"Didn't I tell you before, I have no talent for fighting."

Heroes said with a three-point resentment in her tone.

"It doesn't seem to be the key, right" I said: "Doesn't your father just want to find a gentleman? You don't even have a talent for fighting. Isn't it the best choice?"

"I'm not happy to hear this." Heloise curled her lips and said, "Where is the Demon Realm, you should know very well, adventurers who have no talent for combat, how to make others convinced, I believe you also know very well. Before, when there was no Xilan, my confidant’s strength was average, and I couldn’t afford to be a leader at all. Until now, with the assistance of Xilan, I can finally gain a foothold in the Oath-Guard organization and want more Furthermore, only one Xilan is not enough."

Speaking of this, her hand seemed to be on the back of my hand unintentionally: "Or, you can also live in the devil world, you can tell me what you want, as long as I have it, you can give it to you ."

"Your proposal is very tempting" I said with a smile: "However, please allow me to refuse."

"Why?" she wondered.

"There is no why" I shook my head: "It's just that I don't like living in the devil world. The atmosphere here is a bit...well, dark? Well, yes, it's dark, and I can't do anything about it."

"You can do it" Heloise stared into my eyes earnestly, and said: "You can do it, you have the strength, coupled with the rights and status of the Oathguard Organization in the devil world, it is easy to make You ascend to the top position of the Demon World."

"Oh?" I asked with a smile: "So, did Xilan have boarded that position?"

Heloise was startled when she heard the words, and then shook her head with a wry smile: "His strength is still a bit worse."

"Look, Xi Lan, who taught me the sword technique, didn't even get to that position. How could I get to that position?"

"You have more money than Xi Lan."

Heloise put forward another point of her own.

"But, does it really make sense to put money in the Devil Realm?" I asked, "Even if I can use money to build a huge organization for me to drive, but the people in it are just looking at the face of the money. , Once the capital chain is broken, or when they encounter an enemy they cannot rival, this group of guys who use money to contact me will betray me at the first time. I ask you, such subordinates, except Besides creating greater momentum, is it really useful?"

Heroes was silent.

During her silence, I secretly said in my heart: "If I was in Fort Vitch in the Continent of the Wind, if I encountered an invincible enemy, as long as I shouted, there would be countless dwarf adventurers coming forward and succeeding. , If you face the enemy together with me, even if you know that you are invincible, you will never take a step back. Such a guy is called your own."

The food was delivered quickly, and the whole table was filled. The dishes were exquisite but small in quantity. At first glance, they were luxurious and high-profile, but they were not full.

Holding my chin, I curiously said, "Does this table cost a lot of money?"

"It's a lot of money" Heloise laughed: "But I can still afford it. Speaking of which, we are eating here, but leaving Seren in the car. Is this really good?"

"What's wrong?" I asked back, "Didn't you leave him several legs of lamb and beef?"

"If you stay, I'm afraid there will be some dissatisfaction with Salon."

"What can he be dissatisfied with?" I shook my head and said, "Anyway, even if there is dissatisfaction, it is not because of you."

"Who is it because of?" Heloise asked curiously. Suddenly, she remembered something, and her expression became tense: "Could it be that..."

"It seems that you have guessed it." I smiled and nodded, and said, "Yes, even if you anger Seren, it will only be your brother's personal actions, and it will only be you to meet Seren's revenge. Brother alone."

"However, my brother's original intention was not..."

I waved my hand and interrupted Herois's next words: "If he really offends Salen, even if your brother didn't mean it, he must endure the revenge of Salen."

Heroes looked complicated, frowned, and said, "If...I mean, what if you don't accept revenge?"

"If you don't accept Seren's revenge, then you have to accept the other two types of revenge."

Heroes' complexion became more solemn: "Other... which two?"

"The first type is my revenge. After all, Salen is my friend. I can't watch him be insulted, right?"

Heloise's expression is a bit difficult to look.

Ignoring the change in her expression, I continued: "The second kind is revenge from the dragon clan. After all, Seren is the patriarch of the pterosaur clan, a powerful general under the Tyrannosaurus King Bakar, or the friendship between me and Bakar. One of the bridges, you said, such an important existence has been insulted by the devil, can Bakar still sit and live? Not to mention, Salon’s respect for Bakar is so exaggerated. Is there any reason not to find a place for yourself as a capable man and fan?"

The more I listened to, the more solemn Heloise's expression became.

She even put down her chopsticks, faced the table full of delicious food, and lost her appetite.

I picked up a piece of vegetables, and I smiled and said, "But, you don’t have to worry too much. As the saying goes, you are wronged and you are in debt. Even if Bakar comes to settle the matter, he will not trouble other people in your family. It will trouble the victim, that is, your brother."

"Will Bakar kill my brother?" Heloise said worriedly.

"I don't know this anymore" shook my head, and said, "But I think there is still a standard to measure whether to kill or not. For example, if the dignity of the dragon is touched, your brother will probably die, but if It’s just a rude speech, or a group attack, and if you beat a round, Bakar will slap your brother at best."

"Slap..." Heroes looked ugly, and said, "Is it possible to survive being slapped by Tyrannosaurus King Bakar?"

"Yes..." I was not sure, so I had to say perfunctorily: "Anyway, the former is sure to die, and the latter is 50% of life and death. You want to choose which one to choose?"

Heroes did not speak for a while, and finally murmured with a gloomy expression: "Choose the latter."

"That's it." I smiled and took a mouthful of food, and said: "Now, we can only pray that your brother won't be too outrageous."

Nodded helplessly, Heloise raised her chopsticks again and began to eat.

It's just that Heroes eats very slowly, like a lady lady.

"Please, you are also an adventurer, how can you eat so slowly?" I laughed and teased her.

Heroes' complexion changed slightly, as if she didn't want to answer me, but she groaned for a while, still bitterly, and said: "The dragons are about to attack my base camp. Do you think I'm still in the mood?"

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