Without Bakar’s popular science, I would have been deceived by Herder’s cold and disdainful performance.

Glancing at Herder speechlessly, I cleared my throat and said: "You two chat, I'll go out for a stroll."

After all, regardless of the reactions of Herder and Bakar, they walked out of the room.

Outside the room, two guards were standing on either side of the door, and when they saw me coming out, they all saluted me.

I also stood still and gave them a gift.

Then, chat with them.

It's just that the performance of the two guards is very unnatural, both in terms of their expressions and the way of answering, they appear very stiff.

Probably because in their minds, I, who is on the same level as the apostles, are too far away from them.

I said silently in my heart of boringness, and then asked them about their guard time. After confirming that their guard time was late in the night, I told them to wait for the pterodactyl to come out and tell him for me, and let him return directly. The hotel is fine, no need to find me.

The guard solemnly agreed.

Leaving the mansion, strolling on the street, looking at the pedestrians coming and going on both sides of the street, I can't help feeling a lot.

Excluding the chaos, the Demon World is actually a good planet, with spacious streets, diverse ecology, diverse species, and countless unexplained grievances. There are more twists and turns but there are wonderful historical legends.

"Well~ If you can create a power in the Demon Realm, it's not impossible to consider emigrating here."

"Where is the Hefeng Continent in the Demon World?" Odachi's voice sounded in my mind: "Our Hefeng Continent has more species and more abundant resources. Not only is there green water and blue sky, but also loved relatives and friends. You are really willing to leave Hefeng Continent. ?"

I didn't believe its nonsense, so I murmured in my heart: "Do you really persuade me because of the customs of the Hefeng Mainland and my beloved relatives and friends?"

"Replace it like a fake!" Odachi vowed.

"But how do I feel that you are actually reluctant to wear the excellent knife guard tools in Hefeng Mainland?"

"Cough, huh!" A few loud coughs sounded in my mind, and Daidachi said quite vainly: "Nonsense, how could I betray my shiny knife just for the sake of a mere knife guard? Pure conscience!"

"...At most, it has something to do with the knife guard tool."

The second half of Odachi's voice was as tiny as a gnat, and if it hadn't sounded in my mind, I would definitely not hear it.

After that, I wrestled with Odachi in my mind for a while, and suddenly, I heard someone calling my name.

Turning my head, I saw that not far away, a familiar figure came towards me. It wasn't Heroes, who was it?

"Yeah, it's big night, take a stroll~" I greeted her with a smile, then passed her, glanced at her behind, and after making sure that there was no other person with him, curled my lips and said, "Where is Xilan? "

Heloise's smile faded a lot in an instant, after a second of indulgence, she said lightly: "I'm drinking."

"Are you injured, Xi Lan?"

"No" Herois smiled lightly: "The monsters are not his opponents."

"It's okay," I said, "I really don't want to see someone I know get hurt."

"With his strength second only to the apostles, he will not be stumped by those monsters."

Listening to her indifferent tone, I decided not to continue talking about Xilan with her.

"Did you go to the battlefield today?" I asked casually.

"Go," Heloise replied, "but after the war."

"After the war, that's right. After all, you are not a combat adventurer. Without a complete protection team, you can easily be targeted if you rush to the battlefield."

"Being targeted is secondary." Heloise shook her head and said: "I am not afraid of sacrifice. What really worries me is that my relationship alone drags down the whole army."

Seeing her solemn expression, I couldn't bear to complain about her, but nodded silently.

By the way, on the battlefield, all adventurers are surviving with great risks. If you are not a monarch, and not a key figure in the victory of the war, even if you are in a dangerous situation, how can those adventurers die? To save you?

Maybe Xilan will save you, but how can only one Xilan turn the tide of the battle?

After a long silence, I finally chose a good topic, which is: "Have you eaten?"

Heloise shook her head: "Not yet."

"Going to eat?" I asked again.

"Okay" Heloise readily agreed.

When I arrived at the restaurant, I ordered some food and two bottles of wine.

While waiting for the food, I was idle and fine, and asked her: "Where is the driver who came with you?"

"In the organizational branch."

"He didn't participate in the war?"

"No, not enough strength," said Herois.

"I thought he was a part-time driver, but I didn't expect him to be a full-time driver."

"Not at all" Herois said: "When I encounter a strong enemy with him, he will temporarily serve as a main battle member."

While chatting, the wine was delivered first.

After filling two cups, we continued to open the chatterbox. The main content of the conversation was related to war and loss.

After these wars, the Oath-Guard organization lost thousands of adventurers.

However, the loss of the Oath-Guardian organization is not too large, and the number of adventurers lost by other organizations is about the same, but the number of adventurers who lost the most by the Shaxiu faction alone.

It’s not that the number of adventurers sent by the Haxiu faction is more, but the strength of the adventurers of the Haxiu faction is uneven, the strong are very strong, and the weak are weak. The highest in the organization, but the total number of monsters killed is the lowest.

I was curious again, and asked Heroes, how many elites had been sent by the Oathguard organization?

Heloise told me that the Sworn Guardian organization has sent thousands of elites in total, which is not much different from the total number of elites sent by the other five organizations.

I was curious again: "Since the number of elites dispatched by the six major organizations is not much different, why should we say that the adventurers dispatched by Yan Xiu are stronger and stronger, and weaker and weaker?"

"The reason is very simple. The elites sent by our five major organizations are all elites with little difference in strength, and the elites sent by Yan Xiu have a large gap between the top and the bottom. That's why the situation I said happened."

I understood it, nodded, and drank a drink.

At this moment, the food was served one after another, and a table was filled.

Herois and I started to feast on the food.

When I was about to eat, I took out the money, settled the bill, got up, and walked side by side with Heroes into the night.

The towns at night are still prosperous, second only to the former Ai Rui City, especially the custom shops and taverns, it is amazingly lively.

However, it is also understandable that after the fierce battle, adventurers who have died a lifetime have to find a way to vent, otherwise the pressure brought back on the battlefield can accumulate and drive people crazy.

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