
Am I also included among the strong?

It sounds a little bit happy.

But having said that, being unable to end the battle means that there is no way to fully understand the monster's fighting style, fighting style, physical strength, and combat skills...In this way, the purpose of my trip would not be a failure. ?

Thinking of this, I felt a little worried, so I felt anxiously at the crevice of the city wall and looked down.

As I stretched my neck and even the smaller half of my body was sticking out of the crevice, I suddenly felt that something was acting on the back of my neck and pulled me back.

Turning his head with a puzzled look, he saw Prey's bird face with no expression.

Me: (O_o)??

"I'm worried you will fall," Prey explained.

"Don't worry." I patted my chest, and I smiled and said, "The height of this city wall is only more than 20 meters. Even if I close my eyes and plant my head down, I am still unharmed."

"I'm not worried about your injury," Pray rolled his eyes and said.

Uh... it seems to be worried that I would use my falling as an excuse to enter the battlefield and open Wushuang?

In fact, I really didn't think about it like this... Maybe after I fell, I might think about it for a while, but that would only happen after I fell.

Freed from Prey’s bird claws, I continued to lie down on the crenel and look down, but this time, I no longer poke my body out, because as long as my body protrudes half a meter out, the bird’s claws will come by. Slip me back again.

I can struggle to leap off the city wall and forcefully join the battlefield, but Prey’s relationship with me is pretty good. It’s not an exaggeration to say that I am a friend. After I came to the Demon Realm, I solved a trouble for me. Can't he help me here, let me cheat him over there.

Although temporarily dispelling the intention of jumping off the top of the city and forcibly entering the battlefield, I was still lying on the wall, looking down anxiously.

Looking around, I saw a familiar figure, drilling around among the group of adventurers.

My eyes widened suddenly, ha, that's not...

"When did the Dragons come to the Demon World?" Michelle's golden eyes had no waves, but there was a hint of doubt in his tone.

"It was brought by our fellow villagers, right?" Ozma smiled while holding on to the wall, "It's not easy for you to bring the dragons back to the demon world. I want to come. You have a good relationship with Bakar?"

I scratched my head and did not answer.

Perhaps most of the big guys in the Demon Realm know or guess that Bakar must have not died, but he did not say that Bakar was specifically mentioned, mainly because the impact that Bakar once brought to the Demon Realm was too great, especially For Held, Bakar was the one that gave her the most headache among all the apostles.

Power, arrogance, ambition, courage, wisdom, these qualities are infinitely amplified in the dragon body, no matter where he goes, Bakar will be a domineering and charismatic leader.

But the problem is that Herder does not need a leader. What she needs is a tool person with strong strength, arrogance, courage, and wisdom, as long as she has it, she does not need to think about anything. Clear, to the point where you understand as soon as you think about it.

Of course, if you only have boundless wisdom and great strength, it doesn't really matter.

Longfoot Rotes has the wisdom of the devil world, but his ambition is very small. He just wants to live in his own one-third of acre. Not only does it not interfere with Herder's plan, but it is easy to do He was sneak attacked by Herder and transferred to the Skyshroud Giant Beast.

But this set is useless for Bakar. Helder has devised countless conspiracies and tricks, but none of them work. In the end he had to force the Tyrannosaurus King Bakar to launch the Dragon War, and use this war as a breakthrough to drive Bakar out of the devil world. .

Think about it carefully, the appearance of Bakar is probably the biggest failure in Herder's life of conspiracy and trickery.

If time can recur, I believe Held will definitely not recruit Bakar as an apostle, but will do everything possible to keep him away from the devil world, how far away he can be, and it is best to stay on one side of the sky and keep each other safe.

Come to think of it, the existence of Bakar and the damage to Helder in that dragon war is huge, otherwise, when Ozma just mentioned the three words ‘Bakar’, Helder’s eyelids jumped.

Seeing that I didn't answer, Ozma continued to squeeze his chin, staring at the battlefield, and smiled: "I'm really curious, how did you get the friendship of Bakar?"

As soon as he said this, even Pley turned his head and stared at me with those bird faces, a curious gleam in his eyes.

Not only him, Michelle also looked like a curious baby.

Herder also turned his head naturally, looking as if he was very interested in Ozma’s problems, but from her slightly cold eyes, I could feel that she had gained Bakar friendship with me. This matter is very sensitive, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is even a little offensive.

However, at the moment, it is only Bakar that she dislikes, but if I can't make a reasonable answer, this dislike will most likely fall on me.

After thinking for a moment, I decided to take a paragraph from the truth of the matter as an answer to the question.

After organizing the language a bit, I told a story that seemed very thrilling.

It was a sunny day. I was unfortunately lost in an isolated island because I was fighting with the rebels. In the process of finding my way home, I encountered a wild portal.

At exactly this time, another group of powerful enemies was about to find me. In desperation, I had to get into the portal.

Opening his eyes again, he has entered an empty building.

This building looks very magnificent at first glance. Visually, there should be no similar buildings in Hefeng Continent. Then look at the pitch black outside the empty window. I guess that this building is either independent of the universe or buried deep. Underground.

When I walked to the empty window and reached out to touch it, trying to feel whether it was mud, rock or void outside, I suddenly discovered that my fingertips touched a hard and smooth surface, like a mirror.

Then he leaned on the empty window and looked out, and saw faintly, there were gleams of light flashing outside.

There is no light in the universe, and no light will penetrate into the ground. In other words, this building is neither in the universe nor under the ground, but...the deep sea!

After the astonishment, I decided to walk around to see if I could find the exit...that is, the place I entered here, only to find that the exit was nowhere to be seen. Out of the portal.

The one-way portal, the destination is still a magnificent, tall, magnificent building.

All kinds of information told me that the portal was not a wild portal, but a man-made portal.

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