body dirty, but my clothes were also in tatters.

After washing.

"Ah! Refreshing and refreshing!" I stretched my sluggish waist, and felt that Hundred Shou was relieved. I couldn't help groaning, "Comfortable!"

"Puff!" On the side, Seren couldn't bear it and laughed out loud: "What kind of costume are you? It looks strange enough."

"Weird?" I glanced up and down at my clothes, and I said disapprovingly: "I look pretty good, it tastes like a master, besides, this is an out-and-out local fashion in the devil world. Is it strange?"

Seren didn't agree with him, but hehehe.

To be honest, I think the local fashion of the Devil is quite handsome.

There is a blouse jacket, shorts and leggings, and a coat that crosses the knees. It still looks cool.

Moreover, the appearance of the coats of the local fashion in the Devildom is not as smooth as the clothing of the Hefeng Mainland, but has a lot of small hair balls, which makes people feel very vicissitudes at first glance.

It's a bit like the configuration of a knight walking in the desert Gobi. If the temperament can be maintained high and cold, it will definitely give people a mature, melancholic, cold and handsome feeling.

"Yeah" holding my chin, I nodded in satisfaction, and muttered: "Wearing this set to go out, I will definitely be called a girl killer."

"Come on," Seren tweeted: "With your sloppy clothes, it's a blessing not to be regarded as a tramp. You can still expect to be a girl killer, and you are not afraid to laugh generously."

I was a little unhappy when I was spit on the aesthetics. "The good atmosphere is completely destroyed by you."

"I'm just telling the truth" Salon disagreed: "Otherwise, you really regard this suit as an aesthetic standard. When you return to the Hefeng Mainland, you won't be hammered to death by your fiancées?"

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