In the wee hours of the morning, I dragged my tired body back to the hotel.

Entering the room, took a shower, changed clothes, and was about to go to bed, just listened to the sound of Seren's voice on the sofa.

"It's really late today" Sairen joked with a lazy tone: "Being with you for so long, except for being in a monster den, or being in a different place, and unable to go home for a while. , You rarely see you go home at this time."

With a sigh of relief, I said, "I just think the night view of the Demon World is quite interesting. I want to go around and see more."

"Really?" Seren teased, and said: "I can smell the smell of wine on you and the perfume that the girl named Heloise often uses. Are you sure, just look at the night scene? "

"Although the Demon World does not have the strict legal restrictions of the Hefeng Continent, I am still very restrictive in my words and deeds. I know what I can do and what I cannot do. Besides, Heroy Si and my half-master, Xilan, have a nominal relationship between a boy and girl friend, and I can't do anything to harm my friend."

"Sneez" Sairen sniffed at what I said: "The strong are worthy of having friends, like Xilan's idiot who talks ridiculously except for drinking, do you really treat him as a friend?"

"At the very least, he taught me the Xilan Sword Technique, and he is kind to me, and if there is kindness, he must be repaid, and if there is grudge, he must be repaid. This is my creed."

"Haha" Seren still disagreed, and chuckles mockingly, and said: "Your creed is equally useful in our dragon clan, but your behavior will make the dragon laugh."

"What the Dragon Race is paying attention to is that the strong are full of pours and the weak have nothing. Let me tell you this. If your majesty is not concerned about bloodliness, the harem would have been full, and maybe there will be no time to take care of the government."

When I heard this, I was quite surprised, because Salon rarely complained about his Majesty, but from his sober eyes and clear words, I can conclude that this guy is not afraid of a guilty conscience. Probably, for the dragon race, Instinctive impulse is not something that needs to be concealed.

The Dragons also manage this privacy very loosely.

But this is also good. In fact, I also think that not everything should be treated as privacy. Treating certain instinctive things like a tiger is bad behavior.

Many things are not as easy as being open and open, and the effect is better.

Even though I thought of this, I still couldn't help but want to complain about Seren: "If you say that Tyrannosaurus King Bakar, you are not afraid that he will be annoyed with you when he hears it?"

"Your Majesty is not such a stingy dragon. Besides, it is not a shameful thing. Whether it is dragons, humans, or the two ancient races, they are all creatures with seven emotions and six desires. As long as they have seven emotions and six desires, they can't get rid of it. The entanglement of instinctive impulse can be regarded as a creature because of the instinctive impulse. If there is no instinctive impulse, it cannot be regarded as a living thing."

"What is that?" I asked curiously.

"I don't know" Seren shook his head: "Anyway, as far as I know, even a great will has a heart of love, otherwise the Demon Realm would have been slapped into the dust of the universe."

"Oh," exclaimed, I said: "Is the great will so powerful?"

"Then what do you think?" Sairen tutted: "But well, these are all from your Majesty. As for whether they are true or not, I don't know."

Sitting on the bed and chatting for a while, I suddenly realized that I was no longer sleepy, so I got up, sat on the sofa, and continued to chat with Salen.

"You said that alien life forms invaded the demon world, will the great will know?"

"Who knows this?" Seren gave me a blank look and said: "People are great will, the creator of the universe, such a great existence, such as me, a small dusty pterosaur, how about Will he know his will?"

"I said, can't you just chat?" I frowned, I said unhappy.

Seren remained silent, but stared at me with golden eyes.

With a sigh, I took out a few silver coins, threw them in, was grabbed by Salon, and smiled openly: "For the demon world being invaded by alien life forms, I think, the great will, the old man should know it. After all, that's a god, two different creatures from artificial gods like Beyana."

"In other words, in your opinion, it should be possible for the great will to know what is happening here?"

"Yes, that's what it means."

"Then why didn't he come to help?" I wondered: "Could it be that he gave up the Demon Realm because he was sad?"

"Personal guess" Salen paused and said, "Yes."

"This is like a child you raised up so hard, under your care, with money, power, and power, suddenly wanting to kill you, and then become the family and the master, you say Are you chilly?"

I thought about it, nodded, and said, "Chill."

"That's not enough," Seren said: "Listen to your Majesty, once, the great will called a preference for the demon world, even to the extreme, even the water of life, which is said to have magical effects, is most cherished in the universe. The thing was also placed in the demon world by him."

"Tsk tusk tusk" Seren said three times, and then said: "If it weren't for such a preference, how could it be possible for these little boys in the Demon Realm to breed ambition and make a big rebellious move?"

"But even so, when the great will encountered the first betrayal, it was only a small punishment, and did not really take them until they created Bayana and instructed Bayana to attack the great will. , Finally destroyed the benevolent heart of the great will for them, and made it use thunder means to directly destroy the little half demon world."

"Thunder method only destroyed the small half demon world" I murmured: "It seems that the great will still can't bear to impose a heavy hand on the demon world. If it is me, I will directly squeeze this planet."

"Ha" Seren chuckled and said, "Do you think it was just destroying the small half of the surface of the Demon World? Wrong, the great will directly smashed the small half of the Demon World's planet into pieces."


I took a breath.

In this way, the great will is really angry.

In this way, the size of the planet of the former Demon Realm is about to catch up to one third of the size of the planet of the Hefeng continent!

"The depth of love, the utmost responsibility" I sighed: "If it were not for the demon world's rebelliousness in the past, I would like to be invaded by alien life forms now, the great will will not fall on deaf ears."

"Speaking" I looked at Seren and asked: "If you swap the position of the Demon Realm with your Dragon Clan, will your Dragon Clan breed the mind to replace the great will?"

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