I opened my eyes again and reached the destination.

The locomotive was slowly driving on the white and spacious masonry avenue.

Through the window of the car, I clearly saw the buildings on both sides of the street. They were tall and magnificent, neat and cold, without the casual low-key of a country town, warm and soft, it gave people only one feeling-like a very good reason An icy prison built of masonry.

"This is not the last town we met" I said softly.

"Yes" Heloise's voice came from the front row: "This is the core town of the Northern Continent. It is the headquarters of the Oathguard Organization."

"The headquarters of the Oathguard Organization?" Opened the car window, poked out his head, first glanced at pedestrians, then at the tall buildings, and finally looked at the side of the street aimlessly: "The construction is really luxurious of."

"After all, it is one of the most core towns in the Northern Continent. It is also the headquarters of the Oath-Guardian organization. Naturally, it takes great effort to build it."

Heloise smiled.

I looked back and forth several times, but I didn't see a beggar and tramp, so I asked curiously: "Has this town reached the level of equal wealth?"

"Huh?" Heloise didn't understand what I meant, and asked curiously: "What did you say?"

"I said, the economic level of this town has reached the level of wealth? It seems that there is no shadow of a beggar or a tramp on the street."

"Definitely not." Heloise sneered and said, "This is all due to my father's policies."

"Oh?" I said curiously: "Who is your father? How could he clean up the town so well?"

"Superior? Humph!" Heloise said with disdain: "He also only issued a small policy, which fundamentally solved this problem."

"What policy?" I was even more curious and asked.

"He drove all beggars and homeless people out of town, leaving them to fend for themselves."

"Unexpectedly...this is the case..."

I have a long experience.

This is really a fundamental solution to the problem-he directly eliminated the people who caused the problem.

But with that, I always feel that something is wrong.

Isn't it the greed of the noble groups and the exploitation of ordinary people at the bottom that really caused the gap between the rich and the poor?

Why classify the problem to beggars and tramps?

Of course, except for those idle guys. They don't produce and always desire free lunch. Naturally, it is impossible to get rich, but those who really work hard for their lives and for the future should not get this fate.

And I don’t believe that all homeless people and beggars are idlers, and there must be guys who work but can’t afford to eat. They have to be beggars or homeless people to make ends meet.

I believe that in addition to the beggars and homeless people who have been driven out of the town, there are still many ordinary residents who are constantly struggling under the high pressure of oppression and exploitation, but they are still barely able to make ends meet for the time being, and they have clothing and housing. Down to the point of wandering, or begging.

"In other words, the gap between the rich and the poor in this town is also huge, isn't it?"

"You're right." Herois made no secrets, and said: "Rather than being as simple as big, not long ago, this town just ended a suppression of civilian protesters..."

As soon as I said this, I was interrupted by the member of the Oath Guards organization in the driver's seat: "Your Highness, the entrance to the headquarters is in front."

"Well, I know" Heloise said lightly. Then, she turned to me and said: "The chat is temporarily stopped. Go and sit with me for a while."


I nodded in response.

The locomotive stopped in front of the headquarters of the Oathkeepers Organization, and Heroes and I got off the locomotive one after another.

When entering the gate, two guards stopped Heroes, stared at me, and said: "Your Highness, the leader has ordered, any unknown person needs to board the plane to check before entering."

"Go away!" Heroes said with a cold face.

"I also hope that your Highness will not be embarrassed."

The two gatekeepers did not give Heroes any face.

"Humph" Heloise snorted coldly, "I think it wasn't the order from my father. The person who can give such stupid orders must be my stupid brother!"

The two guards did not refute, but judging from their helpless expressions, it was the fact.

Seeing Heloise's face getting more gloomy, I took a step forward, reached out and patted Heloise's shoulder, and said, "Forget it, don't enter if you don't enter. It just so happens that the purpose of my trip is not here."

"Xiao Yi..." Heloise showed embarrassment and whispered in a low voice: "Wait a little longer, I can solve this problem a little longer."

"It's not that you don't want you to wait" I said with a smile: "The purpose of my trip is just for the battlefield... If I can chat with the old people and relive the past, it will be even better. As for where to go It’s not important to be a guest, do you understand?"

Heroes' complexion was cloudy and sunny, a few seconds later, she sighed and said, "All right."

After all, take the lead in leading the way and go with me to prepare temporary supplies.

Although there is a Heroes locomotive, it takes at least three or two days to reach the battlefield directly. You may camp in the wilderness on the way, so the necessary materials must be prepared in advance.

During the purchase of supplies, I discovered that someone was following us, but I did not pay attention to these people’s plans, because in my opinion, they are just a group of low-powered adventurers. Even if the roadbed is here, there are at least six Be sure to be able to single out their group.

After the purchase was over, we went to the restaurant again. While waiting for the food, I was curious to ask Heloise: "Is your brother and you not having a good relationship? By the way, I remember you still have a younger brother?"

"Yeah" Heloise nodded and said, "There is a younger brother, an older brother, and my brother has a very bad relationship with me, but his relationship with my younger brother is even worse."

"Oh?" I curiously asked: "Why is this?"

"It's not because the younger brother will inherit the position of the father in the future, and the older brother is not qualified."

"Huh?" I was even more confused: "Isn't it saying that standing up is not standing up?"

"That's just a one-sided statement," Herois said: "Since the last war, the strength of the Oath Guards organization has been in an awkward position. If there is another war, the Oath Guards organization is not allowed. It will fall outside the six major organizations. According to my father, the next leader needs to be inherited by someone who can restrain the desire to fight. My brother's desire to fight is quite strong, and his actions are somewhat extreme, which completely does not meet his father's expectations. "

"So the next leader will be inherited by your brother?" I thought about it, and then asked: "Then why can't it be you? If I'm not mistaken, you should belong to the kind of talent who doesn't like war, right? "

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