While strolling through the night streets, Heloise asked abruptly: "Xiaoyi, are your men interested in that kind of thing?"

"Huh?" I looked dazed: "What did you say?"

She snorted.

Looking in the direction she indicated, there were three custom shops and two gambling houses.

"...How to put it, as long as it is a man, there is a need, some are keen on the business of the shop on the left, some are keen on the business of the shop on the right."

"how about you?"

Meeting Heroes' gaze, after a moment of contemplation, I said: "I prefer good food and lazily lying on the sofa to rest."


Heroes couldn't help but laugh.


"I thought you would choose one of the shops, or refused to answer. I didn't expect you to be so honest."

"In other words, I am actually quite honest."

Heroes leaned forward and closed with a smile, and almost fell to the ground.

After laughing, she straightened up, exhaled, and said: "It's really fun to be with you, it's much more fun than Xilan."

"This is natural, the beautiful skins are the same, and the interesting souls are one in a million" I raised my head proudly.

"Look at you stinky." Heloise nodded my forehead with her finger.

I subconsciously chose to avoid it, but did not avoid it.

After being spotted, I looked around quickly and made sure that there was no breath of Xilan around me. I finally breathed a sigh of relief, patted my chest and said, "Don't do such an intimate behavior anymore. You will be misunderstood."

"Misunderstood?" Heloise heard the words, disdainfully said: "Who was misunderstood? Is your red pterodactyl?"

"No, it's not on my side, but on your side" I reminded: "Although Xilan doesn't usually show affection, he is also a man after all. As long as he is a man, he has a strong possessive desire for women he recognizes. It’s just that some people will express this possessiveness to the fullest, and some men will express it subtly through other means."

"Then, which kind of do you think Xilan belongs to?" Heloise smiled very charmingly, completely inconsistent with her capable temperament.

"I don't know, I'm not him" shook my head and said, "However, even if I know it, I won't lose anything. Even if he is violent, it doesn't matter. At most I can fight him. Maybe he I won’t lose, but wanting to win against me is wishful thinking, but you’re miserable.”

"What am I miserable?" Heloise asked puzzledly after hearing the words.

"You need Xilan's support in order to gain a firm foothold in the Oath-Guard organization. Once you have an antagonism with Xilan, 80% of your dreams will be shattered."

Hearing this, Heloise lowered her arms and then her head. Then she raised her head with a wry smile and said, "In fact, I have already made such preparations."

"Since I was determined that I could not be an adventurer on my own, I have planned to be mediocre for my whole life, but because of my extraordinary background, I know that I still have a chance, so I plan to fight for it and prepare everything. ——As long as I can wish me success, even if I do everything, I am willing!"

Her tone was firm...and tragic.

"So after seeing Xilan and confirming that he was the person I was looking for, I made up my mind. Even if he dislikes me again, I will not let go of this opportunity. I will beg him and stick to him. , Will let him choose to help me again after he has taken me completely."

"However, I am also a human being, and I am also a person of flesh and blood. I also need feelings, dignity, and self. I can't force myself to be a puppet in order to fulfill my dreams. Therefore, I will cry and laugh. Can scream, dance, dare to love, dare to hate."

While she was talking, she stared at me and slowly said: "At first, when I first saw you, I had a very ordinary sense of you. I only thought that you were a good adventurer. However, after constant contact, I was right Your senses have gradually changed. Now, I can tell you with certainty that I have a good impression of you. Although it is not strong, this good impression cannot be concealed."

Seeing her serious expression, I was silent for a long time, and smiled: "Thank you for your kindness to me. To be honest, at first, I also had a good impression of you."

"now what?"

She asked.

"The feelings are not so strong anymore" I said: "Or, the relationship between me and you is closer to friends."

"Friends?" Heloise smiled, her smile a little reluctant, not too sad.

For a long time, she took a deep breath and said, "Well, friends are friends. They are better than strangers. Maybe in the future, our relationship can go further."

Looking at her expectant gaze, I smiled and nodded: "I hope."

Perhaps it was because the conversation topic made Heroes feel sad. She picked several restaurants and pubs, eating snacks and drinking wine.

By midnight, she was already drunk and unconscious.

After inquiring about it, he finally found the branch organization of the Oathguard Organization, knocked on the door, and sent Heroes in.

The night watchman naturally knew Heroes, and seeing her drunk, his face couldn't help showing a surprised and doubtful expression.

Probably the image of Heroes has always been capable and self-disciplined. How can you not be surprised to see Lingding drunk suddenly?

After setting up Heroes, I continued to wander the streets.

It's not that I don't want to rest in a hotel, but I want to see the scenery of this interesting Demon Town.

It's not that I won't be able to see this kind of scenery in the future, but at this moment, I still have a good taste of the late night scenery. With this mood, I just look at the scenery more and feel more about my life.

Wouldn’t it be beautiful to go back to the hotel for a good night’s sleep when I lose my interest in watching the beautiful scenery?

About late at night, the brightly lit custom shops gradually turned off the lights, the gambling shops gradually disappeared, and the restaurants closed. Only a few were left crying on the street. Howling adventurers, and many shop waiters who are tired and sleepy, walking in the direction of home.

To be honest, many times, I think these waiters working in shops are far more difficult than adventurers fighting on the battlefield.

Although fighting on the battlefield is a work of individual strength, it only takes a few fixed hours to get a large commission. Although many times, struggling on the line of life and death, as long as you are skilled, you can live forever.

But waiters are different. Their lives seem to be safe, but in fact they often have to guard against harassment and beatings by rogue adventurers. In addition, their salary is not much, and they have to work late at night, which is not too hard.

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