While I vividly described the magnificent glory of the Sky City, Herder's slender and white-looking slender hands slapped and smashed a corner of the crevice, staring at me with cold eyes, and said solemnly: "Talk about the point."

"Good," I quickly closed my voice, organized the language, and changed the focus.

"That building, called the City of the Sky, was designed and built by Bakar himself. It is a castle that penetrates the heavens and the continent of Arad. Originally, the castle should be connected to the continent of Arad and the heavens. At the end of the war, it was destroyed by the powerful force erupting from Bakar, and then the heavens fell to the Arad continent, and the Sky City also fell and sank in the deep sea."

"Because of the shelter of Bakar's power, the wreckage of the Sky City has not been eroded by the sea. The various creatures that were set up as guards have escaped."

"In order to find my way, I kept heading towards the top of the castle. During this period, I encountered various man-made creatures and obstacles from the dragon guards. After a **** battle, I not only gained the friendship between the dragon people and the pterosaurs, He even established a deep friendship with Bakar’s most powerful man-made warrior. Thanks to him, he has drawn the line of friendship between Bakar and me."

After hearing what I said, Ozma snorted: "As far as your level of storytelling is concerned, at best you can lie to babies and toddlers."

"I didn't make up a story." Still staring at the battlefield, I said lightly: "All of this is true."

"Bakar is the original apostle and the lord of the dragon clan. Will he establish friendship with you because of a puppet?"

Ozma's sneer is really ugly.

"I believe what he said" Casillas said abruptly, pulling back the slightly embarrassing atmosphere instantly, and at the same time, Ozma looked stunned.

After a long while, Ozma stared at Casillas in disbelief, and said: "Are you not awake? You still believe this kind of story that is so fake when you hear it?"

"Casillas was right," Prey also said afterwards: "Although An Xiaoyi's narrative is slightly casual, it is not just a matter of words to get his friendship through Bakar's most powerful warrior."

On the side, Herder's cold eyes finally eased slightly. She stopped staring at me, but turned her head to the side and looked towards the battlefield.

"Oh?" Ozma's mocking smile did not change: "You seem to be familiar with Bakar?"

"Humph" Prey snorted coldly and said, "It's enough to be familiar with you."

As for Casillas, he chose to ignore Ozma.

"Don't judge other people by your shallow knowledge, Ozma" Michelle said in a cold tone, "They are all predecessors of the same era as Tyrannosaurus King Bakar, and we are the latecomers. When summoned to the Demon Realm, Bakar had been missing for many years, and the Heaven Realm had already begun a civil war."

Ozma's sneered expression was suppressed, and his face became dark, and he stopped speaking.

On the battlefield, adventurers and alien invaders are in full swing, and the battle damage rate has been negligibly low. This means that both adventurers and alien invaders are already familiar with each other’s fighting styles and adapt to The frequency of each other's fighting.

But this situation will not last long. Once the adventurer’s physical strength is exhausted, the battle damage rate will double again. In contrast, the alien invaders who have been besieging their opponents do not need to consider this issue at all. Because of their large numbers, even if they are killed three or five, they can still fill up the encirclement, which means that a protracted war will be greatly detrimental to the survival of adventurers.

But for now, the battle is still leaning towards the adventurer.

However, when more and more alien invaders were wounded and forced to leave the battlefield, the same number of alien invaders came in.

The newly replaced alien invaders have plenty of physical strength and strong physical fitness to continue to contend with adventurers.

"This is simply an unequal war" I said lightly: "If you really want to win, you have to have backup adventurers. By the way, do you have backup adventurers to choose?"

"No," Michelle said: "Our adventurers have all been overwhelmed. If we are defeated in this way, we can only play in person."

"Is there any difference between playing back then and playing now?" I asked rhetorically.

"Of course there is a difference," Michelle said: "If we play now, the other side will send more powerful monsters. At that time, even if we win, there will be no adventurers who can come back alive."

"But if we don't go to the battlefield again, maybe the adventurer of the demon world will be destroyed, and once the adventurer is destroyed, the fire that will support the demon world in the future will be extinguished!"

I looked serious and said loudly.

"This can only be a bet," Michelle said: "Betting that they will retreat early."

"Retire early?" Frowning, I said solemnly: "How is this possible? You know, the opponent has a huge battlefield advantage!"

"That's why I said gambling," Michelle said: "In the last few wars, they all chose to retreat at the most critical time, leaving us a chance to breathe."

"Wait" I frowned and asked, "You said that in the last few wars, the opponent retreated at the most critical time?"

"Yes" Michelle said.

"Why is this?" I immediately fell into a state of thinking, and murmured: "Why did you choose to retreat at the most critical moment when you clearly have the advantage?"

"Could it be that...they regarded war as a game from the beginning?"

"Will war be a game?" Michelle solemnly said: "That's the meat grinder of death, the burial ground of life!"

"You think this way, because you grew up in the Hefeng Continent and have a certain awe of life. Look at the strong people in the Demon Realm. They basically can't respect life. Why? Because of the life in the Demon Realm. The environment is far more cruel than the Hefeng Continent, and if you want to become a powerhouse in the Demon Realm, the road you need to walk is more bumpy than the Hefeng Continent."

Michelle was silent after hearing the words.

Even though he is now an apostle in the devil world, he was an adventurer in the Hefeng Continent, the founder of the Church of the Priesthood, and a famous priest in the Hefeng Continent. Because of his profession, he has a lot of life. A degree of awe, so I can understand the meaning of my words.

"However, treat war as a game, is it really good to do this?" Ozma suddenly said, "Unless there is inexhaustible cannon fodder on the other side."

As soon as this remark came out, I was shocked.

Inexhaustible cannon fodder?

Is it possible that the cat-shaped monsters and human-shaped monsters on the opposite side are inexhaustible to kill?

If this is the case, the opponent might really treat this war as a game!

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