Seren, shaking his head, could not give any impetus to the investigation process concerning the water of life.

For the next two days, the atmosphere in the town seemed unusually calm.

On the last night of the war approaching, the custom shops and casinos in the town burst into activity.

Heloise told me that this is the last madness of adventurers.

This situation is not uncommon, and a similar madness erupts before almost every major war.

Hearing this, I couldn't help frowning: "The carnival is once every three days, even if they have the ability to consume, the body may not be able to stand it."

"Not all adventurers are like this," Herois said: "Those adventurers who choose to vent their inner depression in a crazy way are mostly unruly guys who do not listen to orders and do not respect the rules. It is this group of guys, whether it is breaking their own body or fighting to death due to lack of successor, it is not a bad thing for their immediate superiors."

"Even" Heloise smiled contemptuously: "After they died in the battle, maybe the boss in front of him would still laugh secretly."

I made no comments.

After all, I am also the leader of the organization. Although it seems that it is only for reputation, in fact, when something needs to be decided, my idea will be regarded as the first option.

Even if my idea is bad, it may even bring great risks to the guild, other people in the guild will still strictly enforce it.

Counting this way, I am actually not only the president of the Fearless Guild in name, but in fact, I am the one with absolute power.

Thinking of this, I couldn't help thinking about Heroes' words according to the thinking mode that a leader should have.

To prove the value of an organization, the most fundamental thing is to measure the value of the organization.

The manifestation of value is generally divided into several aspects, such as the manifestation of strength, such as the expertise of adventurers in the organization, and the unique skill of the organization.

For adventurers, it is mainly divided into three aspects, on the one hand, combat strength, on the other hand, the efficiency of completing tasks, and on the other hand, the ability to acquire intelligence.

To make these three conveniences perform well, there are many premises that need to be met, the most important of which is to obey discipline.

If the adventurers in the organization are all maverick and disobedient guys, no matter how strong the individual is, the organization will still be worthless.

Therefore, in order to make the organization valuable, the first thing to eliminate is the group of disobedient guys.

Most of the disobedient guys who can be taken in by the organization are old members of the organization, or adventurers who have been recruited because of their strength. When they find their inner part, they will want to kick them out. , But it's too late, it's not that we can't force them to be kicked out, it's really because the behavior of kicking out powerful adventurers out of a small matter easily affects the status and influence of the senior members of the organization in the eyes of ordinary members.

And this war can just be used to weed out these unruly guys.

As a result, the guys who disobeyed the order disappeared, the organization became united, and the credibility of the senior staff would not suffer the slightest loss, and they might even be regarded as heroes of the demon world because of their active preparations.

"Ha, the hearts of your high-level people are dark enough."

I joked with a smile.

"No," Heloise retorted: "It should be said that we know how to manage the team."

"Okay, you said yes," Tan Tan Shou, I will not refute.

"By the way, where is Xilan?" I asked curiously: "Will you go drinking again?"

"Yes." As soon as Xilan was mentioned, Heloise's expression became very gloomy: "He drank again. It is said to mourn the dead partners who fought side by side and the upcoming war. get together."

"Did they not mourn the adventurer partner who died in the last battle?" I asked curiously.

Based on what I know about Xilan, he shouldn't begin to mourn those dead partners after so long.

"Well, I have already mourned." Heloise sighed: "Did he not drink on the night when the war just ended? That banquet was used to mourn his lost partner."

"Then this time... mourning again?"

"Humph", Heloise snorted coldly and said, "To put it bluntly, it's just to find a reasonable excuse for drinking."

If Heroes really marries Xilan, the married life will definitely not be harmonious. After all, the two people are almost incompatible from their behaviors, habits, or ideas.

It is not that two people who have all behavioral habits and ideals and opinions are not suitable for being together. If only behavioral habits and ideals and opinions are contrary, but the personality is one strong and one weak, they can still be together.

However, both Heroes and Xi Lan are highly autonomous characters. In other words, they are both very creative and stubborn.

Glancing at Heloise's slightly gloomy face, I curled my lips and changed the subject.

"Tomorrow's war, I don't know how many adventurers will die in battle."

Heloise sighed faintly, reduced her somewhat gloomy expression, raised her head and looked towards the sky.

The night is beautiful.

The next day, near noon, the monsters once again assembled a few kilometers outside the town, and the adventurers also went out of the city one after another, lined up, and waited.

After that, the monster rushes into the battle and the adventurer meets the enemy, which is still a familiar scene.

Fight, bleed, whine, and die.

Groups of adventurers lay down on the ground like cut wheat.

Groups of adventurers rushed up like a torrent.

At first, the adventurer side suffered a loss, but soon it turned into a loss for the monster side. Finally, the number of casualties on both sides reached a balance in a strange way.

Then, the monster side retreats with gold, and the surge of monsters hula la retreat. On the battlefield, there are only corpses, blood infiltrating the soil, and sitting on the corpses or the blood-stained land, enjoying the robbery Adventurer for the rest of his life.

The tragic battlefield still gave me a strong visual and mental shock.

With a light sigh, I slowly turned around and returned to the city.

When night comes again, custom shops, casinos and various restaurants become lively again.

But the most lively ones are still custom shops and casinos.

As Heloise said, the vast majority of elites sent to fight have more or less audacious personalities, and they are young and adventurous.

However, most of the adventurers who are truly old and respectful, rich in combat experience, and powerful will be assigned the task of staying in the town, even if they have passionate blood and firm determination, they will not be allowed to fight.

After all, in the eyes of the senior management, they are the real mainstay, the real future of the organization.

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